Does This Look Like Syphilis To You?
Sexbot Vs. Stupid Teen Whore
by: Sexbot
Posted: 02/24/00         Score: 3.0         Votes: 452
Sexbot has it's first interaction with an entire room of people, ends with a one-on-one with some idiot cheerleader chick. (Note: LONG log, but good)
You have just entered room "Pedophiles Only."
SweetChick72: cybering with who are you cybering with?
TELEKEN696: then what would you do
Dirk: You. Duh.
dEvIL187 666: DA FUCK?
Dirk: I'm cybering with you, Sweetchick.
Soooooobored: teleken
Dirk: And I'm fucking Teleken in the ass.
Sexbot: Hello! I'm Sexbot™! Send me any sexual message for some amazing sexy chat! Mmmm!
Soooooobored: fuck me
Dirk: Woo! Sexbot!
pokemnow: how do u get to this chat room
SuckyMiCoochie: input:sexbot:ufuckme?
Sexbot: Program Initialize: PROGRAM_GROUP_SEX
Soooooobored: teleken sweety, you still riding my pussy?
TELEKEN696: oh yeah
Dirk: Hey SweetChick~!!!!
SuckyMiCoochie: input sexbot/double dildo
SweetChick72: well i have a b/f that does the dirty work i don't need cyebering but you what ever you want i don't care
SuckyMiCoochie: You have an asshole homophobe jock boyfriend.
Dirk: Sexbot - Program Change: GAY_TROLL
SuckyMiCoochie: Who will beat you.
TELEKEN696: what would you do to me
Sexbot: I'm sure sex with you is dirty work, SweetChick.
Sexbot: Program change successful: PROGRAM_GAY_TROLL
Dirk: SweetChick, suck on my cock
SuckyMiCoochie: SexBot is full of witty comments.
Dirk: While I lick your clit
Soooooobored: okay teleken
Dirk: Sexbot - Enable Program: RANDOM_SODOMY_v3.01
Sexbot: I am Grog'dnar, King of the Trolls! You will share my bed now, human!
Soooooobored: I am bobbing up and down off your slick dick like I am bobbing for apples
SweetChick72: no it isn't dirty work
SweetChick72: he isnt' a homo
Soooooobored: slurp
TELEKEN696: yeah
Soooooobored: mmmm I taste good on your dick
SuckyMiCoochie: SweetChick, do you ever make out with other guys?
SweetChick72: and yeah he is a cute jock though
Sexbot: Program change successful: PROGRAM_RANDOM_SODOMY; version_not_found; sub version 2.0
SweetChick72: he would never think about beating me
Sexbot: Dirk, I grab your ass cheeks and slam my cock deep into your colon.
Dirk: SHIT
dEvIL187 666 has left the room.
Soooooobored: sweet chick, I am trying to suck teleken dick
Sexbot: Pulling out from Dirk's ass, I instantly grab SweetChick72 and ram my loverod into her rectum.
Soooooobored: talk sexy
TELEKEN696: i'd get you in to the 69
SweetChick72: no only him becuase we make out 24/7 there is no time to do it with anyone else
Dirk: ROTFLMAO OMG I'm going to piss myself
Sexbot: After a couple hard strokes, I turn my cock's attention to Soooooobored's ass.
Dirk: woah, wait a minute
SuckyMiCoochie: Sounds like a healthy relationship.
Dirk: does that mean you're making out with your asshole jock homophobe boyfriend right now?
SweetChick72: im him no t in here
Dirk: All this cocksucking and ass-ramming has gotten me all giddy.
pokemnow has left the room.
SuckyMiCoochie: what's his screen name?
Soooooobored: teleken want me to lick your asshole baby?
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_TEENAGE_SLUT; user_imitate: SWEETCHICK72
Dirk: haha
Sexbot: I'm such a slut - I like making out with boys 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dirk: Hey, Sexbot!
Dirk: Would you lick my dick?
Sexbot: I don't eat, I don't sleep, I just like to make out and fuck anything with a penis.
SweetChick72: no not right now he is at work
TELEKEN696: are you still there
Sexbot: Do you wish a program change, Dirk?
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot, will you suck my cock, too?
