D.A.R.E. to keep kids on cock.
Bustin' Rhymes
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 05/13/01         Score: 3.3         Votes: 155
This starts off slow, you'll probably agree. The rest of it's decent - hell, maybe a "3".
thegr8tone4444: wussup?
: hello?
: The Gray Tone 4444? What kind of SN is that?
thegr8tone4444: no no...thegreatone but my friend did it wrong
: it should just be gr8one
: Do you have black and white parents? Is that why you're "Gray"? Just call yourself a "mutt", then everything is okay.
thegr8tone4444: how are u gettin gray?
: I'm not getting gray. What gave you that idea? Maybe in 20 years or so, I'll go gray. ...Unless I get the living shit scared out of me first.
thegr8tone4444: u said that im gray??? how did u get that?
: The Gr8tone. "The Gray Tone".
thegr8tone4444: no..the great tone.
: but it is just wrong...there shouldn't be that T after the 8
: *sigh* You asked me where the fuck I got it from, and I answered.
thegr8tone4444: i know so i just told u that u are wrong
: That's a crushing blow to my self-esteem. I hate being wrong.
thegr8tone4444: cuz an 8 ends wish a T
: Yeah, but then the "T" before the one is redundant.
thegr8tone4444: ok that is where i said it is wrong...but it still doesn't spell gray
: 8 also has an e, i, g, h, and a t. So you're the Greight Tone?
thegr8tone4444: if u wanna try to spell it like that i guess u can
: are u hot b/c if u are ugly then u dont have any right to act like a bitch
: You *guess*? I just did, goddammit.
thegr8tone4444: good job abigail
: I've got a right to act like a bitch, regardless of my looks. I don't care whether you're hot or not, you've got a God-given right to act like a retard, and I appreciate that you're taking advantage of it.
thegr8tone4444: at least im making u happy then
: So you think.
thegr8tone4444: u said u appreciated it
: Just because I appreciate something doesn't mean that it makes me happy.
thegr8tone4444: i just wanna please u...are u always this pissy
: For example, I appreciate the cinematography in "Natural Born Killers", but it doesn't make me happy.
thegr8tone4444: ok i caught on
: Good for you, buckaroo.
thegr8tone4444: thanx a bunch now lets hunch
: am i good at ur rhyming game too? do u appreciate it?
: Wow, you rhymed for one whole line. But it's not enough to make my spirits shine.
thegr8tone4444: i did what i could and i did my best, now lets move on to licking your chest
: You typed "hunch", was that your intention? Because a hunch is a feeling or premonition.
thegr8tone4444: its also a slang term of have sex
: how bout knocking the boots? heard that one?
: Slang for sex, is that what you say? I'll have you know I find it gay.
NYCockExchange: Where'd your rhymes go? I thought you had skill. You're typin' normal and it ain't a thrill.
thegr8tone4444: its not the best i follow your tracks, but what about the term called wax?
: What about wax? And what's your point? You're trippin', did you just smoke a joint?
thegr8tone4444: sorry im not thrilling cuz i could show u a good time, ur taking a while where is your next rhyme?
: It's right here, ya fuckin' queer.
thegr8tone4444: i aint tripping im thinking clear, and what's up? now im a queer?
: *sigh* Are we gonna cyber? Or are we not? All this rhyming's getting me hot.
thegr8tone4444: u gotta pic that will help my dick?
: If your dick needs help you've come to the wrong place. What's your dick gotta do with my face?
thegr8tone4444: you looking good and showing me skin will help my dick grow on to ten
: and now that i feel this game's gettin old, why dont u go on and do as your told
: I guess I could send my pic, if you feel it'll do the trick.
thegr8tone4444: im waitin on u. lets see what u got. then i'll tell u if it helped or not
: Ah, but why should I do as I'm told? Am I supposed to respect you, just 'cause you're old?
thegr8tone4444: this whole thing has got me grinnin', go ahead and tell me the beginnin'
: Really - if your dick can't stand on it's own, it's no wonder you're all alone.
thegr8tone4444: dont worry about respect, this whole thing is a treasure, so show me ur pic so that i get some pleasure
: You want to get some pleasure? Is that true? You're the one who said, "i just wanna please u"!!
thegr8tone4444: it'll get up just show me for fun, hurry up and start and then we will have begun
: i want some fun too, i hope thats ok, otherwise i think this whole thing will be gay
: If it's just for fun, it's a waste of time. And that was really lame (your last rhyme).
NYCockExchange: The whole thing will be gay? Isn't that the plot? Well... maybe it ain't, but it's a thought.
thegr8tone4444: no i thought we were off rhymes
: since my last one sucked
: So things are either fun or gay? It's homosexual if you don't get your own way?
