We put the "Phil" in Pedophilia.
Illiteracy: Everyone's Problem
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 05/31/01         Score: 1.5         Votes: 48
I'm not sure if this guy has a learning disability or what, but he sure as fuck couldn't grasp my simple-yet-elegant sarcasm.
Dorado1026: Hey how old are you?
Hooked on Cock: I take it you're illiterate?
Dorado1026: execuse me?
Dorado1026: that was rude
Hooked on Cock: says in my info, so the fact that you asked me indicates you can't read.
Hooked on Cock: That wasn't rude, anyway...calling you a cockfuck is rude.
Dorado1026: may be I didnt look at your info I have better things do
Dorado1026: plus you shouldnt be talking like that I didnt think that 12 yearsolds knew what that stuff was
Hooked on Cock: You're IMing someone named Hooked On Cock, and you're going to tell me you've got "better things to do"?
Dorado1026: listen here Miss Priss you need to get over your cocked up self and get on with your life
Hooked on Cock: I'm TRYING to get on with cock
Hooked on Cock: And don't take that tone of voice with me, wienerhead.
Dorado1026: well, you go for it
Dorado1026: But I was just going to see what your deal was
Dorado1026: you ask me if I have better things to do than I m you?
Dorado1026: well you are the one who cant get the real thing and have to get your pleasure online
Dorado1026: that is pitful
Dorado1026: go for the real thing
Dorado1026: or can you?
Hooked on Cock: I do all the time
Hooked on Cock: yet again, you didn't seem to read my profile.
Hooked on Cock: I fuck and I suck non-stop, cybersex is just so my tender loins can recoup after a hardcore fuck-fest.
Hooked on Cock: They get sore after DVDA action, ya know?
Dorado1026: yeah I bet
Dorado1026: that is what they all say
Hooked on Cock: Jesus H Christ, who have you been talking to?
Hooked on Cock: Your mother was probably lying, anyway
Dorado1026: what ?
Dorado1026: are you talking about?
Hooked on Cock: *sighs*
Hooked on Cock: Do you have some short-term memory problem?
Dorado1026: excuse me?
Hooked on Cock: That'd explain your lack of competence.
Hooked on Cock: Hablas Englais?
Dorado1026: you are too young to even know what sex is more less enjoy it get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hooked on Cock: Just because you didn't get dick at a tender young age is no reason to take out your pent-up sexual agressions on me, Mr.
Dorado1026: ok whatever you say
Dorado1026: in fact I get some every night and it is well worth it
Hooked on Cock: I bet it is! Does your girly queer quarterback boy-toy enjoy punting as much as you enjoy receiving?
Dorado1026: well that is very personel
Dorado1026: just put iot this way I enjoy it a heck of alot better than you ever will get it?
Dorado1026: bye
Hooked on Cock: I'm sure it is, but I figure we're opening up here, bridging the emotional gap
Hooked on Cock: Don't leave me!
Hooked on Cock: I'm SOO SORRY
Hooked on Cock: help me, please.
Dorado1026: for what?
Dorado1026: help you?
Dorado1026: do what?
Dorado1026: get horny again?
Hooked on Cock: Explain to me how you can be certain that your sex is better than mine.
Hooked on Cock: For one, my pussy is way tighter than any fully-developed girl's is...
Hooked on Cock: and we all know friction is a man's best friend.
Hooked on Cock: ...but I want to hear your point of view on things. It's important to a trusting relationship to accept each other's opinions.
Dorado1026: yeah i bet
Hooked on Cock: I'm serious! Why would I lie to you?
Hooked on Cock: So, pray tell...why is your sex so damn good?
Dorado1026: i bet you dont even have anything worth making a man happy with you and your mosquito bites
Dorado1026: do you think that I am going to sit here and tell some looser all about me sex life?
Hooked on Cock: men may go pale and weak-kneed, but it's not from draining their blood...
Hooked on Cock: I think you should. Especially since you seem to feel it's important that I Right My Wrongs.
Dorado1026: whtaever you think I guess usually goes but not in this situation
Hooked on Cock: Sitting there telling me how pathetic I am without saying anything to change me is pretty damn useless, doncha think?
Hooked on Cock: Does it make you feel better about yourself to point out other's shortcomings?
Dorado1026: yeah whatever you say?
Hooked on Cock: Sorry, did my use of the English language confuse you?
Hooked on Cock: I keep forgetting that you're illiterate. My mistake.
Dorado1026: yeah pleses remember that
Hooked on Cock: Will do, monkeyboy.
Hooked on Cock: Dammit, you're avoiding the subject - tell me about your sex life.
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Hooked on Cock: Or, more specifically, why it's better than mine. I get it more than once a day, usually, so right there I've got you beat.
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: po
Dorado1026: no
Dorado1026: no
Hooked on Cock: Is there anything you *will* tell me? Abuse me some more, least that way I get to hear your sweet words
Hooked on Cock: Tell me I'm a dirty, dirty whore.
Hooked on Cock: (If you've got the balls...otherwise just keep ignoring me)
Dorado1026: leave me along
Dorado1026: alone got it??
Hooked on Cock: Yes I do.
Dorado1026: ok then

Dorado1026: do it
Dorado1026: leave me alone
Hooked on Cock: But I don't care what you say, since all you do is call me names and never explain yourself.
Hooked on Cock: I don't listen to those that use simply bully tactics to get their way.
Dorado1026: well it seems to me like you sre still listening to me arent youo?
Dorado1026: if you dont listen to me then leave me alone
Hooked on Cock: Not until you preach to me about your sex life.
Dorado1026: bye
Dorado1026: bye
Dorado1026: bye
Hooked on Cock: I want to hear what homo-erotic things you do, dammit!
Dorado1026: bye
Dorado1026: bye
Hooked on Cock: I can do that too!
Hooked on Cock: tell me your fantasies, stud
Previous message was not received by Dorado1026 because of error: User Dorado1026 is not available.

Hooked on Cock: tell me your fantasies, stud
Previous message was not received by Dorado1026 because of error: User Dorado1026 is not available.

Hooked on Cock: *cries* They always leave me so....unfullfilled....
Previous message was not received by Dorado1026 because of error: User Dorado1026 is not available.
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