It's Not a Bait If You Cum First
Mood Swings
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 06/30/01         Score: 3.2         Votes: 59
It's fun to waste someone's time and energy, stringing them along like a dog leashed to the rear bumper.
unforgiven125: hey
NYCockExchange: Hey... what's up?
unforgiven125: everything
unforgiven125: so what are you doin?
unforgiven125: im really up there
NYCockExchange: Really up there? Are you high?
unforgiven125: yeah
NYCockExchange: Yeah? Whatcha been smokin'?
unforgiven125: smoked a couple bowls
NYCockExchange: Oh, just pot? I was wrong, then.
NYCockExchange: I felt certain that you were a crack whore.
unforgiven125: what do you mean
unforgiven125: no i dont do crack
unforgiven125: do you have another pic?
NYCockExchange: If you say so.
NYCockExchange: Another pic? Maybe... what can you do to make me send it?
unforgiven125: anything
unforgiven125: what do you want
NYCockExchange: Anything? God... have you no pride? You're like a dog begging at the dinner table.
unforgiven125: lol
unforgiven125: i dont really care at the moment
NYCockExchange: I see... well you're going to have to get me horny before I send the pic.
unforgiven125: ok
unforgiven125: lets see
unforgiven125: i wanna give it to you doggie style, make you moan for more
NYCockExchange: Um.
NYCockExchange: What the hell is that? You don't know how to get me off, do you?
unforgiven125: well, i dont really know you so no what do you want?
NYCockExchange: If you wanna get me off, we gotta get rough & violent, and insult each other... that's my favorite kind of foreplay, you fucking white trash faggot.
unforgiven125: you little bitch
unforgiven125: nasty little cunt
NYCockExchange: Hey - quit it... I ain't your mother.
unforgiven125: i should fuck your slutty ass
NYCockExchange: I'm not your grandma, either, so don't treat me like you treat her, dickhead.
unforgiven125: why dont you go sell yourself like your mom did, how you think you got here
unforgiven125: little whore
NYCockExchange: My mom didn't sell herself, she doesn't accept food stamps and IOU's, like yours does.
unforgiven125: thats right your mom is free
NYCockExchange: I gave your mom and IOU, and she gave me the shittiest blowjob I've ever had.
unforgiven125: well she will give you even more for some ciggerettes or weed
unforgiven125: what do you mean blowjob
NYCockExchange: I mean she doesn't know how to suck cock, she just drools all over and hits herself in the chest with a half-curled hand like the retard that she is.
unforgiven125: im saying how could she give you a blowjob
NYCockExchange: I guess you give better head than your mom does, though? Good job.
NYCockExchange: I'm saying, how can I threaten someone with a pussy? Have you ever tried it? I need to have a cock to threaten people effectively.
unforgiven125: i bet your not even a girl , you probbly some queer lookin for some dick
NYCockExchange: Yeah, and I'll bet you're a fucking carpet muncher who's disappointed.
unforgiven125: so you are a queer
NYCockExchange: I'll bet you're so ugly of a bitch, that's why you need to pretend to be a guy to get some pussy... ain't that right, miss?
unforgiven125: fuck you, you cant get a girl so you turned queer
unforgiven125: i on the other hand could hook up with any girl i wish
NYCockExchange: I "can't" get a girl because I'm a straight girl, does that make any more sense to you?
unforgiven125: ok
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm sure you could hook up with any girl you wish if you hit her over the head hard enough.
NYCockExchange: Well?
unforgiven125: well
unforgiven125: are you horny at all yet
NYCockExchange: No, I'm actually hurt.
NYCockExchange: You're telling me, more or less, that I type like a man, and called me a fucking queer.
unforgiven125: im sorry
unforgiven125: its just that there are alot of people that joke and act like girls and i dont wanna look like a fool, so i was suspicious
NYCockExchange: I don't want to hear any excuses or apologies right now, okay? Just let me cope with this, and I'll feel better.
unforgiven125: im sorry anyway, please forgive me
NYCockExchange: Just stop, okay? I wish we could go back in time, and take back the terrible things we said about each other.
unforgiven125: ok lets say it never happened
NYCockExchange: *sigh* ...I guess I could, but it'll take a while for the scars to heal.
NYCockExchange: I cut myself.
unforgiven125: why
NYCockExchange: Because I am a mean person... isn't that obvious from the things that I was telling you? I hate my life and I wish I was never born.
NYCockExchange: All I am is a burden to my parents and society.
unforgiven125: dont be like that
unforgiven125: it'll be ok
NYCockExchange: But why? Why the hell was I born into a family that just abuses me? Why can't I have any friends? No one even wants to be seen with me.
unforgiven125: i dont know, i asked the same question about myself
unforgiven125: thats why i couldnt wait to move out
NYCockExchange: Sometimes, I just want to "move" from this whole world... I want to end it all. If there was a God, he wouldn't let me suffer like this.
NYCockExchange: God, I feel fucking stupid for slashing my arm, now.
