D.A.R.E. to keep kids on cock.
Sexy Shopping
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 08/04/01         Score: 3.3         Votes: 387
I'd post some neato quip to describe this, but I am actually pretty fucking hungry. Oh well.
BloodMilkAndSky1: r u horny
NYCockExchange: Sure. Why did you leave, earlier?
BloodMilkAndSky1: i had to
BloodMilkAndSky1: fuckme baby
BloodMilkAndSky1: what r u wearing
NYCockExchange: Why did you leave?
BloodMilkAndSky1: i had to
NYCockExchange: Yeah? Why did you have to?
BloodMilkAndSky1: becuz i had to help my dad with the groceries
BloodMilkAndSky1: what r u wearing
NYCockExchange: *sigh* I'm fucking horny as HELL right now, but I'm not even half as wet and needy as I was earlier. And you left to help your dad?
BloodMilkAndSky1: i didnt knwo u were wet and needed me baby
NYCockExchange: So you didn't think I was horny, you just wanted to dry-fuck me?
BloodMilkAndSky1: no
BloodMilkAndSky1: i wanted u baby
BloodMilkAndSky1: i didnt know u were horny
BloodMilkAndSky1: where do u live??
BloodMilkAndSky1: u can call me
BloodMilkAndSky1: we can have phone sex
NYCockExchange: I *know* you didn't know I was horny. You didn't know I was horny, you were assuming that my pussy was all dry, and you wanted to dry-fuck me.
BloodMilkAndSky1: no i didnt
BloodMilkAndSky1: i want to fuck ur wet pussy
NYCockExchange: It was wet earlier, but you ran off to help your dad with the groceries.
BloodMilkAndSky1: i had to
BloodMilkAndSky1: is it wet right now
BloodMilkAndSky1: ?
BloodMilkAndSky1: if not u can call me and i can make it wet
NYCockExchange: I understand, though. Every time I get horny, I have this sudden urge to bring in gallons of milk, vegetables, and meats from the car.
BloodMilkAndSky1: haha
BloodMilkAndSky1: sorry baby
BloodMilkAndSky1: will u call me
NYCockExchange: If I call you, can we talk about bringing in groceries? That'd get me off.
BloodMilkAndSky1: i wana talk about sex and me fucking u
NYCockExchange: Well, we can talk about that later, baby... we'll talk business later. Right now, I want to hear about your manly, studly body bringing groceries in.
NYCockExchange: That's really sexy. I haven't told anyone I feel this way before.
BloodMilkAndSky1: brb
NYCockExchange: Okay.
NYCockExchange: In the meantime, let me tell you about all of the times I've masturbated as I've watched Mr. Jefferies bring his groceries from his car across the street. Just don't tell anyone, this is really personal, okay?
Previous message was not received by BloodMilkAndSky1 because of error: User BloodMilkAndSky1 is not available.

BloodMilkAndSky1: i had to help my dad with the groceries
BloodMilkAndSky1: sorry
NYCockExchange: Let me tell you about all of the times I've masturbated as I've watched Mr. Jefferies bring his groceries from his car across the street. Just don't tell anyone, this is really personal, okay?
BloodMilkAndSky1: okay
NYCockExchange: So tell me about your grocery-hauling, so I can get really horny and wet.
BloodMilkAndSky1: well i first take off my shirt
NYCockExchange: You take off your shirt to haul groceries? It's that much of a workout?
BloodMilkAndSky1: then i walk out to the car and take out the groceries with my muscles bulging
BloodMilkAndSky1: yeah
BloodMilkAndSky1: then when i think about u and me fucking i usually get hard
BloodMilkAndSky1: and then i come in a jack off
NYCockExchange: What kind of groceries? I need details - they're what gets me off the most.
BloodMilkAndSky1: well nice juicy oranges
BloodMilkAndSky1: ice cold milk
BloodMilkAndSky1: nice soft bread
BloodMilkAndSky1: r u gettin there baby
NYCockExchange: Brand names? Chiquita? Lipton? Hormel?
NYCockExchange: Dropping food names usually does the trick for me.
BloodMilkAndSky1: well wonder bread
BloodMilkAndSky1: hormel chilli
BloodMilkAndSky1: granny smith apples
BloodMilkAndSky1: sweet and low baby
BloodMilkAndSky1: nice
BloodMilkAndSky1: i wanna lick it and fuck it
NYCockExchange: What about cucumbers? You like those?
BloodMilkAndSky1: yeah
NYCockExchange: I thought so!
NYCockExchange: I like it when a cucumber pushes a guy's chili out.
