Loved by fat suicidal goth chicks!
Let's Discuss Our Cocks
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 05/27/01         Score: 2.2         Votes: 39
The previous night, this guy made a hasty retreat after I sent him some horrible poetry. As this log reveals, he was obviously more interested in discussing our cocks.
WildBurgus: sorry about last night
NYCockExchange: It's okay. I guess.
WildBurgus: I am truly sorry
NYCockExchange: Alright. Well, you can make up for it, if you like!
WildBurgus: I am very flattered that you wrote me a poem
WildBurgus: how would you like me to make it up to you?
NYCockExchange: I have more poems for you to read and discuss with me!!
WildBurgus: I will try
WildBurgus: sure
NYCockExchange: Great! Which kind of poems do you want? I have ones about sex, my dog (Angie), my ex-boyfriend, and some about my cock, as well.
WildBurgus: your cock?
NYCockExchange: Yeah.
WildBurgus: you had better be talking about a dildo not a real dick
NYCockExchange: Well, okay. I'll call it a "dildo", if that makes you happy.
NYCockExchange: Is that okay?
WildBurgus: you can call it what you want
WildBurgus: I was just making sure
WildBurgus: as far as that goes I would rather talk about sex
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay. That's a relief. I thought you were going to run off. That would have confused the hell out of me, because I told you about it last night, and you came back.
NYCockExchange: NYCockExchange: Goddammit... I've been here with an erection for the last half-hour... and you're just gonna run out on me, like that?
WildBurgus: sorry
WildBurgus: I will talk to yo tomorrow promise

WildBurgus: I told you I would & I keep my word
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I can see that... You are a man of integrity! ...And so am I!
WildBurgus: you are a MAN of intefrity?
WildBurgus: j/k
NYCockExchange: Heehee... You kidder!!
WildBurgus: I am in such a better mood
WildBurgus: now that i have had sleep
NYCockExchange: There's no such word as "intefrity", silly guy!
WildBurgus: silly girl
WildBurgus: I was looking at your pic.....nice ass
NYCockExchange: Hey, watch what you call me, alright? I took that as an insult.
WildBurgus: sorry
WildBurgus: what that I called you silly or a girl
NYCockExchange: I found both terms offensive.
WildBurgus: sorry I thought that since you used would be aright to use as well
WildBurgus: plus I just gave you a complament & you didn't even say thanks
NYCockExchange: You can't *really* expect for the compliment to make up for the insult, though? What you said was a direct attack on my pride on my masculinity.
WildBurgus: it was not an attack at was a joke. The compliment was never ment to make up for anything other than for you to know that I think you are hot
NYCockExchange: Heh. Well, okay - thanks!!
NYCockExchange: So, let's talk about sex, as you suggested.
WildBurgus: sounds good
WildBurgus: where do you want to start
NYCockExchange: I'd like to start out with your cock, and then we can talk about mine.
NYCockExchange: Then again, vice versa might work.
WildBurgus: ok we can start with my cock
NYCockExchange: Sure thing. Tell me about your cock!
WildBurgus: well it is about 6.75" in length
WildBurgus: about 1.75" in dia
WildBurgus: says tan in color, not purple
WildBurgus: what else you want ot know...
WildBurgus: it is very hard
NYCockExchange: I don't really need to know much else - what you wrote was good enough.
WildBurgus: ok
WildBurgus: what about your cunt
NYCockExchange: Huh? I thought we were going to talk about my cock!?
WildBurgus: ok
WildBurgus: I was getting ahead of my self
NYCockExchange: Mine is (roughly) 8.5 inches in length, and has a diameter or 2.5". It is dark brown in color, because of my Afro-American race.
NYCockExchange: It is *also* very hard.
WildBurgus: will yours bend?
NYCockExchange: When it's limp, yes. Otherwise if I tried to bend it (especially in its current state), it would cause me a lot of pain.
WildBurgus: mine is rock hard
NYCockExchange: Will yours bend?
WildBurgus: only when not aroused
NYCockExchange: So, yours is a lot like mine, in that respect?
WildBurgus: when it is erect...a midgit could do pull-ups
WildBurgus: yeah
NYCockExchange: Hrmm... that gives me interesting visualizations. Down the block, there's a midget named Jeff. I wonder if he can do pull-ups off my cock?
WildBurgus: I don't know
WildBurgus: I can hold a woman on mine
WildBurgus: exspecially you
NYCockExchange: Heh. I'm sure if I approached him about the possibility of using my cock to do pull-ups, he'd probably yell at me in his biggest midget voice about how he's not gay. That guy is a real homophobe.
NYCockExchange: I'm glad you're not, though!
WildBurgus: like I said yestersay....I'm not a fag
WildBurgus: anyway
NYCockExchange: Oh, totally!! I know what you mean. I'm not a fag either, but there's no reason why people like you and I can't get together online for a little fun, right?
WildBurgus: ????????
WildBurgus: I thought you were a girl
NYCockExchange: There you go, calling me a "girl" again. You didn't call me "silly" this time, but you're starting to piss me off.
WildBurgus: I thought you were feamale
NYCockExchange: I'm straight, alright? Jesus!! I thought you wanted straight sex?
NYCockExchange: You'd think a couple of guys who share the same beliefs would be able to share their bodies, too.
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