Official Sponsor of the 2001 Special Olympics
Communication Breakdown
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 05/23/01         Score: 2.2         Votes: 41
Yep. I'm a little girl that wants to cyber. Sure thing.
awesomegunhunter: hey whats up
NYCockExchange: Not a whole lot. I'm just... kinda sitting here in front of the computer, staring at the screen, wondering what sort of retard would have choose such a Christ-teabaggingly stupid SN.
NYCockExchange: That's about it, I guess. You?
awesomegunhunter: what , not shure what you mean
NYCockExchange: Really? How old are you?
awesomegunhunter: old enough to probibly know better but I'm not how old are you
awesomegunhunter: what are your hobbies?
NYCockExchange: I'm old enough to know how to type out my age information in my profile, and be horribly disappointed when people who IM me don't know how to click the motherfucking "Info" button.
awesomegunhunter: just trying to make a little conversation
NYCockExchange: "Conversation"? Do you even know the meaning of the word? When I ask you a question (as I have done twice already) and you fail to respond (as you have done twice already), what kind of conversation is that?
awesomegunhunter: ok I'm 20
NYCockExchange: Great. And, how old am I?
awesomegunhunter: 13
NYCockExchange: Wonderful. What would you like to chat about?
awesomegunhunter: where are you from
NYCockExchange: *sigh* I asked what you would like to chat about. Give me a topic for discussion, not a fucking question.
NYCockExchange: A warning? Jesus, buddy - you don't have to get pissed off at me for your inability to hold a normal conversation.
NYCockExchange: Now I'm at 35%. Thanks a lot, do you usually attack other people for your own failures? If so, I don't think I want to chat with you anymore.
awesomegunhunter: I,m being over run it wasn't me
awesomegunhunter: but ok later
NYCockExchange: Again, that's you blaming other people for your something that you did. How irresponsible of you!
awesomegunhunter: what ever
NYCockExchange: Are you going to blame your shitty conversation skills on other people, too?
NYCockExchange: Go ahead, blame your mother & father, blame the American education system, blame me. I don't care.
awesomegunhunter: how are you going to fing someone 18 talking to them like this
NYCockExchange: Again, you're trying to find me at fault here, to cover up for your own glaringly obvious lack of communication skills.
awesomegunhunter: its past your bed time
NYCockExchange: It's 8.00, and my bedtime is at 10.00.
awesomegunhunter: so go to bed you stupid little cunt
NYCockExchange: It's not time for me to go to bed yet.
awesomegunhunter: yes it is
NYCockExchange: Says who?
awesomegunhunter: ME
NYCockExchange: You? Are you implying that I should take directions from a slow-typing idiot who can't hold conversations properly, and blames others for his problems?
awesomegunhunter: Your the stupid idiot
NYCockExchange: You think so? Judging by your character, you don't seem to be in a position to be making such an accustion. But humor me; tell me why you think I'm an idiot.
awesomegunhunter: And people like you give me these problems
awesomegunhunter: Your an idiot because your a 13 year old bitch
NYCockExchange: *nods* You don't think that people are responsible for your own actions, do you? You're willing to act however you want, blaming other people for the results of those actions. (The results, in this case, being that you are making a complete, utter fool of yourself.)
awesomegunhunter: is that a book or a love story?
NYCockExchange: That's not great reasoning. Where the fuck did you get your reasoning skills from? Being 13 reflects my age, not my intelligence level. And being a bitch reflects my attitude, not my intelligence level. So, you haven't pinpointed a reason why I'm an idiot.
NYCockExchange: You wish it was a love story.
NYCockExchange: I thought you'd be able to recognize the difference, but I'm not surprised that you can't. Oh well.
awesomegunhunter: I thought you wanted someone of the age 18 but your not going to get me this way
awesomegunhunter: stop writing another book
NYCockExchange: Why would I want you? Let's review what I've learned about you, so far: You're a slow-typing idiot who can't hold conversations properly, blames others for his problems, and can't tell the difference between a book and a love story. That was like looking at a jar of peanut butter, and asking if it was an airplane or a lawnmower.
NYCockExchange: You're giving me more commands, but I've determined already that you're not worth obeying. Why put my life in the hands of a fuckwit?
awesomegunhunter: what do you think we have been doing for the last halfhour
awesomegunhunter: its 10:00 here thats close enough. Later
NYCockExchange: We? Let's talk about "we". "We", in this case, consists of you and me. You have been acting like a retarded fast food employee. I have been acting like a sane & disappointed customer. Where are my fries, bitch?
NYCockExchange: Fine, go to sleep. It's past your bedtime.
awesomegunhunter: where do you want them
NYCockExchange: Are you still here? *sigh* Now, you're a slow-typing idiot who can't hold conversations properly, blames others for his problems, can't tell the difference between a book and a love story, and you're a liar. You said that you were going to leave. I really wish you would.
awesomegunhunter: fine
NYCockExchange: Go to bed, retard-bitch.
awesomegunhunter: this was getting old any way
NYCockExchange: Fire off more insults at me before you go, it'll help you make me feel better.
awesomegunhunter: I don't want to waste my time
NYCockExchange: Great. Pleasant dreams, now, okay? And when your mom wakes you up in the morning and feeds you your bowl of "Mongo Chow", be sure to tell her that you love her & that you don't blame her for your weaknesses anymore.
NYCockExchange: "This was getting old anyway." "I don't want to waste my time." *sigh* Now, you're a slow-typing idiot who can't hold conversations properly, blames others for his problems, can't tell the difference between a book and a love story, lies blatantly, and is hypocritical. If it's a waste of time and getting old, why are you still here?
Previous message was not received by awesomegunhunter because of error: User awesomegunhunter is not available.
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