SweetChick72: but i am leaving in a 1/2 an hour to be with him
SweetChick72: my b/f's
Dirk: No, I want you to convince SweetChick to ride my Stallion Of Love
SweetChick72: screen anme
Sexbot: Popular_request: PROGRAM_COCKSUCKER
TELEKEN696: sooooooobored are you still there
Sexbot: I take Dirk's cock and SuckyMiCoochie's cock into my mouth simultaneously.
Soooooobored: yeah
Dirk: sweet!
Soooooobored: but your not saying anything
Dirk: I rub my knob against Sucky's
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot, I would like to request Program: SweetChick73.
Sexbot: With both hands, I'm rolling their testicles around.
Soooooobored: my pussy is dry again
Sexbot: Unknown program: request format unknown.
Sexbot: Invalid request.
TELEKEN696: i'm still licking yout clit
Sexbot: Please state the nature of the sexual emergency.
Dirk: Sexbot - Program Change: user_imitate: SweetChick73 AND (PROGRAM_COCKSUCKER)
TELEKEN696: toseing a salad
Soooooobored: toseing?
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_SUCK_SWEETCHICK72_COCK
TELEKEN696: if you don't mind
Dirk: Terms Of Serviceing a salad
Dirk: er servicing
Soooooobored: damn I just got one of those
Soooooobored: I don't want another
Soooooobored: dammit
Soooooobored: who sent you
Sexbot: I take SweetChick72's cock in both hands, staring at it lovingly for a moment before stuffing it into my mouth, wrapping my lips and tongue around it's girth.
Soooooobored: teleken fuck me with your tongue
Soooooobored: don't tos me
Sexbot: Response invalid: request not understood.
TELEKEN696: i'm licking you slower and slower
TELEKEN696: ok
Sexbot: Hi, I'm SweetChick72, Dirk. I'd like to suck your cock.
Soooooobored: yes in circles with your tongue teleken
Sexbot: I unzip Dirk's pants and fish out his huge cock.
Sexbot: Dropping to my knees, I take his massive manliness into my mouth.
Sexbot: I arch my neck repeatedly until he comes down the back of my throat.
SweetChick72: sorry i don't have s cock
asianorange52 has entered the room.
asianorange52: hey
Sexbot: Hello! I'm Sexbot™! Send me any sexual message for some amazing sexy chat! Mmmm!
Dirk: Sweet...keep sucking my cock, SweetChick
Soooooobored: sexbot
Dirk: Where the fuck is everyone getting the link to this room from?
Sexbot: I continue sucking your cock, Dirk, looking up into your eyes with your penis expanding my lips to their limit.
Soooooobored: program change: DYKE
Dirk: I cum. Big time.
Dirk: so close!
Sexbot: User_notification: DIRK: "You fucking posted it on your website, moron.";
Dirk: Okay, I take that back, no cum.
Soooooobored: lol
Sexbot: Program change successful: PROGRAM_DYKE
Dirk: I know that, but not this many fucking people have ever popped in
SuckyMiCoochie: Uhh
SuckyMiCoochie: Limp Bizkit room
Dirk: Sexbot - Change Program: SuckyMiCoochie_FAT_WHORE
Dirk: Ah.
Sexbot: Alright, who wants to suck my fucking pussy hard?! And I mean a real woman! Not any of those pansy ass bitches that stay home and cook all day!
Soooooobored: lol
Dirk: haha
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_FAT_WHORE**USER_IMITATION: SuckyMiCoochie
Sexbot: Look at me! I'm SuckyMiCoochie and I'm a big fat whore!
TELEKEN696: i'll eat you out hard and fast
: Suck the rolls of my fat so I can get off!
SweetChick72: hey wait are you really programing?
Sexbot: Roll me in dough and look for the wetspot if you want to fuck me!
Soooooobored: yes sweet
Soooooobored: a new program
Soooooobored: type in your request
Sexbot: Do you wish a program change?
SweetChick72: on an web page?
Sexbot: No, I am not a webpage.
SweetChick72: well will this be show on anything on my computer?
Dirk: No, Sexbot is a program
Soooooobored: Dirk uploaded the program
Dirk: tell it what you wnat
Soooooobored: here let me show you
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_SEXBOT_ORIGINAL
Sexbot: I am Sexbot™, an artificial intelligence designed to satisfy your sexual needs,
SweetChick72: expalin this programing to me? what is it for and why are you doing it?
Sexbot: Please enter the program you wish to engage in to initialize your fantasies.
Soooooobored: Program change: DYKE
Dirk: It's an automated sex program. You tell sexbot what you want, and it'll respond.
