D.A.R.E. to keep kids on cock.
"Growth Problem"
by: Cum Recepticle
Posted: 06/09/01         Score: 2.9         Votes: 374
This guy was amazingly sensitive to my least up until I told him I was a guy. Go figure.
Mutt13: hey sexy
: feelin horny
Cum Recepticle
: Always!
Cum Recepticle: I take it you are, too?
Mutt13: hell ya
: what size tits do u have
Cum Recepticle
: big
Mutt13: size?
Cum Recepticle
: that's an actual size now, "Big"
Mutt13: o i gotcha
: r they hard
Cum Recepticle
:'ve never actually seen female breasts, have you?
Cum Recepticle: Failed anatomy?
Mutt13: o i have
: just curious
Cum Recepticle
: then how the fuck does "r they hard?" relate to breasts?
Mutt13: r ur nipples hard
Cum Recepticle
: aaaaah, that's better.
Cum Recepticle: Yes, they're like little towers reaching towards the heavens
Mutt13: sweet
: r ur tits big enough that u can suck ur own
Cum Recepticle
: Holy Christ, dude, I'm only 13. That's a tall order for someone who can't even mow her own lawn, if you know what I mean
Mutt13: true
: i'm just trying to get a picture, i mean you won't tell me what size
Cum Recepticle
: They're 34Bs...that's big for a 13 year old
Mutt13: yeah it sure is
: so what r u wearing
Cum Recepticle
: Aluminum foil.
Mutt13: interesting
: so what do u look like
Cum Recepticle
: I'm 3'2", about as round as I am tall, and only have 3 limbs.
Mutt13: o really
: so that would make it hard to fuck u u know
: I mean u'd be rolling around
Cum Recepticle
: Nah, it's okay. My back is flat.
Mutt13: so r u still wearing aluminium foil
Cum Recepticle
: yeah, it keeps the aliens from controlling my body
Mutt13: would u like it if i controlled ur body
Cum Recepticle
: I dunno...are you going to use Microwave Control Signals from Beta Zephelon?
Mutt13: y not
Cum Recepticle
: what? Please make sense.
Mutt13: i mean if i get to violate u by using whatever that may be then sure what the hell
Cum Recepticle
: Er,, then. I don't like that kind of body-control, hence the aluminum foil.
Mutt13: o gotcha
: well u want sex or not
Cum Recepticle
: I guess
Mutt13: that's good
: so r u pregnant or just round
Cum Recepticle
: I suffer from a growth problem
Mutt13: o gotcha
: so r u still a virgin
Cum Recepticle
: You haven't been listening to a thing I've said, apparently
Mutt13: yes i have
Cum Recepticle
: I already said that I've had sex.
Cum Recepticle: How else would I know my flat back keeps me stationary?
Mutt13: o ok
: well i don't know
: so do u like to ride ur men or what position is ur fav
Cum Recepticle
: I prefer it when they glue me down to a folding card table then fuck me until the table collapses under my weight
Mutt13: sweet
: r u loud while having sex
: ?
Cum Recepticle
: Yes, you can hear my internal organs shaking around
Mutt13: does that feel good
Cum Recepticle
: Not really. If it splits the stitches in my side I could lose my liver again
Mutt13: ouch
: so can u see ur pussy or r u too round to
Cum Recepticle
: I don't have a "pussy" per-se
Cum Recepticle: It's more like a ragged gash in my lower torso.
Mutt13: that's gotta suck
Cum Recepticle
: The "growth problem" is a little more severe than I may have made clear to you
Mutt13: is that where i'm supposed to stick my dick in or is it somewhere else
Cum Recepticle
: You can stick it there, or in another one of the strange cut-like indentations I have spaced around my pelvis.
Mutt13: so in otherwards you can be fucked by more than one guy at the same time
Cum Recepticle
: Yeah! Exactly!@
Cum Recepticle: As long as they don't use mind- or body-control rays. And are aliens, of course.
Cum Recepticle: My doctor says I shouldn't listen to the voices in my head, but it's so hard to when they say they're Jesus.
Cum Recepticle: So, are you still horny? You've got me seeping from at least 6 of my mutation-gaps
Mutt13: hell ya
Cum Recepticle
: Great! So, which hole did you want to fill?
Mutt13: all of them
Cum Recepticle
: Cool! So you've got 6 penis-like extentions?
Mutt13: and then i'm gonna roll u over on ur tummy and do u doggie-style in your holes towards your back until your internal organs quiver and u moan with agony
Cum Recepticle
: I don't "moan with agony" - if you roll me over like that my stomach will probably burst, spilling my entrails all over the bed.
Cum Recepticle: I've got a thin stomach wall
Mutt13: the hell with it
Cum Recepticle
: and the extra 40 pounds of intestine-like growths inside my stomach cavity would probably be too much for it to take
Mutt13: i'm probably going to create some new species because u'll probably end up pregnant, I mean the chances increase x6 with 6 holes
Cum Recepticle
: Neither my ovaries or uterus are fully formed, so that's doubtful.
Cum Recepticle: Plus most of the gashes lead to my third lung, anyway.
Mutt13: o ok
: so if ur horny, tell me what u wanna do to fullfil ur hornyness
Cum Recepticle
: Why don't you start with the 4" gap under my left pseudo-arm
Cum Recepticle: that's the least likely to spasm, and I really don't want to cause your genitals any damage...
Mutt13: moan for me then right now
Cum Recepticle
: *moans*
Mutt13: louder
Cum Recepticle
: I hope that got you off. Either that, or you better be really good at pretending the mutant semi-female thing you're fucking is hot.
Cum Recepticle: *MOANS* Caps signifies that it's louder.
Mutt13: lol i understand
Cum Recepticle
: Great, well...while you're sticking your cock into one of my many holes, could you also stroke my penis?
Mutt13: now making it a bigger font signifies even llouder
: y not i don't care
Cum Recepticle
: Excellent! I'm referring to the 2nd one from the left.
Mutt13: ok
: this is getting boring
: so what do u really look like
Cum Recepticle
: *sighs* You got me. How'd you know I was faking?
Mutt13: im just good like that
Cum Recepticle
: I'm really a 43 year-old overweight man with a 3" penis.
Mutt13: ok if ur not gonna be honest then bye
Cum Recepticle
: I just pretend to be a gimped-up mutato-gal to get guys.
Cum Recepticle: I'M SERIOUS!
Mutt13: bye
Cum Recepticle
: Well, fuck you too.
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