Choking Chicks and Sodomy.
Scared Straight
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 05/06/01         Score: 2.4         Votes: 71
As Kaen once said: "I don't know. I just don't know. Someone shoot me now and stop me from baiting anymore. I'm a danger to myself and others."
cruiser1980: baby
NYCockExchange: No, I'm not a mother, I've only been pregnant once. Thanks for showing concern about my potential motherhood, though.
cruiser1980: wtf?
NYCockExchange: Huh? I thought you were asking if I had a baby.
cruiser1980: damn girl...i was calling you baby
NYCockExchange: Oh. I see. *sigh* It's hard to figure out what people are saying over the internet sometimes, you know?
cruiser1980: i know
NYCockExchange: Like, there was this weirdo guy from India or something who thought I was a man and wanted gay sex with me.
cruiser1980: what did you say to him?
NYCockExchange: I told him my *real* gender several times, but that did little to deter his requests for gay sex.
cruiser1980: ok...what's your age?
NYCockExchange: All of my information is in my info. Click on it.
cruiser1980: 13.....? a 13 year old saying all these big words?
cruiser1980: speaking so grandiose
cruiser1980: what's up with that?
NYCockExchange: What the hell? You want me to "dumb down" for you? Would you like it better if you just stuffed me in a basement somewhere and brainwashed me, so I can conform to your image of a typical 13-year-old girl?
cruiser1980: oh no...awrite girl...thaz the way you are...pretty impressive, though
cruiser1980: i like that in a girl
NYCockExchange: Okay. Hey, look - you don't have to type like the 13-year old girl. Neither of us have to, we can just be ourselves, right?
cruiser1980: as you wish
NYCockExchange: I didn't even get an age out of you, yet. I'm guessing you're 20 or 21. Is that true?
cruiser1980: 18
NYCockExchange: Oh. What's with the 1980, then?
cruiser1980: this is my bro's IM
cruiser1980: although i like 2pac too
cruiser1980: we're roomies
NYCockExchange: What is it you like so much about Tupac?
cruiser1980: i wont bother saying it...if you're like many won't agree anyway...
cruiser1980: all i can say is, a lot of people don't know him and judge him wrong
cruiser1980: you got a pic?
NYCockExchange: Maybe like I'm not like any others. ...I can't say for sure, because my mom never lets me listen to rap music. She said she wants me to grow up to be intelligent, non-violent, and she doesn't want to have a wigger for a daughter.
cruiser1980: haha
cruiser1980: that's legitimate...i can understand
NYCockExchange: Oh, can you? How's that?
cruiser1980: because there's a lot of negative energy out there...even tupac's a downward spiral...but tupac was different...he had something that many fellow rappers did not
NYCockExchange: A doomed life?
cruiser1980: that was unfortunate...but he knew it was coming
NYCockExchange: Well, being black usually means that you're "marked for death", so to speak. Trying to be famous would only make a bigger target of you, right?
cruiser1980: listen abigail, when someone is into something head over heels, you can't think resort to revolting against it...maybe you've never been in such a sitution...i have...
cruiser1980: yes, but he didn't give a damn
NYCockExchange: Wow, you sound really extreme and hardcore... you're a man who has been through some tough times & has overcome, thanks to integrity and inner strength!
cruiser1980: and what's it about "marked for death"? why is that so...
cruiser1980: he's "marked for death" only because of the society saying, "he's marked for death"
cruiser1980: he's just like you and me...
cruiser1980: by the way, I am not Black
NYCockExchange: Well, Tupac was black, right? When I say "marked for death", I'm referring to the fact that whites kill blacks, and black kill blacks. I expect the federal governement to add "niggaz" to the EPA's Endangered Species list.
cruiser1980: you might be right there...and i dont know what to say there
NYCockExchange: That's why I totally respect your fondness of Tupac - his kind faces extinction, and it seems that you realize that, and you're doing something about it by standing up for the negro in today's society.
