Does This Look Like Syphilis To You?
Sex with Milk
by: ICP Sucks
Posted: 02/15/00         Score: 2.0         Votes: 244
I think this was Dolemite.
Bri352n: hello
ICP Sucks
: Yo! Do you love ICP!
ICP Sucks: Er, ...ICP?
Bri352n: nope
ICP Sucks
: Then fuck off, non-ICP-lover!
ICP Sucks: And get a real ISP, not AOL.
Bri352n: ok
ICP Sucks
: My God, you suck.
Bri352n: thanks big master
ICP Sucks
: *sigh* Feigning obsequity and gayness are not considered good qualities. How are you ever going to get laid?
Bri352n: i already get laid every friday sorry if the last time it happened to you was when you (thought) you had sex with a showerhead
ICP Sucks
: Oh, man - thanks for reminding me. My showerhead gets lonely when you don't come over.
ICP Sucks: And your mom doesn't count for Friday nights.
ICP Sucks: Thought, she does for me.
ICP Sucks: Tell your mom I want my ICP CD back.
ICP Sucks: And tell her to stop masturbating with it.
Bri352n: no , no, see i have a real girlfreind
ICP Sucks
: Damn bitch fucking ruined the last CD I brought over.
ICP Sucks: No, you don't. If you did, you'd be having sex right now, and not talking to me on-line. Stop fucking pretending.
ICP Sucks: Dammit. I hate fucking losers.
Bri352n: its not friday night
: its tuesday afternoon
ICP Sucks
: *sigh* So you only have a girlfriend on Fridays? How much do you pay her?
ICP Sucks: Or inflate her?
Bri352n: i get laid on fridays
ICP Sucks
: No, you fucking don't. Don't try to pretend you even know what sex is, you 12yr old little ICP-loving faggot.
Bri352n: no i just think friday is a special occasion on which to get laid
: i have sex lots more than you
ICP Sucks
: I get laid every day, by my boyfriend Dirk. Sometimes Sven comes over, too, and we all have hot, raging, homosexual sex.
ICP Sucks: Doubtful. I got more sex last night than you'll ever get from your mom.
Bri352n: no, im i said, homosexual sex does not count in my books
ICP Sucks
: But sex with your mom does?
Bri352n: i dont have sex with my mom
ICP Sucks
: *sigh* Well, what do you call sticking your two-inch cock into her ass?
ICP Sucks: I call it a raging good time!
Bri352n: i have a ten inch cock first of all...second of all, i dont fuck her in the ass...third of all the word raging is disgusting
ICP Sucks
: What? No, you don't have a ten-inch cock, cuz I've seen it. Yes, you do have sex with your mom. And raging homosexuality is the way to go.
ICP Sucks: Your cock is barely over two inches, on a good day.
Bri352n: no you havent seen my cock...raging homosexuality is gay...and i dont fuck my mom
ICP Sucks
: Your girlfriend was screaming about how much bigger my cock is than yours the other night.
Bri352n: its 10 inches
ICP Sucks
: *sigh* You must be using a different type of ruler than the rest of is.
ICP Sucks:
Bri352n: ohh that wasnt my girlfriend...that was your sister you fucknut
ICP Sucks
: I had to shut your girlfriend up by shoving my cock in her mouth. She almost died from suffocation. God, that turned me on.
ICP Sucks: No, my sister was videotaping it.
Bri352n: like i said...that was your girlfriend caught it all...and let me tell you...your cock could compete in the guiness for smallest in the world
ICP Sucks
: That ruler you use: can I get one just like it? I wonder how big my cock would be on 150 feet, I'd guess.
ICP Sucks: My cock competes in the triatholon. It's a gold-medalist.
ICP Sucks: It can run, shoot, and ski.
Bri352n: nah it would be about half an it is now
: hahaha
ICP Sucks
: No, it's hard right now. You're totally turning me on.
ICP Sucks: You make me so hot.
ICP Sucks: Do you have a picture of your girlfriend?
Bri352n: your a flamer, man
ICP Sucks
: I want to masturbate to it.
Bri352n: thought you fucked her last night?
ICP Sucks
: I'm a flaming homosexual who wants to have hot, ICP sex with you right now.
Bri352n: exactly so get the fuck away
ICP Sucks
: Right, but I don't know what her face looks like, cuz I was mashing it against the headboard when I was fucking her ass from behind.
ICP Sucks: But you love me. Don't tell me to go away.
Bri352n: no, i think your a flamer, honestly
ICP Sucks
: No, I admit it freely. Now, suck my clown-cock.
ICP Sucks: I'd shout it from the rooftops, but I want your cock up my ass first.
Bri352n: you whore...i will not touch you there
ICP Sucks
: Touch me somewhere else then.
ICP Sucks: Rub your cock on my tits
Bri352n: id rather not
ICP Sucks
: Please?
ICP Sucks: Come on - I'm sucking your dick!
ICP Sucks: All two inches of it!
Bri352n: all ten inches of it...and if you suck it ill bite your fucking tounge off
ICP Sucks
: How would you do that, if my mouth is around your tiny cock? Does your cock have teeth?!
Bri352n: like i said, ten inches
ICP Sucks
: Two inches. There is a distinct difference. Your girlfriend told me.
ICP Sucks: She said, "Your cock is like five times bigger than my boyfriend's. He's only got two inches!"
Bri352n: you must have misheard...she said ten
ICP Sucks
: In that case, I have a fifty inch penis then. I feel bad for your girlfriend, taking it all the way up her ass like that. Man, fifty inches must really hurt in the colon.
Bri352n: she must have said five times really sorry, man
ICP Sucks
: Sorry for your complete ineptitude at coming up with a decent comeback?
ICP Sucks: Goddamn you suck to be warning me.
ICP Sucks: You are like the second biggest homosexual I've ever known in my entire life.
Bri352n: ineptitude is a big word...use it right
ICP Sucks
: *sigh* It is used right, you fucking inflatable-doll-fucking moron.,
ICP Sucks: Ineptitude means that you are inept. Unable to comprehend anything, much like you are right now.
Bri352n: i fuck real people, assmaster
ICP Sucks
: RealHamster? Go to and buy yours today!
ICP Sucks: You'll love it! It's even better than your sorry-ass, loose-as-a-glass-of-milk girlfriend!
Bri352n: you fucking pervert
: this is disgusting, man
ICP Sucks
: Pervert? You IM'd me for some gay cybersex, now pay up!
ICP Sucks: Shake that loose ass for me.
ICP Sucks: How old are you?
Bri352n: son of a bitch...i cannot believe this
ICP Sucks
: I can't believe you're this fucking lame. Now say something funny for our readers at home!
Bri352n: 26
: um...go fuck your mothers?
ICP Sucks
: *roflmao* And you're this shitty at defending your girlfriend's honor to a complete stranger?
Bri352n: yeah its a talent of mine
ICP Sucks
: My God - she must've fallen out of the ugly tree, hit every branch, and then been beaten senseless by ugly-stick wielding trolls who then ass-raped her into oblivion.
ICP Sucks: be with you.
ICP Sucks: You have no talent but that of sucking my big, white-painted clown-cock!
Bri352n: whatever...go fuck leaving
ICP Sucks
: Sweet!
ICP Sucks: But, wait - send me that picture of your penis first.

Previous message was not received by Bri352n because of error: User Bri352n is not available.

ICP Sucks: I can't believe he let me berate him that long.

Previous message was not received by Bri352n because of error: User Bri352n is not available.

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