BloodMilkAndSky1: yeah
BloodMilkAndSky1: so r u cumming
NYCockExchange: I'm damned close to cumming. Name off some more foods!! Tell me if it's paper or plastic!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: paper
BloodMilkAndSky1: ohhh
BloodMilkAndSky1: nice hot soup
NYCockExchange: Dinty Moore? Campbells? Wolfgang Puck?
BloodMilkAndSky1: campbells
NYCockExchange: ....I'm sorry. That was a bit of a turn-off.
NYCockExchange: I have a Progresso fetish.
NYCockExchange: Tell me you're bringing in Progresso, dammit!!! I need to CUM!!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: im bringing it in
BloodMilkAndSky1: and im gonna slurp it all up
NYCockExchange: What kind? Clam chowder?? Tomato soup??
BloodMilkAndSky1: clam chowder
BloodMilkAndSky1: and chicken noodle
NYCockExchange: OMFG!!!!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: cum baby
NYCockExchange: God, that gets me off sooooo bad!! I'm gonna scream! I can't help it!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
NYCockExchange: Say it again!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: hey baby
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
NYCockExchange: Bigger letters!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
BloodMilkAndSky1: progresso
NYCockExchange: Bigger font!!! Make it green, and in capitals!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: FUCK
BloodMilkAndSky1: PROGRESSo
BloodMilkAndSky1: PROGRESSo
BloodMilkAndSky1: PROGRESSO
BloodMilkAndSky1: PROGRESSO
BloodMilkAndSky1: PROGRESSO
BloodMilkAndSky1: FUCK
BloodMilkAndSky1: PROGRESSO
BloodMilkAndSky1: PROGRESSO
BloodMilkAndSky1: CUM BABY
BloodMilkAndSky1: PROGRESSO
NYCockExchange: Tell me Nabisco, baby!! SAY IT!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: NABISCO BABY
BloodMilkAndSky1: NABISCO BABY
NYCockExchange: In red, like the label!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: NABISCO BABY
BloodMilkAndSky1: NABISCO BABY
BloodMilkAndSky1: NABISCO BABY
BloodMilkAndSky1: NABISCO BABY
BloodMilkAndSky1: NABISCO BABY
BloodMilkAndSky1: NABISCO BABY
BloodMilkAndSky1: yes
BloodMilkAndSky1: baby
NYCockExchange: Now, make the background blue, and write "Pilsbury" in white!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: PILSBURY
BloodMilkAndSky1: PILSBURY
BloodMilkAndSky1: PILSBURY
BloodMilkAndSky1: PILSBURY
BloodMilkAndSky1: PILSBURY
NYCockExchange: Now go back to the white background, and give me a "Green Giant" or "Keebler"!!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: KEEBLER
BloodMilkAndSky1: KEEBLER
BloodMilkAndSky1: KEEBLER
BloodMilkAndSky1: KEEBLER
BloodMilkAndSky1: KEEBLER
BloodMilkAndSky1: KEEBLER
NYCockExchange: Oh dear god... I've rubbed myself raw.
NYCockExchange: Not only are you romantic and charming, you sure know your groceries.
BloodMilkAndSky1: will u call me later?
NYCockExchange: Sure. Let's roleplay like we're shopping, and I'm putting my meat in your basket.
BloodMilkAndSky1: ok
BloodMilkAndSky1: u wanna roleplay right now or over the phone
NYCockExchange: Right now!! Right now!!
BloodMilkAndSky1: ok
BloodMilkAndSky1: u go first
NYCockExchange: So I see your "shopping basket", and I start pumping my meat into it.
NYCockExchange: Corned beef, rump roast, kielbasa, blood sausage... I'm just filling your basket to its capacity.
BloodMilkAndSky1: i dont know wat to say next im soo horny
BloodMilkAndSky1: im lost of words
NYCockExchange: That's okay... Just let me fill your "basket" with my tube-steak and meatballs!
NYCockExchange: My not-so-Slim Jim fills your "aisle 12".... we're gonna need a "wet cleanup" soon!
BloodMilkAndSky1: oh yeah baby
NYCockExchange: Are you spurting cream-cheese from your hot dog yet?
BloodMilkAndSky1: oh yeah
BloodMilkAndSky1: its going crazy
NYCockExchange: I'm stuffing more meat into your "basket" ...Gallo salami, Oscar Mayer bologna... *pump pump pump*
NYCockExchange: Are you liking this?!
BloodMilkAndSky1: oh yeah
BloodMilkAndSky1: when u call
BloodMilkAndSky1: can we talk about us in the bedroom
NYCockExchange: Why? Isn't this turning you on?
BloodMilkAndSky1: yeah it is
BloodMilkAndSky1: actually lets talk about this
BloodMilkAndSky1: when u call
BloodMilkAndSky1: but it also turns me on when we talk about fucking
NYCockExchange: I *was* talking about fucking. You were the recipient. Didn't that get you off?
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