AIM can eat a hearty helping of my rectum pudding. - Syncan
Swingin' on a Star
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 04/08/01         Score: 3.3         Votes: 237
Bing Crosby was known as an actor and a singer who drank a lot and beat up his kids. He was also a gay cybersex stud, as this bait indicates.
SillaYam: hi
SillaYam: are u really sexy?
NYCockExchange: WOW
SillaYam: IS IT good for ur behind.let me put it upon ur breast
NYCockExchange: Slow down, okay? I don't even know you.
NYCockExchange: What is your name?
SillaYam: hamid.from north africa u?
SillaYam: AM 33 years .77kg with 1m77
NYCockExchange: My name is Bing Crosby... I'm glad to meet you, you seem really swell!
NYCockExchange: 13-F-UT
SillaYam: are u really at the age of 13 ; ? HOW HALL U BEAR MY PENIS .U CAN ?
NYCockExchange: Halle Berry your penis?
NYCockExchange: Halle Berry is sexy... I want to fuck the shit out of her.
SillaYam: let me suck ur behind , my penis is swing betwen ur legs ,u feel so hot ,u are wonderfull
NYCockExchange: Swinging? You like swinging?
NYCockExchange: Would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar? And be better off than you are? ...Or would you rather be a ped?
SillaYam: let me cover ur bady ,sleep upon u ;ur behind is so sweet so hot ,
SillaYam: plz suck my penis i miss ur lips ;
SillaYam: turn again let me enter ur vagin
NYCockExchange: A ped is a guy who looks for 12-year-old girls, his pubes are smegma-smelling curls! He can't speak English and he has no brains, and doesn't know when he's in male trains!
NYCockExchange: But if you like giving old men head... you may grow up to be a ped!
NYCockExchange: Boy, our lovemaking sure is swell!
SillaYam: ;i think u are joking when told me that u are 13 yeras ; am sorry for i can't let my penis for a 13 girl
NYCockExchange: *smokes pipe* No, you're completely wrong! I am loving our sex!
SillaYam: truly what's ur age ?
NYCockExchange: Why, I'm 13, partner! *smokes pipe* That's 13 White Christmases under my belt!
SillaYam: ICAN make u the most happier girl
NYCockExchange: Why, of course I do! It's almost as fun as beating my offspring!
SillaYam: can u send me ur pic?
NYCockExchange: I can positively send you my pic!
NYCockExchange. SillaYam is now directly connected.
NYCockExchange:I'm on the left!
NYCockExchange: I like sucking on my fine tobacco pipe... it gives off a rich, robust aroma!
SillaYam: woww u are so beautifull . and who is at the right side ?
NYCockExchange: Why, that's Dinah Shore... we've had some lovely duets together!
NYCockExchange: I really like your attitude, there! It's quite nifty!
NYCockExchange: *blows smoke rings*
SillaYam: u can't imagine how much my penis is now when i see ur pic
SillaYam: i can't wear a jean trouser.
NYCockExchange: Sure you can!
NYCockExchange: You just have to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, latch on the the affirmative, and don't mess with Mr. In-Between!
SillaYam: plz let me ,suck each piece of ur bady u are so hot i feel that ;
SillaYam: can u visit me ? I NEED U
NYCockExchange: Why, I'm an Academy Award winner! I tour the globe to spread my fame! I'll surely come to your town, Hamid!
SillaYam: I WANNA make my penis dance upon ur bady
NYCockExchange: Dance? I can sing, act, and dance while stroking my pipe with incredible conceit!
SillaYam: CAN U BEAR THE whole 20.5 cm in ur vagin?
SillaYam: ALOT OF GIRL can't bear that with me they feel very ill ; they like just sucking it
NYCockExchange: Why, I can bear anything... If I can bear a night or two in the pokey because I was driving drunk, you know not much phases me!
SillaYam: my hot chic u are wonderfull; sit upon my long snake and try to up down as if u are skiing upon a cobra
NYCockExchange: Hell, if it *does* phase me, I can just beat it until I draw blood, like I have done to Gary!
NYCockExchange: Heehee... you're silly. Skiing means snow, and snakes don't live in the snow.
NYCockExchange: So, tell me, fella - do you like sucking cock?
SillaYam: no ; when talking about sex ; skiig means upon hot bady ( fire ) and the snake is my penis ; be care i u can't phase me
NYCockExchange: I can't ski on fire, either.
SillaYam: i like ur behind ,ur vaging ,ur lips , ur hair , the deep of ur vaginal organs i can touch all that
NYCockExchange: Touch my cock, too - that would be really, really swell!
SillaYam: but upon my penis u can , and u will be the happier one
SillaYam: ur cock is only 5 cm far , and u know my penis is to long i can touch ur estomac .so be care
NYCockExchange: Can I slam my cock against your penis? It'll help me develop my golf swing.
SillaYam: yes ,my penis is for u ,only u ,and if u like ur friend as well
NYCockExchange: It's okay that my cock is only 5 cm far from yours... my backswing will help me generate tremendous power!
SillaYam: slam it ,u feel so hot ; continue my love.
NYCockExchange: Alright! I'm slamming my cock into your penis like an Amtrak train hitting an infant!
SillaYam: all my bady is for u . u like the 4 leg position?
NYCockExchange: Is that like a dogleg? Par 4?
SillaYam: CONTINUE SLAM VERY SOFT ,SMOOTHLY;oh ; continue ....very fast ......... OHHHH.NICE continue ......ok ok .fin e
NYCockExchange: That's great! This is my first cockfight over the internet, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
SillaYam: it's a nice position but i doubt it's hard for ur behind
NYCockExchange: You're right, it's easy for my behind... all I have to do is shake it from side to side while I use *my own cock* to bruise yours!
