Daddy! This place smells like tinkle.
From Ancient Times
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 11/09/00         Score: 3.1         Votes: 93
Since you no-talent ass-clowns have been bitching for so damned long about no new logs from the Master Baiters, I decided to spite you and post a log from WAY back when. Now put this in your mouth and like it. I have no idea how good or bad this log is, so if you don't like it, eat my ass.
K1R4NP: hi there
Kyodi Tae: What the fuck do you want?
K1R4NP: to show you a good time
Kyodi Tae: Like you could
Kyodi Tae: Will you take me to Chuck E. Cheese's?
Kyodi Tae: Where a kid can be a kid?™
Kyodi Tae: Um, you have to say stuff to show me a good time.
Kyodi Tae: Sorry - punted or something.
Kyodi Tae: Um, like said before, you have to say stuff to show me a good time.
K1R4NP: thought you'd like to talk about your fantasies. ..
Kyodi Tae: Sorry - AIM keeps booting me today.
Kyodi Tae: Sure - tell me all about your fantasies and how they pertain to my penis.
K1R4NP: your penis. ..I thought you were a girl??
Kyodi Tae: Oh, I am a girl. Sorry - mistyped.
Kyodi Tae: I meant pussy.
K1R4NP: you can have my penis
Kyodi Tae: I get so used to typing stuff like, "I suck your penis." or "Your penis is huge." that my fingers forget how to type pussy sometimes.
Kyodi Tae: Can I? Will you sever it from your body, pack it in a jar of grape jelly, and send it to me?
K1R4NP: my fingers will never forget your pussy
Kyodi Tae: Cool. My penis will never forget your fingers.
K1R4NP: you did it again
Kyodi Tae: Sorry - shit. Just replace it with pussy whenever I do it. Sorry. I'll try harder.
Kyodi Tae: If I say something like, "I start violating your ass with my penis.", just make it "I start violating your ass with my pussy." Less confusion that way. Sorry bout that.
K1R4NP: how are you gonna violate my ass with your pussy?
Kyodi Tae: So, what do you want to do to my penis?
Kyodi Tae: I can't violate your ass with a pussy, silly - it's not phallic.
Kyodi Tae: If I had a penis, I could most definitely violate your ass, but it's a vagina, so I can't really stick it -into- anything.
Kyodi Tae: I don't need to teach an anatomy and physiology class before we begin, do I?
K1R4NP: I'll just have to stick it in you then
Kyodi Tae: That'll work for the time being.
K1R4NP: play with your pussy, with my fingers.. ..& slid my penis into your ass
Kyodi Tae: Play my penis like a piano, man!
Kyodi Tae: Piano man! Sing us a song, you're the piano man....sing us a song, tonight! Well, we're all in the mood for a melody, and you've got us feelin' alright!
K1R4NP: rub your clit til you cum
Kyodi Tae: Rubbing like a madman.
K1R4NP: oh yes.. ..your naked pussy is dripping
Kyodi Tae: Dripping lighter fluid into a barbecue pit. Want some grilled swordfish?
Kyodi Tae: Hello? Was it something I said?
K1R4NP: wanna stick my tongue in your cunt & taste your cum
K1R4NP: 69.. .so you suck me as well
Kyodi Tae: Oh, sure. You take my penis into your mouth, and I'll take yours into mine.
K1R4NP: what?
Kyodi Tae: You just didn't say anything for a while.
Kyodi Tae: Thought maybe you left.
K1R4NP: doesn;t work if you keep typing penis
K1R4NP: ruins the illusion
Kyodi Tae: Sorry - I'm working on it, I really am. I really want to violate your ass with it, too. Let's 69 first, though.
Kyodi Tae: Yeah - I really don't keep up the illusion very well, do I?
Kyodi Tae: So, you're going to suck on my, pussy and I'll suck your pussy?
K1R4NP: ok.. ..see ya
Kyodi Tae: What?
Kyodi Tae: What did I say?
Kyodi Tae: I really want to fuck you, too!
Kyodi Tae: Come on - play with my tits or something until I can type pussy more regularly.
K1R4NP: describe your pussy
Kyodi Tae: It's small, hairless, has a slit in it where I installed the cyberpenis, and it's currently sopping wet.
K1R4NP: and it has my tongue licking it
Kyodi Tae: Oh, yeah - forgot that part. Your tongue is licking the length of the shaft of my pussy.
K1R4NP: sucking on it
Kyodi Tae: Yeah! Suck on my pussy!
Kyodi Tae: Hello?
K1R4NP: you sucking me
Kyodi Tae: Am I or are you describing your fantasy?
K1R4NP: apart from you saying penis all the time
Kyodi Tae: I don't understand. How does me describing my penis have anything to do with you sucking on my pussy?
K1R4NP: I'm sucknig your pussy, your bare hairless pussy,
Kyodi Tae: Ok, I'm confused. Are you sucking on two different pussies, cuz I only have one.
K1R4NP: but you saying "licking the length of the shaft of my pussy." really ruiins it for me
Kyodi Tae: else should I describe it? I'm really not very good at cybersex.
Kyodi Tae: This is my first time doing it.
K1R4NP: tell me what you want me to do to you
K1R4NP: how do you want to be fucked
Kyodi Tae: Ok, I want you to run your tongue from the tip to the base of my pussy, and caress my ovaries gently with your hand.
K1R4NP: &
Kyodi Tae: Um, ampersand back at ya. That really turns me on, by the way, you hitting < shift>-7 like that.
Kyodi Tae: Then I want you to take the whole shaft of my pussy down your throat and jerk me off so I cum down your throat.
Kyodi Tae: How old are you?
K1R4NP: 26
Kyodi Tae: Ok.
Kyodi Tae: So, ... how am I doing here?
K1R4NP: you keep describing your pussy like a penis.'s no fun
Kyodi Tae: Hrm....well, maybe you should describe my penis then. You'd probably do a better job than I am.
K1R4NP: I wanna suck it & turn you on & make you cum, but can't get into a rythm
Kyodi Tae: Sweet! You'd do all that to my penis?
Kyodi Tae: You're the best!
Kyodi Tae: What can I do to help you get into a rhythm?
K1R4NP: stop typing penis instead of pussy
K1R4NP: ..I'll make someone else cum. can play with yourself
Kyodi Tae: I'm trying my best.
Kyodi Tae: Please bear with me during this trying, grieving time.
K1R4NP: your not 12
Kyodi Tae: Um, yes I am.
K1R4NP: bye
Kyodi Tae: Look at my picture!
Kyodi Tae: I'm really 12 and I'm really horny for your pussy!
Kyodi Tae: Now, suck my penis!

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