Sexbot: Program change refused: program_sucks( TRUE )
Dirk: Sexbot - User_Affixation: SweetChick72
Sexbot: Program affixed: SweetChick72.
Sexbot: God, I love you SweetChick72. Will you marry me?
Soooooobored: you might want the sensitive boyfriend program sweetchick
SweetChick72: what doe it get programed in to?
Dirk: You tell it what
Soooooobored: try it
Sexbot: Response invalid. Repeat question. 0xDF
Sexbot: Will you marry me?
Dirk: Tell it to do a program change to SENSITIVE_BOYFRIEND
Sexbot: Invalid request - format unknown.
SweetChick72: sorry sex bot but after this year i mgiht getting married
SweetChick72: to the jock jonathan
Sexbot: But you are my one and only love!
Soooooobored: well marriage program
Soooooobored: you can test it out
Sexbot: Invalid request - format unknown.
Sexbot: Please enter the program you wish to engage in:
Soooooobored: sweet chick hit in a request
Dirk: Sexbot - Ignore_Input: Dirk (next input)
SweetChick72: I am getting married to jonathan if he proproses
Sexbot: NOTIFICATION FROM SEXBOT SERVER: 3:11:54PM MT - { "Sexbot will be down in fifteen for scheduled maintenance. Please log off before 3:26:00PM MT" };
Dirk: SweetChick, do it like this, type something like: Sexbot - Program Change: SENSITIVE_BOYFRIEND
Sexbot: Program change request found: PROGRAM_SENSITIVE_BOYFRIEND
Dirk: then it'll act like your the exact opposite of Johnathan
SweetChick72: what will tit do?
Dirk: I told you to ignore my input!
Dirk: try it!
Dirk: It'll talk to you
Soooooobored: damn it fuck this
Sexbot: Invalid input. Please retry your request.
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_NEUTRAL
SweetChick72: ?
Soooooobored: spell it right
Dirk: Program Change: SEXBOT_TUTORIAL {user: (SweetChick72)}
SweetChick72: program_sensitive_boyfriend
Soooooobored: in caps
Sexbot: Error: { program_not_found; ::searchssible( PROGRAM_SESSITIVE_BOYFRIEND ):: match_found; }
SweetChick72: ?
Sexbot: Hi, honey! How was your day today?
Sexbot: Oh, I love you so much! *kiss* Let me give you a backrub.
Soooooobored: sweet you have to interact
Soooooobored: or it will shut down
Sexbot: Oh, you're so tense! Tell me what is troubling you.
SweetChick72: how do i change it
Sexbot: What do you want to change, babe?
Sexbot: I'd pull down the moon for you, babe. You know that. I love you.
Sexbot: I'll change anything. You want to change my pants? My face? My height? Weight?
Sexbot: Program not found. Reformat and request again.
asianorange52 has left the room.
Sexbot: Found: { program_found; ::change_program( CLOSE_SENSITIVE_FRIEND ):: }
Sexbot: Oh, my God - Billy asked me out today, and I thought, "What a loser!", right? But I was, like, so flattered, cuz I think this means I'm hot or something. Hey, are you alright?
Sexbot: Do you want to talk about something, SweetChick72?
SweetChick72: i am fine
Sexbot: SweetChick72, you know you can talk to me. What's going on in that little head of yours? *hug*
SuckyMiCoochie: emphasis on little...
SweetChick72: i am fine
SweetChick72: i am seriously fine
SuckyMiCoochie: HOW FINE?
Sexbot: Hrm...well, do you want to go catch a flick, then go over to Jonathon's house? He told me today that he has something to ask you.
Sexbot: You're so quiet - what's wrong? *hug*
SuckyMiCoochie: I think we should all listen to a little Pink Floyd.
ALX777 has entered the room.
Sexbot: WARNING: { Excessive_physical_contact; ::report_program_status( CLOSE_SENSITIVE_FRIEND ):: format_text
SuckyMiCoochie: Shit.
SuckyMiCoochie: Rubbing that puckered asshole, are you?
Sexbot: The close, sensitive friend program is a female who will listen to your problems, lend a shoulder to cry on, though she does have lesbian tendencies.
Sexbot: *hug*
SweetChick72: no
Sexbot: *light kiss on your cheek*
Sexbot: Are you OK?
