The Best Thing to Happen To Pedophiles Since Children
Sibling Rivalry
by: IntoxiChrist
Posted: 03/12/01         Score: 3.0         Votes: 134
After God gets a sex-change, I gain a Sister but lose My Messiah-ship.
Jen is My Co-Pilot.
You have just entered room "Onward Christian Pornstars."
GodsOnlyDaughter has entered the room.
NeoNinjaEarth has entered the room.
NeoNinjaEarth: I'm here
GodsOnlyDaughter: Greetings ^_^
GodsOnlyDaughter: Hmm, hold on for a second. Ok?
NeoNinjaEarth: Hey , GodsOnlyDaughter!
NeoNinjaEarth: I'll talk to you from here.
GodsOnlyDaughter: Ok. Yes?
GodsOnlyDaughter: Ok ^_^
NeoNinjaEarth: What make you think that you are a female messiah?
GodsOnlyDaughter: Because I am God's daughter
NeoNinjaEarth: God has many daughters, but none are messiahs but daughters of Christ that have been saved by his blood.
GodsOnlyDaughter: You see, God got a sex change, and booted Jesus from the Messiah position. Then I was born, and I became the female Messiah.
NeoNinjaEarth: Blasphemy.
GodsOnlyDaughter: Jesus went on to be a porn star. He wasn't the brightest sibling, you know?
NeoNinjaEarth: What is your real name?
GodsOnlyDaughter: I am Jenny Christ, sister to Jesus Christ
NeoNinjaEarth: I warn you, woe unto you if you deny Jesus Christ and speak a different doctrine of the gospel of Christ. The Bible has not spoke of a female messiah. The Messiah is Jesus Christ and He shall return in victory.
NeoNinjaEarth: I really urge you to stop this sherad before you face God's wratch. You and IntoxiChrist
NeoNinjaEarth: I'm serious.
NeoNinjaEarth: You could suffer or worse!
GodsOnlyDaughter: But I'm only 13. The Bible was made WAY before I was born, so how could it say I was never here?
GodsOnlyDaughter: You're probably one of those people who send out chain letters saying "You will die in an hour if you do not send this to 10000000000 people!"
NeoNinjaEarth: No. But I am a prophet and servant of the Lord.
IntoxiChrist: Hey, Sis... I'm back.
GodsOnlyDaughter: I mean, My Dad won't kill me or anything yet. Ground me for 1,000 years maybe, but not death. Anyways, I gotta live longer before I die for your sins.
IntoxiChrist: Er... What the FUCK is going on here?
GodsOnlyDaughter: Some guy says I'm not real...
GodsOnlyDaughter: No one ever believes me. Why can't we make a Heaven Newspaper or something? No one knows about me!
GodsOnlyDaughter: What have you been smoking, man?
IntoxiChrist: Well, I was all for a Heaven Newspaper, but NO... I got ousted in favor of You.
NeoNinjaEarth: I"m serious. Stop this, both of you!
IntoxiChrist: And You don't have the same strength I do, as a Girl. *sigh*
GodsOnlyDaughter: I can't help it if Daddy favors me.
IntoxiChrist: Dammit... Why did Dad have a sex change? WHY?!?!?
GodsOnlyDaughter: You're a guy? Really? I could have never noticed
GodsOnlyDaughter: Maybe he didn't like it that Jesus Christ was gay? You couldn't keep it a secret from him, Jesus. Or Dad is GOD. He knows all.
NeoNinjaEarth: I will warn you only once more. For Jesus the Christ prophasized that many will come in His name claiming that they are the Messiah and of God.
IntoxiChrist: Dammit... Neo! Help Me out, here, man... You worship Me, the *SON* of God, right?!?
IntoxiChrist: Who would have dreamed that this "Women's Liberation" bullshit would reach the Gates of the Kingdom!!!
NeoNinjaEarth: You two, especially the 13 year old, STOP THIS seriously. I'm really sure about what will happen to you two if you don't
GodsOnlyDaughter: Hey! Shut up, jesus
GodsOnlyDaughter: Our family made a pact with Satan that we can't go to Hell. But that's hush hush, so don't tell anyone.
IntoxiChrist: Dammit... I Am the Lord and Savior... *You* don't tell Me to shut up.
NeoNinjaEarth: I worship the true Christ, who was born, has died and has risen and is in Heaven and sits on the right hand throne of God and who is coming back again to judge the living and the dead.
IntoxiChrist: And Sis... I'm telling Dad you're being a Slut.
IntoxiChrist: SEE?!?! He worships Me, Jenny!! Not You!!
GodsOnlyDaughter: No! I'm the one Daddy said was to be worshiped! IT'S NOT FAIR ;_;
NeoNinjaEarth: Bye guys! Remember, God has warned you both. This is nothing to play with. IF you continue, you will both be punished for your blasphemies against God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
IntoxiChrist: That was AFTER S/He got the fucking sex change, dammit!! *cries*
GodsOnlyDaughter: He did it because you are a GAY-WAD
NeoNinjaEarth: I'll pray for you both that you realize the truth and that God spares you his punishment.
NeoNinjaEarth: God bless you both and may he have mercy upon your souls.
edizenstark has entered the room.
NeoNinjaEarth has left the room.
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