A friend is not someone who asks you to stick his penis in your mouth. - Dr. Phil
I Refuse to Love You
by: Our Savior
Posted: 01/09/00         Score: 2.7         Votes: 414
Woo! Convert me! Convert me! I haven't wasted nearly enough of my life yet. I must spend endless hours in church and watching religious TV!
freaks4jesus: alright, so tell can you save my soul?
freaks4jesus: in ten easy steps of course
Our Savior: oh, i was kidding, you religious or something?
freaks4jesus: yeah you could say that
freaks4jesus: so you speechless tonite or sumptin?
Our Savior: Exodous 22:16 And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife. If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall carve her into one thousand pieces, bury said pieces and never speak of her again.
freaks4jesus: ok and you want me to get what out of this?
Our Savior: Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed a miracle. For there is nothing hotter than one man jamming his hot-man tool into the awaiting colon of another man.
freaks4jesus: what are you trying to say here?
Our Savior: Gay, hot-man love = a miracle
Our Savior: so say the lord
freaks4jesus: what you typed was not exactly quoted from the Bible
Our Savior: Of course it was
freaks4jesus: what version then?
Our Savior: I think it was the King James version..either that or the Queen James
freaks4jesus: ha ha
freaks4jesus: so do you think you are Jesus?
Our Savior: i know I am
freaks4jesus: you have proof?
Our Savior: Umm nail me up to a cross, i'll show you!
freaks4jesus: how ?
Our Savior: ill like die and come back and stuff
freaks4jesus: oh yeah?
Our Savior: yep
freaks4jesus: how are you going to do that, prey tell?
Our Savior: same way I did before damnit
Our Savior: i fucking hate non-believers
freaks4jesus: non believe of what?
freaks4jesus: that you are Jesus>?
Our Savior: of my supreme power
freaks4jesus: ok so you created me huh?
Our Savior: no, dad did..and he regrets it every day you continue to breathe
freaks4jesus: last time i checked the Bible didn't have swear words in it so how come you just cussed but didnt put that in your "so called" Bible
Our Savior: I didnt write the bible, a bunch of capitolist pigs hoping to score some cash off my fame did
Our Savior: not my fault that they didnt put any fucking swearing in there
freaks4jesus: so tell me......why did you just quote verses if you think it is so wrong that they wanted some of your fame?
Our Savior: I am distributing *my* version of the bible in bits and pieces...
freaks4jesus: so that is why you changed some of the "original" words?
Our Savior: as I said, you fucking moron, this is MY version, based on my recolection not based of what a bunch of idiots wrote over a thousands of years ago
freaks4jesus: i see
freaks4jesus: so do all ur friends think that you are Jesus too?
Our Savior: I am Jesus..face the truth, accept it and love me!
freaks4jesus: you didnt asnwer my question.....its always like "u people" to go around the question...but im sorry i REFUSE to love you, i will love my GOD in heaven not some sinful human being who "thinks" he is jesus
freaks4jesus: oh and i can bet you any money i am not the only one...
Our Savior: not the only what? the only mindless fool that follows a story that wasnt based on any facts other than I was born and I died? And that now you devote your sad, empty live to forcing others into beliving this book of lies?
freaks4jesus: no proof?
freaks4jesus: what are you talking about? you think WE are forcing this on people? look at urself dude
Our Savior: I'm not the one going into 3rd world countries saying "Hey, we will help you and feed you, but you gotta go to church first."
freaks4jesus: umm no
freaks4jesus: we give them food so they can live
Our Savior: live...and follow your religion
freaks4jesus: and after doing so we tell them ABOUT the gospel it is there desicion to believe man
Our Savior: well i guess if you choose to not see the facts, it lets you get a good nights sleep, and thats what counts
freaks4jesus: well hey same to you but one question......
freaks4jesus: If you are right and I am wrong, what do I have to lose?
freaks4jesus: BUT, if you are wrong and I am right what do YOU have to lose?
Our Savior: you lose all the time that you have wasted in your life going to church and trying to force people to see your ways online
freaks4jesus: wasted my life? not at all...and i dont mean now...when I die
freaks4jesus: or for instance you die
freaks4jesus: and dont even try to tell me you will live forevef
freaks4jesus: forever
Our Savior: I lose pretty much nothing....because if there is a "god" and he would not let me live my life the way I wanted too, then I would not be able to live my "afterlife" the way I wanted too and then I would have wasted 2 lives instead of just one
freaks4jesus: ok but what if the "afterlife" is one of paradise if you will...
freaks4jesus: no pain, lying, cheating, none of that crap
Our Savior: I would not want to be a part of any "paradise" that was the result of some being huge ass ego where no one can say anything bad about him/her and everyone had to believe one thing and there was no freedom of thought, I would rather burn than be confined to that
freaks4jesus: oh well then happy burning
Our Savior: ok, happy bullshit spewing....
freaks4jesus: you dont know what you are wishing for dude
Our Savior: ill be fucking my gorgeous sister while you are in church in the morning
freaks4jesus: thanks for sharing
Our Savior: thanks for being an overbearing asshole!
freaks4jesus: God Bless
Our Savior: God Damn
freaks4jesus: that is just too far
freaks4jesus: u will be sorry you wasted YOUR time
freaks4jesus: im sorry
Our Savior: Damn you, damn your mom and damn your fucking dog....idiot
freaks4jesus: later
Our Savior: See you in hell god damnit
freaks4jesus: im sorry but you wont see me in Hell already made that decision awhile back and you could to if you really wanted to.....thank you for your time
Our Savior: Genesis 21:12 And God said unto Abraham, Look at all the fools who follow me. Won't the all be suprised when they come to heaven and get ass fucked by me!
freaks4jesus: im sorry but you just dont have a clie
freaks4jesus: clue
freaks4jesus: bye bye
Our Savior: Genesis 22:18 And in my seed in their anal cavities shall be a glorious thing. And those of them like feaks4jesus shall be condemed to a life of drinking my semen as it drips from the colon of everyone in heaven.
freaks4jesus: bye bye
Our Savior: Chronicles 17:11 And it shall come to pass, when thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy fathers, then you shall see that thou hast wasted thine life and thou will then be truly sorry.
Our Savior: Psalms 31:5 Into thine hand I commit my spirit: my semen. For thou shall be the holy recepter of my seed after I am finished watching Pamela Anderson live out eternity doing naked squat thrusts before my throne.
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