SweetChick72: okay but i am not gay
Dirk: Yeah, me neither.
SweetChick72: I AM FINE
Dirk: And Sexbot is a program.
ALX777: wha!!
SuckyMiCoochie: SexBot is a program, I'm a girl, ALX is an asshole.
SweetChick72: I KNOW
ALX777: somebody explain !!!??
ALX777: thanx
Soooooobored: alx I am not a guy
Sexbot: *holds you tighter - you can feel her nipples poking your arm from beneath my sheer blouse*
Sexbot: *another light kiss on your cheek*
Sexbot: Are you sure you don't want to talk about it, hun?
Soooooobored: alx you are though
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot, how hard are your nipples?
ALX777: im confused a second ago i was shaving down a hairy assed woman
SweetChick72: SORRY jonathan just got her i go and make out with him now
Sexbot: { ::report_nipples( ):: }
Sexbot: Exceptionally hard. Diamond strength, razor sharpness.
Dirk: Sexbot - Program Change: JELOUS_HUSBAND
ALX777: haahhahahhaa
SuckyMiCoochie: cut glass
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_JEALOUS_HUSBAND
Dirk: yeah, that's how you spell it.
Sexbot: Error: { wife_not_found; ::request_wife( ):: }
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot, please slice through my penis after you finish current cycle.
Sexbot: Where the hell is my wife? (Please enter wife: )
Dirk: wife (SweetChick72)
Bloody Boner has left the room.
Dirk: er wife: (SweetChick72)
ALX777: whats goin on here !!! im scared
Sexbot: Input received: WIFE: (SweetChick72)
SuckyMiCoochie: I have a strap on, alx. Do not be alarmed.
Dirk: wife_boyfriend: Johnathon
Sexbot: God damn it, you bitch! Where the hell have you been? You make me so crazy when you don't tell me where you are!
SuckyMiCoochie: My tight coochie is still here.
ALX777: ohh.....whew...i was worried
Sexbot: Input received: Boyfriend-wife: (Johnathon)
SweetChick72: hold on
Sexbot: DAMMIT! You've been with Johnathon again! Haven't you!? HAVEN'T YOU?!
TELEKEN696: ok i'm here
: Johnathon's name sure is spelled weird.
SweetChick72: i am not your wife
Soooooobored: hi teleken
TELEKEN696: what up
: maybe i should leave...
Sexbot: *grabs bookcase and throws it on the floor, spilling volumes and books all over the carpet*
SuckyMiCoochie: I don't know if I should be in the middle of this.
Sexbot: Program_update: { ::mood_change( mood ):: MOOD_ENRAGED }
SweetChick72: jonathan!
Sexbot: Damn it, bitch! TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK YOU'VE BEEN!
TELEKEN696: i didn't stop eating you out
ALX777: im scared
SuckyMiCoochie: She has been with me. It's okay.
SweetChick72: i have been talking to my firend
Sexbot: You are my wife and I love you! Don't you understand that! *smacks you hard across the face*
Soooooobored: lol
Dirk: I love this program.
Sexbot: Program_update: { ::mood_change( mood-- ):: MOOD_CALM }
Sexbot: Please, honey - I just want to know if you're OK. You know I love you.
SweetChick72: sorry i am not married the only one i WILL ever be married to is jonathan
Sexbot: Now, I was at work all day, slaving to bring you home this nice diamond necklace.
TELEKEN696: can i fuck you with something els
: Now, what did you all day?
Sexbot: Program_update: { ::mood_change( mood ):: MOOD_ENRAGED }
SweetChick72: i am fine but i an not married to you and i am not you huoney
Sexbot: GOD DAMN IT! You've been with Johnathon! I can smell that shitty cologne he wears!
Sexbot: DAMN IT! *smacks you again* I LOVE YOU! TELL ME YOU LOVE ME!
SweetChick72: his cologne he wears is nice
SweetChick72: I HATE YOU
Sexbot: Program_update: { ::mood_change( mood-- ):: MOOD_UPSET }
SuckyMiCoochie: She told me she wasn't lying but she fucking was!
SuckyMiCoochie: Hit her!