SillaYam: oh i can play sex with u wherever u are because i fel i love u ; u are soooo sweet sooo hot and i like that
NYCockExchange: Really? If you want an autograph, just ask!
SillaYam: nice , but u may not can shake u know am 75kg
NYCockExchange: I'll sign it - "To my adoring fan Hamid, love Bing."
NYCockExchange: Oh, I'll shake, jive, and swing! ...It's what I do!
SillaYam: nice ; am happy to talk to u ; u see we have a lot of similar interests
NYCockExchange: Or would you like to swing on a star? And carry moonbeams home in a jar? And be better off than you are? Or would you rather be my bitch?
SillaYam: continue my love shake it bit softly i like u , continue, jjive it ;
NYCockExchange: A bitch is a person who I screw in the ass, he doesn't understand my manly mass! He takes it hard and he takes it well, he can't write a sentence or even spell!
SillaYam: i would like to be what u want me to be for u ; am ur existence ; ur futur , am ur long adorable best remember
NYCockExchange: But if you like to catch my every pitch... you may grow up to be my bitch!
NYCockExchange: Yes, if it wasn't for you (my fans), I wouldn't be where I am now - on top!
SillaYam: what can i do to grow up
SillaYam: now u are upon my penis it is the top do not forget
NYCockExchange: You can suck on my cock, as I smoke my pipe.
SillaYam: up down continue my love more fast than that ....
NYCockExchange: No, I am swinging on a star! Take it from Poppa Bing!
NYCockExchange: Would you like to swing on a star?
NYCockExchange: And have gay sex in the back of my car?
SillaYam: yes i can suck ur cock :for a long time but am afraid u can't keep calm
NYCockExchange: Oh, no, I can't keep calm! It feels so swell, sonny! *blows smoke rings*
SillaYam: oh i do not want other peaple ; the one u deserve is me , am the most long penis that was born for un
NYCockExchange: Born for UN? You work for the United Nations?
NYCockExchange: I never thought I'd see a dick that was employed by the United Nations.
NYCockExchange: ...Except for Boutros-Boutros Gahli... I think he was a bit of a prick.
SillaYam: oh u confess so u can't phases me , i can kep calm when u sucking my penis
SillaYam: no i mean u ( you )
NYCockExchange: I'm sure you can, but continue sucking my cock, okay?
NYCockExchange: Or wold you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar? And be better off than you are? Or would you rather be Hamid?
SillaYam: ok my love, take ur legs far enough .u feel my heah .my hair is long enouggh ; ...calm my love u can't get ride of me ,
NYCockExchange: Hamid is an idiot with his cock in his hand, he doesn't know he's chatting with a man! He gets on the net and picks up chicks, but his ass winds up being filled with dicks!
NYCockExchange: And if you drink way too much man-seed... you may grow up to be Hamid!
SillaYam: iw ould like to be ur dreams , sleeping every night and day upon u . i want to make u happy ;very happy ;;;;;hot :i m the only one who can suck ur cock hotly
NYCockExchange: Yes, yes, that's what all of my fans say. Would you like to be my caddy?
NYCockExchange: Think of it... you can carry my golf club (cock) all day in a lush, swell setting!
SillaYam: am ur shadow .where ver u go i will be with u .my bady is for u , succk ,jive swing as u like
NYCockExchange: Now THAT is a devoted caddy!
SillaYam: give me ur cock ...plz
NYCockExchange: *I give my my cock, sticking it deep into your ass*
SillaYam: ur cock ...;hot soo hot keep calm my love , ststststststststst deeply STSTSTSTST
NYCockExchange: You're the sexiest retard on the internet!!
NYCockExchange: r u orgasm?
SillaYam: OH MY LOVE ? i 've problems with my penis ;u know .u can see
NYCockExchange: I have problems with mine, too... It cannot stay erect because I am laughing.
SillaYam: u feel ur cock so hot ?
NYCockExchange: Yes, my cock is hot, but the semen on it is starting to get cold. Will you lick it off for me? Please?
SillaYam: OK MY LOVE ? ; but turn ;it will be better , ur legs far , ur hands upon table ; my tongue is in ur vagin ; keep calm ; let ur friend suck my penis ;
SillaYam: let me fire ur bady , put ur breast upon mine relax ur lips;kiss me deeply
NYCockExchange: Okay, my friend will suck your penis, while you suck mine. How do you like that?
SillaYam: i suck ur vagin and not ur penis
NYCockExchange: Oh... you won't suck my penis, then?
NYCockExchange: Will you suck my cock instead?
SillaYam: are u bisexual?
NYCockExchange: No! I have a cock.
SillaYam: U MEAN ???
NYCockExchange: I mean... I have a foot-long cock.
NYCockExchange: I am a female! Ski on my cobra!! It's really swell!
SillaYam: OH .I CAN4T IMAGINE a female with cobra
NYCockExchange: That's because "female with cobra" in English means "a guy who has been sticking his cock in your ass."
SillaYam: oh , u are os clever ; but do not know how to play sex
NYCockExchange: Of course I do... I'm a middle-aged man with three kids, how can I not know about sex?
NYCockExchange: You've been sucking on my cock (penis), it's been in your mouth, isn't that sex?
SillaYam: BYE
NYCockExchange: You're going to leave?
SillaYam: NO .BUT U WERE NOT honest
SillaYam: bye
NYCockExchange: Or would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar? And be better off than you are? Or would you rather be a North African man who enjoys sucking cock?
SillaYam: what u can do?
NYCockExchange: A North African man who enjoys sucking cock, he makes my penis like a rock... Sucks on hard cock all day long, and gets pissed when he finds out he's wrong!
NYCockExchange: But if you can't fucking speak English when you talk, you can suck on my fucking cock!
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