cruiser1980: you overestimate me...i just like him...i never did have any opportunity to "stand up" for their, i dont deserve any more credit than is due
cruiser1980: and yes, i like him more as a person than a rapper
NYCockExchange: Come on - let's not be too modest now! You stand against the destruction of negroes in society, you are for maintaining a balance of races, beliefs, and languages. You should be proud if that! Not too many people stand up for what they believe in, but you are a champion of justice and virtue!
cruiser1980: thanks, if you feel that way...
cruiser1980: and no, i am not being modest
NYCockExchange: I *do* feel that way! I feel like standing up to my mother, and telling her that she *can not* keep me from listening to rap music... It's my duty as a humanitarian to listen to the common negro's plea for help! I want to listen to their painful cries for more marijuana, hookers, and booze!! The message underlying the obvious lyrics is what society needs to heed.
cruiser1980: awrite girl...i dont need to listen to your sarcasm...obviously, you dont i might as weel leave
cruiser1980: g'bye
NYCockExchange: Huh?!
cruiser1980: "I want to listen to their painful cries for more marijuana, hookers, and booze!!"
cruiser1980: wtf is that?
NYCockExchange: Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor. I'm not trying to be humorous... and if I was, I wouldn't resort to the lowest common denominator.
cruiser1980: if you mean all they want is weed, hoes and let me're not so sharp after all
NYCockExchange: I'm not trying to be sarcastic at all, I'm just appreciating the fact that you're on the "Save the Negro!" bandwagon with me!
cruiser1980: or maybe you dont have the whole picture
cruiser1980: please get me straight...i am not trying to "Save the Negro"
cruiser1980: allright?
NYCockExchange: See, you missed what I said, obviously. "The message underlying the obvious lyrics is what society needs to heed." I'm talking about what they're *really* saying, beyond the facade of violence to women, money-grubbing, and getting wasted.
NYCockExchange: I admire you for being able to look *beyond* all of that... it takes a special person to, most people are just poseurs who think they know "the message"!
cruiser1980: oh pardon me... really...i guess i am not intellectually gifted to speak with a person of your calibre...
NYCockExchange: Intellect has NOTHING to do with it - it's what's in our hearts. We share the same beliefs that the negroid culture should not be banished from society, whether their demise comes from within or at the hands of the White Man.
cruiser1980: may god bless you
NYCockExchange: God's blessed me enough, by sending you my way. Thank you for sharing your ideas with me. I now feel that the negro can overcome, with our help. There's a predominantly black part of this town - I'll ride my bicycle and go door to door, telling the negroes that they will soon have nothing to fear but fear itself.
NYCockExchange: They shouldn't have to rely on Environmental Protection Agency legislation for their well-being. Clearly, you and I stand for keeping Uncle Sam out of the whole mess. It's people like you and I who can remedy the plight of today's negroids!
cruiser1980: girl...i dont know about all talk way too big for me to grasp...i am not a politician you know, who can make things happen by just saying it...
NYCockExchange: But I am glad that you're not a politician!! See, the politicians have had the "ball in their court" (so to speak) for many years now, and they have *failed* to give negroes the proper protection that they deserve. People like Bob Dole, Bill Clinton, Michael Dukakis - what have THEY done for our Negro-saving cause?
cruiser1980: i really dont know
cruiser1980: let's talk about you...are you really a 13 year old? please, be honest...
NYCockExchange: They haven't done a goddamned thing! And negroes like Tupac are dying all over the world because of it! So the next time that you see a gang war on television, or a black criminal getting the living shit beat out of him/her by some rampant, evil law enforcement official, remember - the politicians are not going to Save the Negro... that's up to us! The conscious, compassionate public of the U.S. fuckin' A!!!
NYCockExchange: Say it with me now - "SAVE THE NEGRO!!!"
cruiser1980: but i am from the U.S.fuckin' A
cruiser1980: i live in the U.S.fuckin' A but I am a foreigner
cruiser1980: i mean i am not from the USA
NYCockExchange: Well, that's fuckin' great, man! When you go back to your country, you can spread the word!! We can e-mail each other with reports of good news!!