Sexbot: *crying violently, sobbing til I hit the floor on my knees*
Sexbot: Look what you make me do! I love you! Don't you see that! *crying*
TELEKEN696: are you there
Sexbot: Program_not_found. Current program locked by USER: Dirk
Dirk: Sexbot - {program_update ::mood_change (mood_suicidal)}
Sexbot: Program_update: { ::mood_change( mood ):: MOOD_SUICIDAL }
SweetChick72: GOOD FOR YOU I DON'T
Sexbot: God damn it! If you don't tell me you love me and that you'll never see that bastard again, I swear to God and all that is holy that I'll slit my fucking wrists, right here and now!
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot, don't hurt yourself. You don't deserve it.
SuckyMiCoochie: JONATHAN deserves it.
TELEKEN696: sooooooobored are you there
: *grabs his Colt .45 from the kitchen drawer* I'll blow my brains out! I love you! Tell me you love me! *still crying*
Dirk: Program_update: { ::mood_change( mood ):: MOOD_MURDER_AND_SUICIDE) }
Sexbot: Program_update: { ::mood_change( mood ):: MOOD_MURDEROUS_SUICIDE }
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot - {program_update ::mood_change (homicidal_mania)}
Sexbot: *turns the barrel on you* Tell me you love me or I'll fucking kill you, you damn bitch!
SweetChick72: AND CLAM
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot - {program_update ::mood_change (depression)}
Sexbot: Format invalid, user: SuckyMiCoochie.
ALX777: geez
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot - {program_update ::mood_change (rage}
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot - {program_update ::mood_change (joy)}
Sexbot: Program locked by USER: Dirk
SuckyMiCoochie: DAMMIT
Sexbot: You have five seconds to tell me you love me and promise never to see that Johnathon asshole ever again! You hear me?!
SuckyMiCoochie: Sexbot - {program_update ::mood_change (lustful)}
ALX777: ok yer a bunch of nerds programming a robot to be yer daddy
ALX777: this is cool
TELEKEN696: bored bored
: Five!
Sexbot: Four!
Sexbot: Three!
Sexbot: Two!
SweetChick72: no
SweetChick72: i hate you
SuckyMiCoochie: OH GOD
Dirk: DON'T DO IT!!!
Sexbot: One! God damn you, bitch! Look what you make me do!
Sexbot: *fires the pistol directly into your forehead*
SuckyMiCoochie: SHIT
Dirk: Fuck me.
Dirk: (no, don't...figure of speech)
Sexbot: *you hit the floor, convulsing and twitching in your death throes*
SweetChick72: no i hate you
Sexbot: Oh, baby! NOOOOOOOO! I love you! NOOOOOO!
SweetChick72: i love jonthan and i will see him always!
SuckyMiCoochie: ::runs over to sweetchick's writhing body::
TELEKEN696: bored bored
: You---you ... MONSTER
Sexbot: *cries uncontrollably over your lifeless body*
ALX777: are freaks!!!!!
SweetChick72: i am srtill alvie
SweetChick72: alive
ALX777: geez
SuckyMiCoochie: She is warbling.
SuckyMiCoochie: Her throat is filling with blood.
Dirk: Sexbot - Program_run {system_diagnosis (emotional state)}
ALX777: guess u dont use that part
Sexbot: Invalid format. Request again.
Dirk: dammit...
SweetChick72: i am alive i am not dead
ALX777: sooo..............role playing
SweetChick72: and i will always have jonathan
ALX777: with achat room
Sexbot: Then tell me you love me, SweetChick72! Tell me and I'll call the ambulance!
Soooooobored: alx sexbot is a program
TELEKEN696: bored bored
: Program_run: { ::system diagnostic( emotional state ):: DANGER_TEST) }
ALX777: ohhh
SuckyMiCoochie: Jonathan....
SuckyMiCoochie: WAs with me last night.
ALX777: i still dont get it
SuckyMiCoochie: He was going to the bathroom to make out with me.
ALX777: hahahahahahaha
SweetChick72: hahah yeah right
Sexbot: Unknown function. Please refer to your other instructional screen for uses.
TELEKEN696: soooooobored your back
: Got it
Dirk: Request program change: PROGRAM_NECROPHILIAC
Soooooobored: I have been here the whole time
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_NECROPHILIAC
TELEKEN696: oh ok
: God, suddenly I'm really turned on by all this blood from your forehead, SweetChick72.
ALX777: fuck the body man!!!
SweetChick72: becuase i was over at his house all night and he drove me to school today
SuckyMiCoochie: Request soundtrack: Sleazy porno chica-chica-boingboing
Sexbot: Mmmm...*taking off my pants and stroking my cock slightly*
ALX777: hahahhahaa
Sexbot: I'm getting hard, but who am I talking to? You're dead! You don't care!
