Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Molest Children...
Salvation & Sodomy
by: IntoxiChrist
Posted: 08/09/00         Score: 2.8         Votes: 115
The Kingdom of Heaven is strikingly similar to ancient Greece. *shudders*
WRMJr 9783: u there or are u dead
WRMJr 9783: answer me u fuck
IntoxiChrist: No. I'm not going through this again.
WRMJr 9783: not going through what again
IntoxiChrist: What you did last time.
WRMJr 9783: what the fuck did i do last time
WRMJr 9783: ive never talked to u
IntoxiChrist: That's one hell of a way to put it behind us. Instead of ignoring it, we should try to talk about it.
WRMJr 9783: talk about what me driving my car over ur ass then shoving the hot tailpipe down your throat
IntoxiChrist: It felt about the same. I don't even believe you have the nerves to come back. Bit I'm glad you did.
WRMJr 9783: ive never talked to u how can i come back
IntoxiChrist: Why are you... shit. Never mind. How are you?

Auto response from WRMJr 9783: brb

WRMJr 9783: why am i what tell me
IntoxiChrist: Never mind. It's over.
WRMJr 9783: whatever
IntoxiChrist: I wish we could go back to the way things were.
IntoxiChrist: I've never been happier.
WRMJr 9783: ok
IntoxiChrist: Tell me I meant something to you.
WRMJr 9783: how could u have meant something me ive never talked to u
WRMJr 9783: who are u
IntoxiChrist: I Am your Lord and Savior.... Jesus Christ.
IntoxiChrist: You need to come back to Me, My child.
WRMJr 9783: u aint jesus christ
WRMJr 9783: hes dead
WRMJr 9783: he died 2000 yrs ago
WRMJr 9783: and if u think that imma refer u to a shrink
IntoxiChrist: I rose from the dead. I'm here to offer you salvation for all eternity.
WRMJr 9783: ud be nothing but a skeleton covered in maggots
IntoxiChrist: The first thing you need to do is confess that you are a sinner.
IntoxiChrist: Then get some salt and a sliced lemon.
IntoxiChrist: Lick the salt off your wrist, suck on My cock, and then squeeze the lemon into your mouth.
WRMJr 9783: yea i did sin if fucking your mom in every oraface on her body is a sin
IntoxiChrist: That is the Way.
IntoxiChrist: Well, I fucked My mom first - you took sloppy seconds.
WRMJr 9783: isnt that a sin if ur jesus
WRMJr 9783: i mean ud be having sex with mary the virgin
IntoxiChrist: We got married real quick in Vegas first. Then we got a divorce. It was legal.
WRMJr 9783: whatever
WRMJr 9783: go see a shrink
IntoxiChrist: The time has come for you to make a choice.
IntoxiChrist: Walk with Me (read: suck My cock) or go to Hell (read: suck Satan's cock).
WRMJr 9783: im not a homo
IntoxiChrist: It's okay - I'm Jesus. I accept all men, and so should you, My child.
IntoxiChrist: I made you that way, My child. It's not a choice.
WRMJr 9783: i aint gay
WRMJr 9783: so how did u make me gay
IntoxiChrist: It's time for the Truth to set you free. I made you to be gay, like Freddie Mercury, or Rock Hudson.
WRMJr 9783: who the fuck is rock hudson
IntoxiChrist: Your eternal gay lover who will be waiting for you in My Kingdom.
WRMJr 9783: ill kick his ass and throw it off the fucking clouds
IntoxiChrist: How can you do that when you're sandwiched between Freddie Mercury and Rock Hudson?
IntoxiChrist: If you have enough faith, anything is possible. Except that.
WRMJr 9783: i wont be cuz illbring a fuckin blow torch up to heaven and every fag that comes near me will be burnt and thrown down to hell
IntoxiChrist: There's no weapons allowed, although some sex toys we admit could be seen as weapons.
WRMJr 9783: well ill bring a spoon and dig out there eyes with it
WRMJr 9783: then rip out their teeth to rip them open
IntoxiChrist: You use spoons for sex toys?
WRMJr 9783: no
WRMJr 9783: as a weapon u dumb fuck
IntoxiChrist: You use spoons for weapons?
WRMJr 9783: yea
IntoxiChrist: Wow. We'll have to get you your own remote corner of the Gay Banquet table.
WRMJr 9783: i can use anything as a weapon
WRMJr 9783: i am quite skilled in that
WRMJr 9783: i can also kill people with my bare hands
IntoxiChrist: So... you're good with your hands, huh? *winks*
WRMJr 9783: yes but not in that way faget
IntoxiChrist: That's too bad. We have hand-job competitions thrice daily.
WRMJr 9783: yo faget noone uses thrice in everyday language anymore
IntoxiChrist: Well, it looks like you're going to have to adapt to your surroundings when you meet your Maker.
WRMJr 9783: my maker is my father and yes i do get to see him again when i die
IntoxiChrist: You've ever had a 9" thich jelly-ripple butt-plug stuck down here? *points to butt*
WRMJr 9783: thats fucked up
WRMJr 9783: my ass is exit only no entrance
IntoxiChrist: Well, my Father doesn't think it's fucked up. He has Me administer it on Sundays, when He rests. That makes My day.
WRMJr 9783: here go to this site
WRMJr 9783: its what u need
IntoxiChrist: We should both go & work out oour problems together.
WRMJr 9783: ok fine
WRMJr 9783: ill pull out my 9mm and shoot u in the balls then castrate u
IntoxiChrist: It was lovely what we had between us; you sucked Me off every night, I brought you flowers and erotic chocolates.
WRMJr 9783: there ive solved my problems
WRMJr 9783: we never met u fucknut
IntoxiChrist: I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb.
IntoxiChrist: I drank and jacked off as I watched your parents fuck.
IntoxiChrist: It was like a cheap porn.
WRMJr 9783: u need help
IntoxiChrist: I need YOU. Sometimes when I jack off, I think of the love we once shared. And I have to cry.
WRMJr 9783: we never met how did we ever share love
IntoxiChrist: I've been there in spirit while you've masturbated... I shoved My spiritual cock in and out of your tight colon even ass you shot your seed. ...I came with you.
WRMJr 9783: ive never masturbated
IntoxiChrist: *smiles wisely* I've had My eyes on you, child. And more importantly, I've had My cock in you. I know all.
WRMJr 9783: whatever
WRMJr 9783: no cock has ever been neer me except my own
IntoxiChrist: *weeps* Has Satan made you so blind and cold? While I was pumping in and out of your tight ass, I could hear him laughing.
IntoxiChrist: You were thinking of him, not Me.
WRMJr 9783: look go suck a cock or whatever but leave me alone
IntoxiChrist: Just remember - next time you're jerking off, I'll be pounding My spirit-cock in and out of your ass with a divine Love only we can share.
WRMJr 9783: i dont jerk off
IntoxiChrist: Right. No one masturbates, do they?
WRMJr 9783: i dunno but i dont
IntoxiChrist: Well, better get that wrist ready, 'cause I'll be wanting some in up in Heaven. If you practice tying cherry stems with your tongue, too, that will help.
WRMJr 9783: i aint goin to heaven
WRMJr 9783: im too badd for heaven and hell is too scared ill take over
IntoxiChrist: Actually, in Hell - they like being dominated like that. Trust Me. *wink*

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