NYCockExchange: Look at me... I'm a fucking pathetic nobody.
unforgiven125: stop hurting yourself
unforgiven125: dont say that
unforgiven125: i went through the same troubles, you gotta be strong you will bo ok
NYCockExchange: I can't help it!! Physical pain is the only thing that numbs the pain in my head.
unforgiven125: well does cybering help you?
NYCockExchange: All it is, is just superficial means for me to feel better about myself... to imagine that I'm some hot, sexy chick instead of this fucked-up pile of shit that I am right now.
unforgiven125: let me see your pic?
unforgiven125: i'll tell you what i honestly think about you
NYCockExchange: Why? You'll just tell me how fat and ugly I am, like everyone at school does.... just drive another nail in.
unforgiven125: no i promise i wont say anything bad about you
NYCockExchange: You mean you'll lie, just to make me feel better? Like the people at church?
unforgiven125: let me see, i'll be honest but i wont be mean, even if you are not hot no one is ugly
NYCockExchange: But I am ugly. ...I guess I can send it - you telling me how fat and ugly I am will be just another drop in the bucket.
NYCockExchange. unforgiven125 is now directly connected.
unforgiven125 direct connection is closed.
unforgiven125: wow, i dont care what people say i think your hot
unforgiven125: i swear im not lying
unforgiven125: i swear you look very good, you are hot
NYCockExchange: God... what the fuck have I done to be lied to, and treated like a dog? WHY ME?!?!
unforgiven125: im not lieing to you i swear i am being honest
unforgiven125: listen to me, i have no reason to lie to you , i dont want to lie to you, you are fuckin hot and if you dont believe me im sorry
NYCockExchange: I cut myself again.
unforgiven125: stop
unforgiven125: dont cut yourself
unforgiven125: i dont want you to hurt
NYCockExchange: Okay... I think I know what to do.
unforgiven125: what?

NYCockExchange: I'm gonna take some of my mom's prozac. She'll beat me again if she finds out, but I have no choice right now... I'll bleed all over.
unforgiven125: ok
unforgiven125: i swear i did not lie to you
unforgiven125: i think you are hot
NYCockExchange: Hi!
unforgiven125: hi
unforgiven125: is it still you
NYCockExchange: Yeah!! Is that still you? LOL
unforgiven125: lol yeah
NYCockExchange: Heh... did I just make you laugh? That is *awesome*!!!
unforgiven125: yup
unforgiven125: so are you feelin better?
NYCockExchange: I feel... absolutely great! I'm glad to be talking with you, you seem like a real positive guy!
unforgiven125: i am
unforgiven125: i want to help you out, and i really do think your a hot girl
unforgiven125: i wanna li li li lick you from your head to your toes
NYCockExchange: Do you really think you can help me? I mean, it's not normal for a weaker person to help a stronger one!
unforgiven125: lol
unforgiven125: i can help you in many different ways
NYCockExchange: I'm glad you think that was funny, but look... I'm finding it pretty difficult to believe that you're worth my time right now. We're just on totally different levels, you know?
NYCockExchange: I mean, I could go down to *your* level, but you might drag me down.
unforgiven125: are you serious, i think you wanna come down here with me, i think you'll like it here
NYCockExchange: Look, there's no need to be sarcastic. Accept your faults, and strive to be a better person, okay? We all have the ability within ourselves to be beacons of light and hope.
unforgiven125: ok
unforgiven125: i'll try, but just for you
NYCockExchange: We'll start off with some positive statements... Can you tell me 10 things about yourself that you really love?
NYCockExchange: If that's hard, we'll start off with 5.
unforgiven125: i can give you things but you gotta give me 10 things too
NYCockExchange: Okay! Name 10! On your marks, get set... go!!
unforgiven125: my height, im 6'3 proud of it
unforgiven125: now you name 1
unforgiven125: you still there
NYCockExchange: No, no... That's not how we play the game. You do your ten, and then I'll do mine... otherwise, you might be tempted to copy from me, and I want to be certain that you're really building your inner child this evening!
unforgiven125: ok
unforgiven125: i like my strength, im very strong and muscular
unforgiven125: lets see, i like my attitude, im very friendly, easy to get along with
NYCockExchange: That's three! Very good... I'm glad you are confident with your physical and social abilities!
unforgiven125: i like my ability to play guitar, im pretty good in a band, almost got a record deal
NYCockExchange: Uh huh...
unforgiven125: lets see
NYCockExchange: God, I'm starting to feel kind of strange... I've never taken this much prozac before, never ever.
unforgiven125: i like my smile, girls always say i got a nice smile
unforgiven125: i like my intellegence
unforgiven125: this may sound kinda weird but i like haveing a big penis
NYCockExchange: Who *are* you?
unforgiven125: what?
unforgiven125: what do you mean
NYCockExchange: I just realized that I'm spilling my guts out to someone I've never met...
unforgiven125: well so am I
NYCockExchange: For all I know, you could be some crazy, whacked-out serial killer.
unforgiven125: i just told you like 8 things about me
unforgiven125: no im not, im clean
NYCockExchange: I feel scared. Do you realize how many freaks there are out there?
unforgiven125: i know
unforgiven125: thats why i was cautious around you at first
unforgiven125: but its ok if you dont wanna talk to me
NYCockExchange: Like, I heard this one girl in this town nearby met some guy through e-mail and he fucking stabbed her to death...
unforgiven125: i wont be mad or anything
unforgiven125: i am not trying to meet you
unforgiven125: im just having a conversation
NYCockExchange: But that's where it all starts, though... Just with an "innocent, friendly" conversation.
