CyberOnWheels: Hi Sully!
SullyZ2K: are you really hell on wheels for cybering with older guys?
CyberOnWheels: Heck ya!

CyberOnWheels: How old are you?
SullyZ2K: 21
CyberOnWheels: Wow, thats pretty young.
CyberOnWheels: You sure you know how to cyber?
SullyZ2K: your 12?
CyberOnWheels: Yepper!
CyberOnWheels: But I suck cock like a 15 yr old.

SullyZ2K: you suck cock?
CyberOnWheels: Heck ya!
CyberOnWheels: When I can get it.
SullyZ2K: how many times have you sucked dick?
CyberOnWheels: Shit, I dunno. How many times have you jacked off?
SullyZ2K: not many, when you have a 15 inch cock, it gets sucked a lot
CyberOnWheels: Sure you do.
CyberOnWheels: And I have two working legs.
SullyZ2K: I have a pic of it
CyberOnWheels: Send it on!
SullyZ2K wants to directly connect. SullyZ2K is now directly connected.

CyberOnWheels: Thats sooo not real. You cant even fake a picture well.
CyberOnWheels: Like I've never seen a colossal combos porn.
SullyZ2K: what r u talkin about?
CyberOnWheels: Show me a picture of it without boxers on.
CyberOnWheels: No, I didnt think so.
SullyZ2K: sorry, I only have one, that is all me
SullyZ2K: how can you not believe it, I'm holding it
CyberOnWheels: You are holding what is obviously a dlido coming out of your boxers.
CyberOnWheels: dildo*
SullyZ2K: y would a guy have a dildo?
SullyZ2K: that is so real
CyberOnWheels: Just because I'm 12 doesn't mean I'm some fucking stooge, half-wit sorority girl.
SullyZ2K: I cant believe you think it's fake
CyberOnWheels: C'mon, Dirk Diggler. Grow up.
SullyZ2K: you probably couldn't handle my big cock, can you handle 15 inches?
CyberOnWheels: I could handle two feet if I wanted.
CyberOnWheels: I am paralyzed from the neck down.
SullyZ2K: yeah right
CyberOnWheels: Didn't you read my profile?
SullyZ2K: yeah, it says disability
CyberOnWheels: You could put your whole leg in my pussy and I wouldn't take my eyes off The Ricki Lake Show.
SullyZ2K: wow
CyberOnWheels: But I can suck a dick like nobody's business.
CyberOnWheels: Just ask Tom the orderlie.
CyberOnWheels: So who took that picture?
SullyZ2K: my ex- girlfriend, she was obsessed with it
SullyZ2K: she had some in her mouth and still fit both her hands on the shaft
CyberOnWheels: No offense but you look incredibly gay.
SullyZ2K: are you serious?
CyberOnWheels: I mean like a serious theater-going rainbow-sticker homo.
SullyZ2K: what the hell is wrong with you, I'm a 21 year old with a 15 inch cock
SullyZ2K: I've fucked more women than you can imagine
CyberOnWheels: You are a kid who looks queer and has a dildo.
CyberOnWheels: Hmmmm.
CyberOnWheels: I bet you can suck your own dick, huh?
SullyZ2K: I bet you've never sucked cock, let alone be the best cock sucker
SullyZ2K: I've never tried
CyberOnWheels: Well... try.
CyberOnWheels: I'll hold.
SullyZ2K: that's alright, you couldn't get me hard
CyberOnWheels: You mean, because of my disability?
SullyZ2K: no, could you suck my 15 inches good?
CyberOnWheels: Yes I could suck it very well. You just have to bring it up level with my mouth and take the bilge-pump out of my mouth.
CyberOnWheels: It's like a dentists siphon so I don't drool on myself.
SullyZ2K: how big have you sucked?
CyberOnWheels: I dont have a complete lower jaw so I don't suck so much as I give a hand-job with my mouth.
CyberOnWheels: Reynaldo my last man-nurse was pretty big but I didnt measure.
SullyZ2K: guess
CyberOnWheels: Prolly half as big as the dildo you have in your boxers.
CyberOnWheels: How tall are you?
SullyZ2K: 6'1''
CyberOnWheels: Wow. Do you wanna fuck me in the ass?
CyberOnWheels: A lot of guys do cuz I cant feel it.
SullyZ2K: tight ass?
CyberOnWheels: Reynaldo did me in the slop-hole so much I started shitting myself and not even knowing it but for the stink.
CyberOnWheels: I guess not.
SullyZ2K: wow, nice, swallow my cum?
CyberOnWheels: Whats it taste like?
SullyZ2K: you dunno?
CyberOnWheels: Everyone is different.
SullyZ2K: I've been told mine is good
CyberOnWheels: Did you have brain sugery?
SullyZ2K: ummmmm, no
CyberOnWheels: Then why do you have that haircut?
SullyZ2K: it was during summer, I always do that
CyberOnWheels: I figure its so you dont get your own cum stuck in your own hair.
CyberOnWheels: Did you ever forget to pull out of your own mouth?
SullyZ2K: yeah, whatever, how far can you stick it in your mouth?
CyberOnWheels: Well all the way, I guess.
SullyZ2K: 15 inches?
CyberOnWheels: Sure. I have no uvula, no gag reflex.
CyberOnWheels: I had mouth cancer, hence the lack of lower jaw, tongue and uvula.
CyberOnWheels: It spread to my spine and paralyzed me.
CyberOnWheels: I also have Ludwigs angina.
SullyZ2K: and you've had men?
SullyZ2K: you suck cock with all of that?
CyberOnWheels: Lots of men.
SullyZ2K: and they like it from you?
CyberOnWheels: I told you its not so much sucking as it is rubbing the leathery roof of my mouth over it.
