We put the "Phil" in Pedophilia.
Son of the Son of God
by: IntoxiChrist
Posted: 02/05/01         Score: 3.5         Votes: 500
I'm glad I'm not Jesus. Dealing with millions of fucking moron followers every day must get old.
ALbabe621: hey
IntoxiChrist: Hey there.
ALbabe621: do u think that u are making God and Jesus happy w/ your s/n???
IntoxiChrist: Yes, I am making Jesus, My Father, happy with this SN.
ALbabe621: i think not
IntoxiChrist: He would probably like "JesusChrist Jr", but oh well, you can't keep people happy all of the time, ya know.
IntoxiChrist: Look, if you're IM'ing me about the "Second Coming", you're too late, I already blew my load three times or so this morning.
IntoxiChrist: So you'll have to settle for the "Fourth Coming". Is that okay?
ALbabe621: no
IntoxiChrist: Well, I'm not going back in time just to make you happy. It's a lot of work.
ALbabe621: there is only ONE Jesus Christ and He is sitting at the right hand of God
IntoxiChrist: Yes, My Father Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God. And I, the Son of Jesus, am sitting at my computer at my apartment next to the Spearmint Rhino strip club.
ALbabe621: you are no son of Jesus
IntoxiChrist: Yeah I am. He fucked My mom, and I popped out, that means I'm His Son.
ALbabe621: the sons of God are firm believers that Jesus DIED for our sins
ALbabe621: and you will not be forgiven for your sins
IntoxiChrist: It's not like there's any rule that the Son of the Son of God had to be born of a virgin, so it's all okay, see?
ALbabe621: no
IntoxiChrist: I believe that He died for our sins, it's all He ever talks about.
ALbabe621: u see Jesus Christ was crucified and lifted up into the Heavens over 2000 years ago
IntoxiChrist: I wish He'd shut the fuck up about it sometimes, ya know? It gets old.
IntoxiChrist: Yeah, and He fucked My mom before he died, though.
ALbabe621: and i wish that you would admit that u are no son of the living God
IntoxiChrist: It's something the Church keeps hidden for obvious reasons. Fuck 'em.
IntoxiChrist: I'm NOT the Son of the Living God, moron.
IntoxiChrist: I Am the Son of the Son of the Living God.
ALbabe621: if u knew the TRUTH then you would know that you should NOT be cussing
ALbabe621: no you see
ALbabe621: Jesus and God are one
ALbabe621: it says in John 1:1-- In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God
IntoxiChrist: Sometimes at night, They are one, but I am not gay and choose to stay out of that whole thing.
ALbabe621: and the Word dwelt among the people
ALbabe621: meaning that the Word was Jesus Christ
IntoxiChrist: And now I am the Son of the Word dwelling among the people, do you have a problem with that?
ALbabe621: so if u call urself the son of the Son of God that would mean that u were the Son of God
ALbabe621: and we know that isn't true
IntoxiChrist: No, I Am the Son of the Son of God for the four millionth time, you douchebag.
IntoxiChrist: Can't you read?
ALbabe621: yes i can read but i'm telling u that the Son of God and God Himself are the same
ALbabe621: so you are WRONG
IntoxiChrist: I don't have to worry about you people, saving your souls and shit, because that's Dad's responsisbility. So fuck you ALL.
ALbabe621: you are blaspheming
IntoxiChrist: You're being a moron. Who is worse?
ALbabe621: and i would appreciate it if you would stop cussing
ALbabe621: how am i a moron
ALbabe621: ?
IntoxiChrist: Accept that Jesus fucked my mom, I Am his Son, and get on with it.
ALbabe621: NO
ALbabe621: because that would mean ur about 2000 years old
ALbabe621: and in this day and time no one lives to be that old
IntoxiChrist: Yes, that's exactly what it means, I have immortal blood in My veins.
ALbabe621: yeah.. SURE
IntoxiChrist: You are not immortal and fail to understand this.
IntoxiChrist: Also, you're a stupid fucking douchebag.
ALbabe621: in Revalation it says that no more Prophets will be brought up out of the Earth
ALbabe621: how old are u
IntoxiChrist: I'm not a Prophet, you fucker, I just hang out and get drunk.