NYCockExchange: I got major chills in my spine when I saw the face of that young girl on TV... she was smiling, full of hope and life... now she's six feet under and full of mulitple stab wounds.
NYCockExchange: That's how I feel right now... But... I don't know why I'm telling you this. I never act this way, I swear to God.
unforgiven125: its ok
unforgiven125: just calm down
NYCockExchange: OH FUCKING GOD....
NYCockExchange: Some guy just sent me a message and he KNEW MY NAME!!!
unforgiven125: well block him
NYCockExchange: I did... I'll just block everyone but you... he might come back under another SN, I cannot trust anyone.
unforgiven125: calm down
unforgiven125: your getting parinoid
NYCockExchange: How do you know that? Is it that obvious? If so, I am in some deep shit.
unforgiven125: you just sound like your getting scared
unforgiven125: you were happy a min ago
NYCockExchange: I need to be... less... expressive or something... I could slip any second, and give out some vital information.... then they'll come to my door, or break through my window... and cut me down...
unforgiven125: calm down girl, im not gonna hurt you
unforgiven125: im just trying to talk to you
NYCockExchange: Okay, okay... God, I feel dizzy... my head is pounding.
NYCockExchange: Don't tell ANYONE that, though, okay?
unforgiven125: ok
NYCockExchange: Alright... I'm gonna get some water. BRB...
unforgiven125: ok
NYCockExchange: I'm back. I feel a little better now.
unforgiven125: thats good
NYCockExchange: Yeah. I feel embarassed, I don't know what came over me.
NYCockExchange: So... whatcha wearing, baby?
unforgiven125: just some shorts and a beater
unforgiven125: what are you wearin?
NYCockExchange: I just stripped everything off... I'm running my hands all over my body... Mmmm....
unforgiven125: that sounds good
unforgiven125: im taking off my shorts
NYCockExchange: It sure does feel good... I'm so horny, all I can think about is touching myself.
unforgiven125: you wanna see if you can get me hard?
unforgiven125: i wanna touch all over you
unforgiven125: rubb your tits
unforgiven125: do you like getting fingered?
NYCockExchange: Okay, that really turned me on... I'm going to type a little slower now, so I can stroke myself up and down. Is that okay?
unforgiven125: yeah
unforgiven125: i want to finger you with 3 fingers inside you
NYCockExchange: Sweet! I'm glad you approve, because I'm sooo fucking horny. If you would have said "no", I don't know if I could have stopped for you.
unforgiven125: its ok
NYCockExchange: Three fingers? That sure would stretch my ass, but it would feel *really* fucking great right now....
unforgiven125: i want you to get horny
unforgiven125: are you nice and wet?
NYCockExchange: Wait - are you already horny? Are you jacking off yet?
NYCockExchange: I don't want to be the only person naked and jacking off, here.
unforgiven125: not yet
NYCockExchange: Okay. What can I do to get you off?
unforgiven125: you mean fingering yourself
unforgiven125: i donno try somethin and see if it works
NYCockExchange: No, I don't finger myself - I stroke myself up and down. I guess that makes me unique, or something?
unforgiven125: i'll tell you if it makes me horny
unforgiven125: see if you can make me horny
NYCockExchange: Would you like to hear about getting your thick, long cock sucked?
NYCockExchange: I know I would.
unforgiven125: yeah
unforgiven125: that sonds good
NYCockExchange: Sweet!
NYCockExchange: Am I making any progress? Is your dick getting hard at all?
unforgiven125: its getting there
unforgiven125: you gotta do alot to make me fully hard though
NYCockExchange: Oh. Sorry, I'm not used to dealing with guys who have trouble getting it up.
unforgiven125: i got have truble, you just gotta work to get it all
unforgiven125: i dont have trouble*
NYCockExchange: Alright... want me to tell you what I'd do if I was there?
unforgiven125: yeah
NYCockExchange: I'd probably hit you over the head with a crowbar so you were either dead or completely unconscious. Then, I'd get a Makita power drill with a 2" drill bit, drill a hole right through your nose, and shove my 10" cock right into the socket. I'd nose-fuck you until I filled your nasal passages with my hot, sticky nut-juice, screaming, "TAKE IT ALL, BITCH!"
unforgiven125: fuck you
NYCockExchange: Then, I'd probably have a smoke, zip my pants up, and leave your body to decay. Some time later, I'd probably think briefly about the cum dripping out of the hole in your skull, and smile to myself.
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