Not just pedophiles - foreign pedophiles - Whitey
Mute II
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 05/24/01         Score: 3.2         Votes: 57
Burn, baby, burn.
Gators sixty: Hey
NYCockExchange: *waves*
Gators sixty: how u doin
NYCockExchange: *rolls eyes*
Gators sixty: i look at you w/ a purpose
NYCockExchange: *looks at you blankly*
Gators sixty: i'm wanting you right now
Gators sixty: really bad
NYCockExchange: *shakes head*
Gators sixty: just looking at you my dick gets harder and bigger
Gators sixty: as you can see through my pants
NYCockExchange: *looks at your dick*
NYCockExchange: *laughs*
Gators sixty: ouch
NYCockExchange: *smiles*
Gators sixty: i look at you and tell you i really want you to do something
Gators sixty: w/ my dick
Gators sixty: whatever you feel like doing
NYCockExchange: *I take a Zippo lighter out of my pocket and approach you*
Gators sixty: oooo
NYCockExchange: *I flip open the lid, spin the flint-wheel, and a flame shoots out from the opening at the top of the lighter*
Gators sixty: i'm a little hesitant but i walk closer to you
NYCockExchange: *I grab your arm, and throw you into the nearest wall. I quickly pin you, so you are unable to move.*
Gators sixty: ooo baby ur kinky
NYCockExchange: *I hold the lighter to the crotch of your pants. They quickly become ignited, and the flames begin to singe your nutsack. The smell of burning flesh, jeans, and hair enters your nostrils*
Gators sixty: holy shit
Gators sixty: ouch
NYCockExchange: *As the flesh that is your nutsack melts, one of your testicles falls out, and begins to bubble and hiss in the flames. Blood oozes from your groinage.*
Gators sixty: what the hell are you doing
NYCockExchange: *I continue holding the lighter to your groin area as you stare down in pain and amazement. Soon, the other testicle falls out of the burning nutsack. The flames caused by your burning jeans cause serious wounds on your penis, causing to to bleed, hiss, and bubble - much like your nutsack has.*
Gators sixty: what the fuck
NYCockExchange: *Soon, the first testicle to emerge explodes from the severe heat. The last drops of semen you will ever produce (unless you acquire some on the black market... but who wants another man's testicles?) fly for a short distance, landing on the dirty floor.*
Gators sixty: dude you need help
Gators sixty: i'm gonna send this in and have some detective track you down to get you some help
NYCockExchange: *The other testicle explodes in the same manner soon after. The flames have caused your penis to become charred beyond any repair. A small chunk of burnt cockflesh falls through the hole in your pants, as the flames spread from your see-thru jeans to your shirt. From there, the flames quickly rise and begin incinderating your face.*
Gators sixty: i think you suffer from a disease called schizophrenia and you need help
NYCockExchange: *You push me off your burning body, and run to the computer to send this transaction to a detective. Meanwhile, the flames have engulfed your facial hair. Your eyebrows burn quickly, turning white and curling within fractions of a second.*
Gators sixty: this is the most serious of mental disturbances, it involves loss of contact w/ reality, thinking disorders and i assume you hallucinate and have delusions alot
Gators sixty: don't think i'm joking around
Gators sixty: u have what is called catatonic schizophrenia
NYCockExchange: *The flames continue charring your clothing, as your hair begins to burn. Within seconds, it is burnt, leaving only curled, white ashes, and a horrifying stench. Your scalp begins to lose form, melting. The blood that oozes out begins to bubble, smoke, and solidify, becoming a darkening crust*
Gators sixty: ur a sick sick bitch
Gators sixty: u need help
Gators sixty: ur fucking ugly too
NYCockExchange: *Eventually, the crust itself burns, as the flames reach your skull. Not even the seemingly endless supply of blood emerging from your scalp can stop the flames, which have engulfed all of your clothing and flesh, by now.*
Gators sixty: the funny thing is I go to school w/ u
Gators sixty: haha, i'm gonna bring this to all of ur and my friends
Gators sixty: this is gonna be funny as shit
Gators sixty: c ya tomorrow bitch
NYCockExchange: *Your reflexes kick in, and you find yourself unable to control the motions of your body. Helpless, you fall to the floor, and wiggle frantically, unable to control the shockwaves of pain that are echoing through your body, over-riding any movements derived from your own free will.*
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