The Reason Hawaii has Interstate Highways
Jesus & JiggaMan
by: IntoxiChrist
Posted: 07/30/00         Score: 3.2         Votes: 237
JiggaMan just ain't jiggy with Jesus.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: hey jesus
IntoxiChrist: Hello My Son.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur a gay piece of shit
IntoxiChrist: I'm still waiting for your hitman. What's up?
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: fag
IntoxiChrist: Fag doesn't say it all. If I violate your mother repeatedly, I'm at least bi, right?
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: wait are u are grl?
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: cuz ur profile says 13/f
IntoxiChrist: Yeah. That's me. 13/f *giggle*
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ya ma ass
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: stupid fuck
IntoxiChrist: No, I'm a smart fuck. I know how to please your tight little colon in more ways than you'd ever dreamed of.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: go bang ur bf
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: u fuckin flamer
IntoxiChrist: I can't... he's sitting in front of a computer somewhere, jacking off, and calling me a "fuckin flamer".
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: oh christ
IntoxiChrist: Yes?
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur a pethetic piece of rat scum
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur gonna burn in hell
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: n im gonna laugh
IntoxiChrist: You're scaring me. I'm sweating like a nigger trying to read.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: mutha fucka
IntoxiChrist: You'd know nothing about that if I'd been able to push your mom's face into the pillow well enough to cover up her squeals.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: im gonna gut u like a fish u piece of shit
IntoxiChrist: I'm already using you for Bait.
IntoxiChrist: Well, you're awful quiet now, My son. If you had to leave to steal a car stereo to support your lazy bitch and crack habit, I understand.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: im gonna rip out ur tonsils wit a spoon
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: u poeace of shit
IntoxiChrist: Oh! You're back. *sigh* Neighborhood watch ain't what it used to be.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: shut up u fuckin loser
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur nuttin but an outcast
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: u have no friends so u go on tha internet n try to think ur sumthin ur not
IntoxiChrist: Oh my God... tears are falling from My eyes. "My God, My God, why have You abandoned Me?"
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: im gonna take a razor n slit yo throat and watch tha black blood from ur neck vains drip down ur

JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: and laugh as u stuggle for oxygen at ur last gasp
IntoxiChrist: I'm not wearing a shirt; I'm naked, behind you, and pumping deep into your tight ass.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur a fuckin homo
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: dam thats sad
IntoxiChrist: But you're the one taking it in the ass! That's not sad, it's funny. God the Father can see you, and he's proud of Me.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ya aright
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur a complete fuck up
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: go die ur hair purple n paint ur nails black u fuckin flamer
IntoxiChrist: I will when I've shot my Savior-seed all over your back. Unless you like licking my Jehovah-Johnson off.
IntoxiChrist: You know, the usual.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: nah i dont like cock u fuckin homo
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: go hit on sum of ur outsider friends
IntoxiChrist: Maybe when your bitch is through sucking me off, I'll hit on my friends. After all, I've fucked out your mother.
IntoxiChrist: She's all loose and gooey now.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: wutevr
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: u not gettin to me nomore
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: cuz i kno ur worthless
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: n not woth a shit
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: leave me n ma grl tha fuck alone
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: u fuckin fairy
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: yea what now
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ya what
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: what
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: what
IntoxiChrist: "And the Lord said, "JiggaMan is a fucking idiot, but some day he will learn how to use the 'Block' button." And the Lord shot His seed onto thy back.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: yea u ain shit
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: wow ur gay
IntoxiChrist: Revelations 6:9 - "wow ur gay," said Jigga, as Christ pounded into his tight ass repeatedly. "Mmmm, yeah...take it all, bitch!", said the Lord.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: if u say shit to my girl one more time im gonna rip out ur faggy heart with my bare hands n sqeeze itdry in front of ur druggy fucked up family
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ya ull see whos tha lord when ur dead n buried n in hell
IntoxiChrist: I'm adding her to my "Buddies" list, actually.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: stupid fuck
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ya cuz shes tha only grl that would talk to u n if she talks to u it will all be threats n disses
IntoxiChrist: The only "girl" is technically right.... Your mother is a "woman" and fucks like one, too.
IntoxiChrist: You may have the Son of the Son of God for a brother! You should be honored!
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: yo get a fuckin life
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur reeally worthless
IntoxiChrist: I Am the Life.
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: nah
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur shit
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: ur a nuthing
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: a nobody
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: n if u talk to my grl when she comes online later im gonna beat u to an oblivian
JiGGaManYaHeaRd7: take it eazy lozer
IntoxiChrist: Well, better start eating your Wheaties. Remember, I'm 1/3rd of God.

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