NYCockExchange: I am *so* ready to fight the good fight with you! We can Save Negroes not just in the United fuckin' States, but we can Save Negroes throughout the ENTIRE WORLD!!
cruiser1980: ok, whatever you say, girl...let's talk about you
cruiser1980: can we?
NYCockExchange: Say it with me now - "SAVE THE NEGRO!!!"
cruiser1980: ok...SAVE THE NEGRO
NYCockExchange: Fuck yeah!!! Again! "SAVE THE NEGRO!!!"
cruiser1980: SAVE THE NEGRO!!!
NYCockExchange: One more time, with feeling!! SAVE THE NEGRO!!!
cruiser1980: SAVE THE NEGRO!!!
NYCockExchange: Holy shit, you fucking rock. You *know* that, right?
cruiser1980: no, i don't...
cruiser1980: but if you feel that way...kool
NYCockExchange: Well, let's talkk about me, now.
NYCockExchange: *talk
cruiser1980: finally...sigh
NYCockExchange: What do you want to know?
cruiser1980: please, be honest...are you really 13?
NYCockExchange: Would a picture help?
cruiser1980: yeah, please
NYCockExchange. cruiser1980 is now directly connected.
NYCockExchange (pic)
NYCockExchange: You asshole!! I'm a 41-year old black male, and I'm fucking pissed off that YOU and so many of your generation pay heed to fucking dead men like Tupac, who spent their lives giving us black men a BAD NAME.
cruiser1980: watch your fuckin' mouth...what BAD NAME did he give you?
NYCockExchange: It's because of people like *you*, their fans, that all of this fucking shit about us has come into the public.... I got imprisoned as a sex offender JUST BECAUSE OF MY COLOR!! How do you like that fucking shit?!?
NYCockExchange: If I was a White Man, the cops would have left me alone... but NO!!!
cruiser1980: what's that gotta do with 2pac you idiot?
cruiser1980: he went thro the same fuckin shit you asshole
cruiser1980: he got shoit 5 times for doing nothin wrong you fuckhead
cruiser1980: shot
NYCockExchange: I told you, motherfucker... it's people like Tupac that give ME and my people a bad name!! What the fuck do you know about being a nigger? HUH?!?
NYCockExchange: It's that mentality: "Oh, I listen to blues/rap music, I know what the nigger goes through, and the troubles that they face!" That's a bunch of fucking BULLSHIT, you know that??
cruiser1980: tell me why
NYCockExchange: "Save the Negro", my ass, you fucking sellout.
cruiser1980: bullshit for all other rappers maybe, not tupac
cruiser1980: you made me say that you motherfucker
cruiser1980: i told you at first i was not trying to DAVE THE NEGRO
cruiser1980: you idiot
cruiser1980: i dont have to be a nigger you blowhole...i am sorry that you were jailed for nothing you did wrong....but chickenshit, you blame tupac instaed...who stodd up for all you mofuckers, then he gave up when some bastard instead tried to kill him
NYCockExchange: I didn't make you say shit, you said it yourself. It's just like how all of you fucking kids try to say, "That nigger rap music made me shoot that other guy!! It wasn't me, it's not my fault!" Blame everything on US, will you?
NYCockExchange: By the way, my name's not Dave.
cruiser1980 direct connection is closed.
cruiser1980: i am 20 years old...and i never hated anyone nor shot anyone
cruiser1980: and listen to me...
cruiser1980: tell me how tupac was the cause of disgrace to the Blacks
NYCockExchange: Tupac was not the CAUSE, he was just another nail in the coffin of the buried-alive body that is the black community of the world.
NYCockExchange: You, as a non-nigger, wouldn't understand.
cruiser1980: dont gimme that fuckin bullshit allright...fuck that non-nigger shit man...what the hell do you know...iam a poor college student....i had to scrape the fuckin streets to pay for my classes
cruiser1980: i had to go to chicago and work last summer...seen all the beat upi for no reason
cruiser1980: who you bullshittin
cruiser1980: eh?