IntoxiChrist: I leave all the religious bullshit to Dad, he used used to get pissed off when I tried to be some sort of Saviour.
IntoxiChrist: He's just jealous because I would be a better Saviour than Him.
ALbabe621: but if u were the Son of God's son, you would know that you were wrong in cussing and drinking alcohol
IntoxiChrist: No, I Am not wrong. He said it was okay, that I should learn how to be a "real man".
ALbabe621: so... ur saying that ur so called "dad" who is Jesus Christ comes down to Earth and talks to u?
IntoxiChrist: So basically, He wants Me to lead the life that He never got, but He is jealous of Me too.
IntoxiChrist: No, I go up to Heaven and chat with Him sometimes. He gives Me this bullshit about being busy with "the souls of men", or whatever, but He just doesn't want to talk to his Bastard Son, that's all there is to it.
ALbabe621: why would Jesus Christ the Son of God want to live on Earth where the people persecuted Him? why would he want to put His "son" through that?
IntoxiChrist: Why would God the Father want to do that to His Son?
ALbabe621: so u die and come back, die and come back?
ALbabe621: so that He could show His people how to live
ALbabe621: but most of the people didn't believe
IntoxiChrist: Yeppers! Any time I wanna see My Dad, I just die. Then I come back.
ALbabe621: uh.... reincarnation?
IntoxiChrist: Well, I am showing My Love too.
ALbabe621: you have no love in u
ALbabe621: how old are u?
IntoxiChrist: Yeah, I reincarnate, that shouldn't be a big surprise if you'd been around in the 6th century when reincarnation was still in the bible.
ALbabe621: u weren't around so stop talkin like you were
IntoxiChrist: I don't have to show people how to live, that's Jesus' job.
ALbabe621: lol.... u mean ur "dad's" job
IntoxiChrist: Get it? Job? The whale guy? HAHAHAHA!!!!
ALbabe621: umm..... thats Jonah
IntoxiChrist: Yeah, whoever the fuck that was.
ALbabe621: i'm sorry to say this.... but i feel deep sorrow for you
ALbabe621: because you don't know Christ
IntoxiChrist: I think Job was the guy that let himself get plagues and shit so he could prove his love to God.
ALbabe621: He hasn't come into you
IntoxiChrist: Damned right He hasn't cum into Me, I told you I Am not gay.
ALbabe621: how would that be homosexual?
IntoxiChrist: And even if I was, I wouldn't be into incest.
ALbabe621: for the Holy Spirit to enter into your heart how is that "gay"?
ALbabe621: i will pray for you
IntoxiChrist: Having the "Holy Spirit enter into your heart" means that God is fucking you in the ass.
ALbabe621: no
IntoxiChrist: And shooting hot, Jesus-Jizz into your rectum.
IntoxiChrist: So if I was "saved" I would be gay and incestuous.
ALbabe621: it means that you deeply believe in God and He washes away ur sins, and the Holy Spirit enters into your soul and leads your life in the way it should go
IntoxiChrist: I don't do anything "deeply" in God, I told you that I Am not gay.
ALbabe621: that isn't gay
IntoxiChrist: What, stuffing My GodRod into My Father's asshole? You BET it is!
IntoxiChrist: And "deeply", too.
ALbabe621: what are u talkin about
ALbabe621: u believe in the Devil
ALbabe621: and i am ashamed
IntoxiChrist: Yeah, I believe in the Devil, who also goes "deeply" into My Father.
IntoxiChrist: He's such a gay slut sometimes.
ALbabe621: no
IntoxiChrist: No? He's not a gay slut? What do YOU call it when a guy takes it in the ass all of the time then, huh?
ALbabe621: he isn't having sex w/ anyone!
IntoxiChrist: God the Father, Archangel Michael, Lucifer, Satan - they all fuck Him in the ass, at LEAST once a week.
IntoxiChrist: And.... He fucked My mom.
ALbabe621: leave me alone
ALbabe621: u are too much
IntoxiChrist: You're not enough. You need to get better.

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