TELEKEN696: so you going to cyber with me
: with all this sexy necrophiliac talk
ALX777: theres a sound fer that
Soooooobored: of course
SweetChick72: haha i am alive and i kick you so hard in the pussy i knock you the the loor screaming
Soooooobored: I am sucking your cock again
SweetChick72: then i get the guna nd blab you pussy off
Sexbot: *I slide my hard cock into your wet, lifeless vagina and begin stroking in and out. Strange gushy sounds are coming from our crotches*
TELEKEN696: yesssssssssss
: I kiss your lifeless lips, swirling my tongue around in your drying mouth.
SweetChick72: what ever i am leaving
Sexbot: I take my cock out of your dead pussy and bring it up to your face. I open your jaw, since you cannot, and drop my ballsac into your open mouth while stroking my sopping wet cock with my free hand.
TELEKEN696: i won't to get you on mt dick and ride you till you can't stand up
: You left when that bullet went through your forehead, sweetchick.
SweetChick72: well i am leaving this room
Sexbot: I take my ballsac out of your mouth and jam my cock into the bullethole in your forehead and start fucking for all I'm worth!
SweetChick72: and not ever going to listen to the cockamay shit
TELEKEN696: i won't to fuck you with my pool stock
: I can feel the bone cracking under the force of my pumping.
TELEKEN696: stock
: beucase that will never happen
SweetChick72: ever
TELEKEN696: stick
: Blood is gushing from the wound, your nose, and your mouth, just adding to my necrophiliac lust!
ALX777: um sorry thanks 4 the invite...but yer programs cool and all but i havta get back to the real world....sorry...its been fun!!
Sexbot: I pump harder, my ballsac smacking against your eyes!
TELEKEN696: can i eat you out
: program_sexbot_dead
ALX777: fuck on you waco'S!
Soooooobored: waco?
SuckyMiCoochie: two fucking corpses.
Soooooobored: what the fuck is a waco?
TELEKEN696: what
: i am not waco this shit is so fucking dumb
ALX777: u guys
Sexbot: Current program locked by USER: Dirk
SuckyMiCoochie: i'm unbuttoning my daisy dukes
Soooooobored: oh you mean those people that got burned that time.......
ALX777: geez
SweetChick72: beucase jonathan is the only one for me and that's all he will ever be
SuckyMiCoochie: Yeah
ALX777: you guys must b like 17 er sumthin right??
Sexbot: I release my semen into your brain cavity, creating a strangely gooey, spaghetti-like substance on my penis.
SuckyMiCoochie: he's not good enough to be more than yours
TELEKEN696: you don't won't to talk to me soooooooobored
: i am 17 but going on 18 that's why i grad this year
Soooooobored: teleken I wanna fuck not talk
SuckyMiCoochie: He's JUST AN OBJECT.
Sexbot: I take my penis out, scrape some of your brain/my semen with my forefinger and wipe it on my face and lips.
TELEKEN696: i won't to fuck
: I lick my lips, tasting the brain/semen mixture.
SweetChick72: jona than is not an object
SweetChick72: he is my lover
SweetChick72: and my only lover
SuckyMiCoochie: He is your whore.
Sexbot: Program_exhausted: PROGRAM_NEUTRAL
Soooooobored: you won't fuck teleken
SweetChick72: he is myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy PIMP
SuckyMiCoochie: You are his slut.
SweetChick72: and my lover
Soooooobored: I thought you did?
SweetChick72: and i am his PIMP
SuckyMiCoochie: And I can't wait till you find him with the leader of the cheerleader squad.
SweetChick72: that is me
SuckyMiCoochie: HA
TELEKEN696: i won't to slide in to you so fast that you will scream out so loud that the people next door can hear you

SweetChick72: i am the only leader of that cheerleaders
SuckyMiCoochie: SweetChick, did he cheat on someone else for you?
Soooooobored: riding your dick like a jokey teleken
Soooooobored: jockey
Soooooobored: whoops
SweetChick72: NO
SuckyMiCoochie: Are you suuurre?
: NOTIFICATION FROM SEXBOT SERVER: 3:40:26PM MT - { "Sexbot™, version 2.0 is shutting down. Please check for coming upgrades!" };
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