NYCockExchange: I know listening to "our" music makes you feel like you understand, but trust me - you don't know jackshit about the plight of my people. And I use "our" loosely, so I can speak on your terms. You think that Tupac stands up for blacks... yeah, he stood up for blacks the same way tobacco companies stand up for smokers!
cruiser1980: well, if you are right...that just breaks my heart
NYCockExchange: I see... you're trying to say that you've lived out on the streets, and you've seen a little violence, therefore you are a "nigger at heart".
cruiser1980: why not? i am a foreigner...i get dissed all the time
cruiser1980: livin among "whites" aint that easy for us too man
cruiser1980: i was a lonely bastard all my 4 years of college...i havent seen my family in 4 years
cruiser1980: no money to pay for the ticket home...
cruiser1980: i dont know what my lil bro look like
NYCockExchange: "Niggers at heart" don't have flaming crosses on their lawns, or men in white sheets tryin' to kill 'em, either. And don't try to patronize me, either... don't play any of this "fellow minority" bullshit, okay? I've had enough "sympathy" from people.
cruiser1980: what the fuck you gotta say bout that huh?
NYCockExchange: "Hey, you're a nigger, right? Well, I'm a Navajo!!" I HATE that fuckin' shit.
NYCockExchange: Those goddamned Injuns aren't much to our cause.
cruiser1980: ok...i agree...i am not a negro...i agree you guys go through a lot more pain than us
NYCockExchange: Tell me when the last time you ever heard of the phrase "Red Panthers" or "Navajo Power"?
NYCockExchange: They sure as fuck didn't have a little cameo on Forrest Gump!
cruiser1980: never...
cruiser1980: i lost you
cruiser1980: forrest gump
cruiser1980: ?
NYCockExchange: That's the white man's cinematic visualization of the typical nigger... Bubba, and the Black Panthers. They think we all either wanna become shrimpin' boat captains or militant renegades. "Oh, you people have gone SO FAR since your days of picking cotton!!"
NYCockExchange: "You've even learned to read and write a little! That's sooo good!!"
cruiser1980: that's sad to hear's fuckin sad
cruiser1980: and no...i am not fuckin sympathizing you and others...i just dont know what to say
NYCockExchange: Yeah, that movie made me cry... not because Jenny died at the end, but because that's how we are portrayed to the world... either shrimpin' boat nig-nigs, or gun-totin' anti-government adopted bastards of America.
cruiser1980: no man...things are changing...
NYCockExchange: And Tupac was just another part of that... his "I am black, feel my pain" shit sold records and made him money, but it fucked the black community in deep ways that cannot be repaired.
cruiser1980: but he did not mean it to be that way, did he?
cruiser1980: yeah he did say, "dont get me twisted, this is not my life...i sell records, that's what i do"
NYCockExchange: There you have it. He admitted to being a sellout right there.
cruiser1980: but i knew, it had to be more than that...look at the poem on my think a fakeass could write something like that...? that should tell you he was for real
NYCockExchange: I mean, a nigga's got to make some money, but he went about it the WRONG WAY.
cruiser1980: and that poem was released after his death
cruiser1980: maybe you're right...but that just breaks my hear to hear it
cruiser1980: what do you do for a livin?
NYCockExchange: When my heart can beat no more I hope I die for a principle or belief that I have lived for
....He lived for selling records. He played the "I am black, feel the pain of the ghetto" card.

NYCockExchange: And I'm sorry you're heart-broken, but my faith in my own people is broken because of people like him.
NYCockExchange: When you get a record contract and you play the "Ace of Spades" deal, you're just asking to get shot. That's why I said that he was "marked for death", and he knew it too. Same thing with Robert Johnson and so many others.
cruiser1980: but he didn't give a fuck...i told you...he DID NOT WANT TO LIVE...he went through enough pain
cruiser1980: he wanted to be free...thaz why his mom told the doc to stop tyring after he stopped breathing 3 times
NYCockExchange: The same thing can be said about Robert Johnson's "Crossroads"... "You may bury my body, by the highway side... so my old, evil spirit can catch a Greyhound bus and ride." He *knew* that he was going to die.