NYCockExchange: So what you're saying then, is: what I prefer is gay. And if you don't like gay, then go away!
thegr8tone4444: u'll have ur fun too, but if we dont start then im not gonna get to
: that sorta rhymed and i didn't mean to
: Wow, you made "too" rhyme with "to"!! I don't think a career as a rapper would be fitting for you.
thegr8tone4444: im white so thats straight, now go ahead and open ur gate
: White is straight? That isn't always true. I know gay crackers, maybe you do too.
thegr8tone4444: straight means cool if thats ok, would u please send your freakin pic my way
: i'll take all u got, i'd like to have some. that way i can always be able to cum
: Straight also means heterosexual, you see. If I read it wrong, don't blame me.
NYCockExchange: If you're up for "taking", that pleases me. I'd like to start off with some sodomy.
thegr8tone4444: heterosexual is good for me, are we gonna do this or is it a tease
: I suggested that we start with sodomy, if you're up for taking. Are you taking that back? Were you only faking?
thegr8tone4444: no im serious its just the phone rang, go ahead and lets start to bang
: If I can't sodomize you, then we can't chat. Cause from the rear is "where it's at".
thegr8tone4444: i thought u meant the other way but as long as u wont think im gay
: send your pic and then please start, all this waiting is breaking my heart
: I know you're not gay, I just want your rectum. My sperm are in my balls now, but soon I'll eject 'em.
thegr8tone4444: what???
: say that one more time i didnt really get it
: "What???" you ask. Are you confused? I'll respect you when I'm done, you needn't feel used.
thegr8tone4444: dont worry bout that. just start going, i'll take it until u wanna start blowing
: If you're waiting for me to blow, don't hold your breath. Between sucking and dying, I'd rather choose death.
thegr8tone4444: can we please quit rhyming this is wearing me out
: Awww, I didn't realize you were such a lout.
thegr8tone4444: i wanted YOU to make me shout
: But how could I do that if you're being a lout? A lout is awkward and stupid, you're giving me doubt.
NYCockExchange: Lout or not, be ready to bend! I'm ready to enter your tight rear end.
thegr8tone4444: tell me what u are using, just let me know that, then go ahead and bring it in big and fat
: I'm using my phallus, what else should I use? It pleasures me while I dish out abuse.
thegr8tone4444: ur using ur penis? what about ur clit? i thought u meant it
: It's big and it's fat, you got that part right. And I know you'll be tight, 'cause you said that you're white.
thegr8tone4444: that sucked sorry
: are u gonna go
: Call it a "clit" if it makes you feel better. Do you wanna use lube, does your crack need to be wetter?
thegr8tone4444: yah it does, wet me down, then hurry and go just dont make me drown
: if im receiving then go ahead and start, u beat it up then i'll do my part
: I grab an industrial-size bottle of Astroglide. I lube you up, then slip my man-rod inside. O, how it throbs as I pump in and out! I smile with glee as I hear you shout.
thegr8tone4444: oh yah keep going
: what about ur pic?
: My thick, meaty cock violates your rear. Are you bisexual, or just a queer?
thegr8tone4444: im bi what are u
: I'm gay, I thought you would have guessed. I'm hard as a rock, and mostly undressed.
thegr8tone4444: where is the pic i wanted to see? now there is white stuff all over me
: If you want it that badly, I'll send you my pic. But you're very mistaken, I don't cum that quick.
NYCockExchange. thegr8tone4444 is now directly connected.
NYCockExchange: thegr8tone4444: lol u uh...look great
: You don't seem pleased with the pic that I sent. It shouldn't matter, as you're already bent.
thegr8tone4444: ur ugly as hell and that made me sick, now i feel sorry for my poor poor dick
: You might be right, but I have no remorse. I might look ugly, but I'm hung like a horse.
thegr8tone4444: god dang ur a freak, i hope u had fun, if you had sent me that shit then i would've run
: Are you calling me a freak just because I'm a flamer? Don't tell me: this is your first time with a rough anus-tamer?
thegr8tone4444: i called u a freak cuz of ur ugly look, u appear to have been beat with an ugly book
: Fuck if I'm ugly, I can sure put out. You want me to cum in your ass or your mouth?
thegr8tone4444: you're losing your touch, that shit didn't rhyme, i'll bust out ur mom that should be a good time
: You think you can tell me if I can "make the cut"? No way! You're my bitch. My cock's in your butt.
thegr8tone4444: hell no u fag, is that what happened as a kid? did ur daddy beat it up just like you wish u did
: If you need my mom to feel somewhat calmed, that's too bad, 'cause she's dead and embalmed.
NYCockExchange: You called me a fag? Is being gay really wrong? *sigh* Just remember which of us took the dong.
thegr8tone4444: sorry bout ur mom that's really too bad, but i'd rather beat her dead corpse than take all u've had
thegr8tone4444 direct connection is closed
NYCockExchange: Don't worry about my poor old dead mother. Maybe instead, fuck your sister or brother?
NYCockExchange: You seem mad that I'm really a guy. If you are, I can only ask "why"? I mentioned my phallus, sperm as well as my sack. Can you honestly say you were taken aback?
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