The CIA Traffics Drugs
King Louis XIII Inches
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 06/05/00         Score: 2.3         Votes: 78
I am the 14th Century King of France, dammit. Another old-ass bait for ya. At least this one was in my "Postable Baits" folder.
ADogg47: want someone to get you off?
Kyodi Tae: Actually, I was hoping someone would explain to me the Schroedinger's Cat paradox, but an orgasm wouldn't be bad.
ADogg47: what are you wearing?
Kyodi Tae: My halloween costume.
ADogg47: which is?
Kyodi Tae: I'm dressed like a 14th English king.
ADogg47: why are you dressed like it now?
Kyodi Tae: I'm mentally unbalanced and I think I'm a 14th century king.
ADogg47: for real?
ADogg47: are you sure you're 12?
Kyodi Tae: Yes, I'm sure I'm 12. I'm just not sure that I'm not the 14th century King of France.
Kyodi Tae: How old are you?
ADogg47: 17
Kyodi Tae: Sweet. Do you have any illusions of grandeur?
ADogg47: I have fantasies of intercourse, but nothing about being powerful
Kyodi Tae: Hrm...I think I just have fantasies about this sceptre I have in my hand.
Kyodi Tae: I'm stroking the sceptre right now - I'm getting totally aroused from this.
ADogg47: virgin?
Kyodi Tae: No, Aries.
Kyodi Tae: Oh, wait - virgin, not virgo. Yeah.
ADogg47: how far you gone with a guy?
Kyodi Tae: I went all the way to Kamchatka once, but that was an accident; I thought that it was a girl.
ADogg47: come on, you know what I mean
Kyodi Tae: Um, ... virtually everything. But I was serious about Kamchatka.
Kyodi Tae: By the way, Kamchatka is the eastern-most peninsula found in the former Soviet Union.
Kyodi Tae: Er, region. Whatever.
ADogg47: so, you've done everything but have sex?
Kyodi Tae: No, I've had sex, too.
Kyodi Tae: Lots of sex.
Kyodi Tae: TONS of sex.
Kyodi Tae: Literally, I mean - I was fucked a guy that weighed 857 pounds.
Kyodi Tae: Er, ... I was fucked by a guy...
ADogg47: but you said that you were a virgin
Kyodi Tae: Well, I repented and asked forgiveness, so I'm a virgin again. God said so.
ADogg47: when did you lose your virginity before you repented?
Kyodi Tae: Right. Repentance can only occur after you've sinned. Repenting beforehand is just gay.
ADogg47: so, when did you lose it before?
Kyodi Tae: When I was 8.
ADogg47: really, to who?
Kyodi Tae: Um, you? Don't you remember? Have you lost your virginity?
ADogg47: yeah, I have, not to you, I'm for real, who was the first guy you fucked?
Kyodi Tae: You're for real?! I don't know if I can do this then - mostly, I've only fucked by lords and ladies-in-waitng in my 14th century Royal Court.
Kyodi Tae: First guy was ... my dad.
Kyodi Tae: Ok, ok - I'm kidding.
Kyodi Tae: My first guy was this hot guy named Dirk. He had a really big dick.
ADogg47: how old were you both at the time?
Kyodi Tae: Dirk was 21, and I was 12.
ADogg47: you said you lost it at 8
Kyodi Tae: Yeah, I mistyped. I meant 8
Kyodi Tae: My fingers were already on the 2 and the 1.
ADogg47: do you want an orgasm or not?
Kyodi Tae: Um, like I said before, yes.
Kyodi Tae: You're the Inquisitioner here. Not me.
ADogg47: then tell me the truth
Kyodi Tae: About what? I really, really want an orgasm
Kyodi Tae: That's the truth.
ADogg47: when did you lose you virginity and who to?
Kyodi Tae: And I am the 14th century King of France. That's the truth, too.
Kyodi Tae: I lost it to Dirk when I was 8. Now, are you going to fuck me or not.
Kyodi Tae: And that's the Buddha's-honest truth
Kyodi Tae: !
ADogg47: ::kisses and licks all over your inner thighs::
Kyodi Tae: Um, no foreplay?
ADogg47: ::kisses you lips::
Kyodi Tae: As the King of France, I command you to perform fellatio on my subincision!
Kyodi Tae: Do you believe I'm the King of France?
ADogg47: ::runs my tongue up and down your pussy lips::
Kyodi Tae: That was quick - one kiss and then BOOM! All the way down to the vagina.
Kyodi Tae: And as the King of France, I do not have a vagina. It is the Royal Gate. Refer to it as such.
ADogg47: you commanded to
Kyodi Tae: Um, .. licking a pussy is not fellatio, and my pussy cannot have subincision surgery performed on it.
ADogg47: by
ADogg47: e
Kyodi Tae: Huh? Why are you leaving?
Kyodi Tae: Come on - eat my pussy!
ADogg47: you're pissing me off with this craziness
Kyodi Tae: I'm not crazy, damn you!
Kyodi Tae: You never someone who's mentally unbalanced crazy...they're liable to do something....extreme.
ADogg47: like?
Kyodi Tae: someone...
ADogg47: like?
Kyodi Tae: I dunno - sucking your dick or riding your huge, throbbing cock like a pony ride at Safeway...
Kyodi Tae: Something like that...
ADogg47: do it
Kyodi Tae: Insert a penny into your ass, and I get an eight-second ride.
Kyodi Tae: Do what?
Kyodi Tae: "It" is not a clear description of what you want.
ADogg47: suck my cock
Kyodi Tae: Aren't you the demanding one? Do you always speak this way to your king, knave?!
Kyodi Tae: Now, stroke my sceptre!
Kyodi Tae: It arouses me.
Kyodi Tae: Are you stroking my sceptre?

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