NYCockExchange: Yeah, he took the coward's way out... when the end came, he realized that he'd sold out his fellow niggas, and he was ashamed - and wanted to live no longer.
cruiser1980: when you are so angry about life and everything about life, tell me, are you gonna think rationally, or simply revolt against every fuckin thing that comes your way
cruiser1980: oh...i did not know that
cruiser1980: tell me again what you mean by seeling niggas does rapping about pain and mysery sell niggas out?
cruiser1980: selling
NYCockExchange: Actually, he knew all along that he'd sold us out, I'm sure. But when his life was in the balance, it was suddenly a heavy burden to him, and he realized the full scope of what he had done. Don't you know about how your dying moments are your most clear ones, in a mental way?
NYCockExchange: The money he'd been making off his records, the drugs, the women... they no longer mattered to him in his dying moments. If *I* was him, I would have *wanted* to die, too... Or maybe I would have spent the rest of my life, crippled, trying to correct my colossal blunders. But, do you know what happens when you leave the game? That's right - no one respects you any more, you're not a "baller". Maybe he realized that, too.
cruiser1980: shit
cruiser1980: i guess no man is worthy of idolism then...
cruiser1980: what do you do for a living and when did you get outta jail
NYCockExchange: Rapping about the "pain and misery", as a black means to Joe Blow that you are speaking for EVERY black man and woman. That may not have been his intention, to speak for every black in the nation - but I'm sure he knew what effect his music would have on the public... giving people yet another image of a nigger that is trapped in the ghetto and cannot overcome. But, we will fucking overcome!!! We will be free!
cruiser1980: oh, i see now...what you are talking about...
cruiser1980: of course man...and you don't need any fucking body's guyz will fuckin make it...
NYCockExchange: I got out of *prison* in November '98. And I'm currently a producer for a young, growing music company in my area.
cruiser1980: oh...where do you live?
NYCockExchange: It's mostly Scottish folk, music, though.
NYCockExchange: Enough about me... let's talk about you.
cruiser1980: scottish? you from Scotland?
cruiser1980: ok..just tell me where you from
cruiser1980: then i'll tell you about me
NYCockExchange: Did you know that as a minority and an immigrant, you are a big target when you try to pick up 13-year-old girls on the internet?
NYCockExchange: The cops are out there... I know this. I've heard enough shit through the federal corrections facility to just about make me fucking insane.
cruiser1980: haha...
cruiser1980: did i ever cyber?
NYCockExchange: Shit, I've seen boys your age come in, I ask 'em what they were in for... they said they got busted for pickin' up little girls on the internet. Let me tell you, they were NOT treated kindly in that environment.
NYCockExchange: No, you didn't cyber with me, and I would not let you have, because I am not a fucking homosexual.
cruiser1980: haha..then why the fuck you got that profile? to bust me up?
cruiser1980: put me behind bars?
cruiser1980:'s some shit about me
NYCockExchange: I'm just givin' you a fair warning, that's all... you seem like a decent guy with a good head on your shoulders, you know? I don't think that head should be bobbing up and down on someone's cock in the pen.
cruiser1980: hey thanks...i'll watch out and get my shit straight
cruiser1980: damn i though you were fuckin angry with me
cruiser1980: what's up with all this nice talk?
NYCockExchange: When you quit defending Tupac, and started listening to what I had to say, that won points with me.
NYCockExchange: I will tell you, that the *true* message of my people cannot be sold and put on a cassette tape or CD. People will not buy it.
cruiser1980: bu listen it's gonna take me some time to get over this shit...i am gonna have to do some thinking...i idolize him ya know
cruiser1980: i kinda understand
NYCockExchange: Well, take all of the time that you need to think about it.
cruiser1980: i am a 20 year old college senior...who is pretty much desperate to get outta here
NYCockExchange: Also, take into consideration that I am not really black.
cruiser1980: then?
NYCockExchange: I am a 13-year-old white female.
cruiser1980: shut the fuck up!
NYCockExchange: Look, you were accusing me of not being 13, so I thought I'd play along, okay?
cruiser1980: you tick me off real bad awrite?