CyberOnWheels: But it evidently rocks.
SullyZ2K: you dont know how long you've had?
CyberOnWheels: I let Seamus come in my feeding tube and it caused an emabalism.
CyberOnWheels: I dont know how to spell embalism and it makes me feel bad for using it.
CyberOnWheels: How long a cock?
SullyZ2K: yeah
CyberOnWheels: Reynaldos was the same size as a stillborn baby born two months premature.
CyberOnWheels: And isn't it ironic.
SullyZ2K: a baby?
CyberOnWheels: Ya. Well kinda.
SullyZ2K: long as the baby?
CyberOnWheels: A stillborn isn't really a baby as much as a nuisance. But yes.
SullyZ2K: wow, that's like how long, a foot?
CyberOnWheels: Thank God it was born dead though or Reynaldo would hav a lot of explaining to do.
CyberOnWheels: I dont know how long it was...
SullyZ2K: whose baby?
CyberOnWheels: What do you think a girl has a miscarriage and breaks out a measuring tape like its a fishing show?
CyberOnWheels: Reynaldos baby, stupid.
CyberOnWheels: Can we just stop all the chatter and get to the cyber?
SullyZ2K: sure
CyberOnWheels: I have to have Mrs Needleman the housekeeper stimulate my clitoris and tell me when I have acheived orgasm.
CyberOnWheels: She can tell by the contractions in my uterus.
SullyZ2K: is she hot?
CyberOnWheels: No, she's really nasty. She's like 61 and she hates doing it but my parents are rich and they told her to do whatever I asked becuase I probably won't live past Christmas.
SullyZ2K: oh my god, ok
CyberOnWheels: Where do you live?
SullyZ2K: New York
CyberOnWheels: Wow. I always wanted to go to New York.
SullyZ2K: would you suck my cock?
CyberOnWheels: Ya! If I was there in New York I would put my upper mouth part on your big fake cock that was probably in your ass an hour ago and rub it up and down sooo nice.
CyberOnWheels: ould you eat whats left of my broken, cold and bed-sored ass?
CyberOnWheels: Would*
CyberOnWheels: I love that.
SullyZ2K: why do you insist I'm fake?
CyberOnWheels: Well, you are either lying about it being fake or you are lying about never trying to suck it.
CyberOnWheels: One or the other. But one of them is definetely a lie.
SullyZ2K: it's not fake, but maybe I put my mouth on it once
CyberOnWheels: In what position?
SullyZ2K: same as in the picture
CyberOnWheels: How much did you get in your mouth?
SullyZ2K: like 4 inches
CyberOnWheels: Did you blow your load?
SullyZ2K: no, I did in my girlfriends mouth
CyberOnWheels: But you are still a guy who sucked a dick.
CyberOnWheels: So you are a homo.
CyberOnWheels: Technically.
SullyZ2K: it was mine
CyberOnWheels: I'm not busting on you.
CyberOnWheels: I'm just saying.
SullyZ2K: I hate gay people
SullyZ2K: I'm not gay
CyberOnWheels: Technically you are one of them.
CyberOnWheels: Do you like parades?
CyberOnWheels: Musicals?
CyberOnWheels: Cats?
SullyZ2K: no, I like fuckin hot women
CyberOnWheels: For what? To play dress-up?
CyberOnWheels: I think your cute.
CyberOnWheels: Just kinda faggy is all.
CyberOnWheels: Now lets cyber.
SullyZ2K: have it your way, lets go
CyberOnWheels: Ok, you peel the diaper off my lower body.
SullyZ2K: whip out my 15 incher and stick in all the way
CyberOnWheels: My whole ass, cunt and hip area is white and wrinkly-moist like when you've had a band-aid on for too long.
CyberOnWheels: The stench of dead flesh rises in your nose.
CyberOnWheels: I look up at you with sunken eyes and wonderi fyou are Jesus come to take me home.
SullyZ2K: I take it all out and stick it in your face
CyberOnWheels: I cough and gag and begin to cry.
CyberOnWheels: You dont have but three inches of dick.
CyberOnWheels: I ask you to get your dildo.
SullyZ2K: whatever, I'll go with it
CyberOnWheels: I know its a dildo because its hanging through the flap of your underwear.
CyberOnWheels: No guy uses the flap, especially when he is naked otherwise.
SullyZ2K: neway, you gasp when you see my huge size cock
CyberOnWheels: I gasp as you take it out of your ass and put the first four inches in your mouth.
CyberOnWheels: "That was in your ass, groos!"
SullyZ2K: never in my ass
CyberOnWheels: "That's ok", says you, "I'm a homo with a taste for ass and cock!"
CyberOnWheels: That makes me horny as heck.
CyberOnWheels: My own cock starts to rise from under the hospital linens.
CyberOnWheels: You see it and and turn green with envy.
SullyZ2K: what?
CyberOnWheels: My cock is near four foot with a Freddy Kruger hand at the end.
CyberOnWheels: It grabs you by the throat.
SullyZ2K: um, ok
SullyZ2K: uh
CyberOnWheels: I pull you down onto the bad and teabag you with an anger only seen in WWF.
CyberOnWheels: My balls are sweaty from hours of baiting and you welcome them into you pansy mouth.
CyberOnWheels: (Help me, I'm about to toss a big stick load on to my beer beely)
CyberOnWheels: belly*
SullyZ2K direct connection is closed.
CyberOnWheels: C'mon queery. Help a dude out.
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