Eating poop is like shopping at a warehouse - you're just cutting out the middleman.
Babysitting Mishaps
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 06/16/01         Score: 2.9         Votes: 90
If you're gonna be a pedophile, it helps to be good with kids.
JC200120: hey there, wanna have a little fun and cyber?
JC200120: hello??
NYCockExchange: Hello?
JC200120: Hi
NYCockExchange: What do you want?
JC200120: cyber?
NYCockExchange: Not right now. I'm trying to help my friend online.
JC200120: k, later, thanx
NYCockExchange: How old are you?
JC200120: 19
NYCockExchange: Are you any good with kids?
JC200120: it varies, depends
NYCockExchange: Have you ever babysat before? That's what she's doing.
JC200120: Yes I have
NYCockExchange: GOOD!!! We need your help... will you be around for a bit?
JC200120: For about 5 minutes or so, why?
NYCockExchange: Well, she's having some major problems.
NYCockExchange: Like... the kid won't move or anything.
JC200120: What is going on, what kind of problems are there?
NYCockExchange: The baby was face-down in the pillow when she went to check.
JC200120: Oh my, how old is the child?
NYCockExchange: What can she do? The baby is 9 months old.
JC200120: I take it then the baby is not breathing either??
NYCockExchange: Nope. Not breathing... just a sec, K?
JC200120: k
NYCockExchange: Okay... she's kinda freaking out... what do I tell her??
NYCockExchange: She tried everything I can think of.
JC200120: OK, does she know cpr and how long has the child been like this as far as she know, or discovered her?
NYCockExchange: She's not like a doctor or anything.... um.... let me ask her.
JC200120: She needs to get the child oxygen, and if she does not know cpr, and the child remains like this for 5 minutes, it will go into shock and die
JC200120: She needs to dial 911, chances are the child may be dead already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
JC200120: she needs emergency help immediately, there is nothing else she can do........seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NYCockExchange: Okay, I'll tell her to do that.... just a sec!!
NYCockExchange: She should be back in a minute. She went outside and is shaking the baby, trying to get air back into his lungs.
JC200120: Oh my god, if it has been a half an hour, it is probably too late, she should feel for a heart beat and check to see if the extremeties, "fingers and stufff" are going cold!!
NYCockExchange: Too late?!?!
JC200120: But either way she HAS TO GET A PARAMEDIC to the house immediately
JC200120: she is waisting time shaking the child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JC200120: Every second she doesnt dial 911 is gonna be crucial!!!!!!!
NYCockExchange: Okay, okay... I told her to call 911!!
NYCockExchange: She'll be back in a second... God, I hope the baby is okay!
JC200120: I SERIOUSLY would expect the worst, honestly!!
NYCockExchange: Okay, I pasted that to her.
NYCockExchange: She says that she doesn't know who you are, you're probably a pedophile, and she is going to try shaking the baby again.
JC200120: Well I have done all I can to help, it is common sense to call for help. There is nothing more that I can do! I am gonna go!
NYCockExchange: Shit... Do you have any, like, medical training?
NYCockExchange: It seems like you know some stuff.
NYCockExchange: Maybe I can tell her something to make her trust you!
JC200120: No I dont have any official medical training, so therefore I cannot make any recommendations!!!
JC200120: Im sorry
NYCockExchange: Hold on - she has a good idea, I think!!
JC200120: There is nothing more I can do except have her call for help
NYCockExchange: The baby looks blue right now, so she's going to try another tactic.
JC200120: I cannot believe this, what is wrong with this girl, how old is she????????
NYCockExchange: You know how when people commit suicide by locking themselves in a garage with the car running, they get that carbon-something-or-other poisoning, and their cheeks turn red?
NYCockExchange: She's 13, like me, but she's smarter!
JC200120: carbon monoxide poisoning
NYCockExchange: She'll make the blue go away by making the cheeks red!!
JC200120: yes
JC200120: How???
NYCockExchange: She's gonna turn on the car and leave the baby in there for ten minutes or so.
JC200120: WHAT?>?>>????????????
NYCockExchange: I told her to keep the door closed, no matter how nervous she gets, 'cause otherwise some of the car exhaust might get out!
NYCockExchange: Huh?!
JC200120: whatever, im leaving, you need to get her help yourself now
JC200120: she cannot do that
NYCockExchange: Why not? That's a good way to get rid of the blue right? And the oxygen from the air outside didn't do shit, so maybe the car exhaust will help!
JC200120: it will make no difference
NYCockExchange: Gas makes cars go, maybe it will make the baby go?
JC200120: ?
JC200120: yeah just maybe
NYCockExchange: She's back, just a second. ...Sounds really excited...
NYCockExchange: She is saying something about the car being "in first". Do you know what that means?
JC200120: yes the car is in gear, this is no longer funny
JC200120: nice joke
NYCockExchange: Shit... she said the car lurched forward and smashed into the wall. The baby got smashed between her and the steering wheel.
NYCockExchange: I guess she'll try calling 911 now.
JC200120: mmmmm, maybe
JC200120: well, i have had enough, goodnight abby!!
NYCockExchange: That doesn't sound too good to me, I don't think I can help her anymore.
NYCockExchange: ....So, what are you wearing?
JC200120: basketball shorts and a tshirt
NYCockExchange: Mmmm... that sounds good!
JC200120: doesnt it
NYCockExchange: Got a pic?
JC200120: and what about you, what are you wearing?
JC200120: yeah, i do, do you have a pic?
NYCockExchange: I'll take a pic with my digicam... just a sec.
JC200120: alright
NYCockExchange. JC200120's software does not support sending and receiving IM images. AbigailVanBaiter wants to send file C:WINDOWSProfiles railfoxDesktopez picslee.JPG. JC200120's software does not support file transfer.
NYCockExchange: How am I supposed to send this?
JC200120: you can send it to my email address
NYCockExchange: Okay, just a sec!
NYCockExchange: Hey!!! She says the baby is breathing again!!!!
JC200120: Alright!
NYCockExchange: Kind of... I guess there's a lot of blood. She seems to think everything is going to be okay, though.
JC200120: Good
NYCockExchange: She's going to try to iron the steering-wheel marks out of his back... do you think that will work?
NYCockExchange: She doesn't want the parents to know anything has happened.
JC200120: unfortunately no
JC200120: were you going to send that pic?
NYCockExchange: Well, shit. What can she do, then?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, just a sec.
JC200120: is it coming?
NYCockExchange: I'm attaching it to the e-mail right now. Sorry I'm taking so long.
JC200120: Thats OK
NYCockExchange: It's being sent.
JC200120: ok
NYCockExchange: Umm. My friend threw the baby in the trash.
NYCockExchange: Got it yet?
JC200120: yeah i got it now
JC200120: u are 13?
NYCockExchange: Yeah. You're 19?
JC200120: Very nice looking for your age, the older you get, the more you are going to harden a guys cock!!! You are nice
NYCockExchange: Thanks. Um... one sec, okay?
JC200120: k
NYCockExchange: My friend is here.
NYCockExchange: She has the baby in a trash bag.
NYCockExchange: Now what? She's kind of hysterical.
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