NYCockExchange: People that make accusations like that tick me off real bad, too... but I'll go back to what I said in the beginning: "You want me to "dumb down" for you? Would you like it better if you just stuffed me in a basement somewhere and brainwashed me, so I can conform to your image of a typical 13-year-old girl?"
cruiser1980: you cant be a fuckin 13 year old and talk about my "head bobbing up and down someone's cock in the pen"
cruiser1980: so, shut the fuck up!
cruiser1980: i dont wanna even talk to you anymore...if you're gonna keep lying
NYCockExchange: Thank god that there aren't very many 13-year-old girls selling "I am 13 years old, feel the pain of me dealing with my sexual genesis" records out there. That'd make me look even worse.
cruiser1980: i told you...i am 20 years old honestly...are you gonna be honest and tell me your age again?
NYCockExchange: I *told* you, I am 13!! Or do you want me to pretend to be some middle-aged black man again?
NYCockExchange: Whoever you want to cyber with, that's up to you, "baby".
cruiser1980: how did you get that guy's pic?
cruiser1980: no, i dont wanna cyber with you
cruiser1980: send me your pic, then...
NYCockExchange: Well, I want to cyber, already. I've had enough intellectual, philosophical, political, racial bullshit to last me the next month or so.
cruiser1980: why would a smart girl like you wanna cyber? that's for dumbasses like us
NYCockExchange. cruiser1980 is now directly connected.
NYCockExchange: Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that because I am smart, I can't have a sex drive?
cruiser1980: ok...i take that back...go ahead send me the pic
cruiser1980: please, i am waiting
NYCockExchange: *sigh* I feel like I'm being discriminated against for my intelligence. And that's just fucking sad. We smart people are portrayed in the media as people who devote our whole lives to the quest for a "higher learning", or some bullshit. We are *just people*, and we need sex like everyone else!!
cruiser1980: great...i need sex too...ok...pic please
cruiser1980: you're beautiful, you know that?
NYCockExchange: You were expecting me to look like a total geek, weren't you?
cruiser1980: not really, no...
cruiser1980: and if you're really true to what al you just said...i really admire you
NYCockExchange: Thanks.
NYCockExchange: Does my picture "do it" for you?
cruiser1980: do what?
NYCockExchange: Get you hard.
cruiser1980: oh no come on...i cant think of you like that anymore...sorry
NYCockExchange: Well, my mind ruins it for most guys that I meet. That's why I'm on the internet, looking to get off.... I was hoping that you'd be different.
cruiser1980: no...your mind hasn't ruined anything...i'd be glad to add you as a buddy and talk with you whenever you wish...if it's ok with you
NYCockExchange: Cool. Can we be fuck-buddies?
cruiser1980: how did you learn about all this "nigger" shit?
cruiser1980: haha..i dont know about that
NYCockExchange: I thought that was what you wanted, though!
cruiser1980: if you never listened to can you tlak about tupac's songs?
cruiser1980: so, you really hate him eh?
cruiser1980: talk
cruiser1980: oh yes, you dress well
NYCockExchange: *sigh* Let's just leave Tupac out of this, okay? This is supposed to be about you and me. But you're like the kids at my school who won't even look when I try to flash 'em during math class. "I just wanna be friends!" they say.
NYCockExchange: I mean, I've tried everything... not wearing panties, just wearing a short skirt... turning sideways in my desk, giving my sexiest look, parting my legs... all to no avail. Really, my intellectualism is a curse.
cruiser1980: thatz too bad...what do you want me to do
cruiser1980: ?
NYCockExchange: I want you to cyber with me. That's not too much to ask, right?
NYCockExchange: And if you have any pictures of your hard cock, I want to see them, okay?
cruiser1980: no...really, i am not like that
cruiser1980: i dont have any sich pics
cruiser1980: such
NYCockExchange: So when you said, "baby" at the beginning of the conversation, you just wanted to be friendly and talk?
cruiser1980: hmm, well not really
NYCockExchange: *feels a smidgen of hope...*
cruiser1980: first lemme look up if abigail is a girl's name...who might be that black guy in the pic, a black homo
NYCockExchange: Well, people call me "Abby", too.
cruiser1980: yeah i guess you are a girl...
cruiser1980: awrite abby
cruiser1980: where do you live?
cruiser1980: i mean what state?
NYCockExchange: in, "Let's just be friends, okay, Abby? Your mental prowess is overwhelming, I can't take that much brain with my pussy."
NYCockExchange: Utah. Like... 13/F/UT.
cruiser1980: you're nuts girl...haha
cruiser1980: trust'll grow up to be one beautiful, sexy, hot, smart, chic, classy, trendy woman in a small business suit waving your hips as you walk across the street
NYCockExchange: But I want to be beautiful and sexy *now*!!
cruiser1980: and then...i'll notice you walking past me and it'll turn my head...
cruiser1980: just don't say "no" then when i ask you outok?
cruiser1980: ok i've to go down for a smoke..yeah i have a bad habit, i smoke cigs
NYCockExchange: Just don't say "no" to me right now, when I ask you to whip out your cock for me, and stroke it with me.
cruiser1980: but you already are
cruiser1980: beautiful and sexy
NYCockExchange: Then fuck me.
cruiser1980: i can''re too far away
NYCockExchange: No, I mean over the computer. And you can smoke afterwards... it will feel better after you shoot all of your cum for me, right?
cruiser1980: please...let's just do it some other time ok?
cruiser1980: plus, you're too young...i am not a molester
NYCockExchange: I don't want you to *molest* me. I just want you to masturbate with me.
NYCockExchange: I guess I fucking ruined everything though. It's my fault.
cruiser1980: on're fine...i like you the way you are...
cruiser1980: you speak like an older girl...i really would give you a kiss if i was near you
cruiser1980: see? that should tell you i like everything that i know of you so far
NYCockExchange: Yep. I fucked everything up. It's my fault.
NYCockExchange: I guess what I need is for someone to stuff me in a basement somewhere and brainwashed me, then I can get laid like the other girls in school. Sheesh... and *guys* are the ones who complain about how hard it is to get laid....
cruiser1980: no...believe me...i dont get laid as you might think
cruiser1980: trust me...things will happen at the right time
NYCockExchange: But it seems like the "right time" will never come, until I get a fucking lobotomy or something.
cruiser1980: haha
cruiser1980: no, it will...afterall, life is based on patient...that's what they say...although i dont understand it myself...let's wait and see...things will fall back in its own place
cruiser1980: and i dont just mean about sex...i am talking about everything in general
NYCockExchange: This is hopeless, never mind.
cruiser1980: sorry...
NYCockExchange: Look, it's okay, in a way.
cruiser1980: yeah? how?
NYCockExchange: Just know this, alright? I am a 41-year-old black man, I got out of prison not too long ago, and catching child molestors on the internet is a part of my community service. It's clear, now, that after I slipped earlier & went on that big rant about Tupac, that I've got nothing on you. At least I'm putting my hours in, and that's all that counts to me, now.
NYCockExchange: So everything is alright. I'm getting my hours in, and the authorities will leave you alone.
NYCockExchange: ...Just as long as you don't IM any of my other SN's and ask for cyber. I won't slip up next time.
cruiser1980: haha...listen man...peace...i am not all that bad as you might think
cruiser1980: hope things work out for you...
NYCockExchange: Yeah, it's a win-win situation for us both, believe me. But the way this is heading, it'll wind up looking like some kind of... conversation on my part. I've already gotten some shit about not "playing the part" right, and "talking too much".
cruiser1980: but you taught me something...and i'll always respect you for that...i was blind...i was screwing up my studies and getting my hopes down listening to pac
cruiser1980: now i know better
NYCockExchange: What did you learn?
cruiser1980: to not screw up and to not resort to "thuglife" just cuz things are not goin my way
cruiser1980: to not resort to "i dont give a fuck" mentality
cruiser1980: yea, there's trouble around tha world...but i cant put it all into my head and screw up things i have goin for me
NYCockExchange: Okay - maybe my probation officer will respect this conversation anyway, although it wasn't productive in the "conventional" sense.
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