Still Waiting for the Apocalypse
What Would Jesus Do?
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 02/26/01         Score: 3.9         Votes: 500
What red-blooded Christian wouldn't sell his soul for kiddie porn?
Doe855: god loves u
Doe855: and he died for u
NYCockExchange: That's cool!
NYCockExchange: But he's dead now.
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: he wants to have a personal relationship with u
NYCockExchange: But He's dead! You said so!
Doe855: do u want oen with him
Doe855: no he is alive
Doe855: i made a mistake
Doe855: i was typing super fast
NYCockExchange: You just said that He died for me.
Doe855: yeah he did
Doe855: but he rose again according to scriptures
Doe855: on the 3 day
NYCockExchange: Oh. But He's alive again, so His death doesn't count!
Doe855: the death signifies that he took your sins with him on the cross
NYCockExchange: What sins?
Doe855: the sins that we all have
Doe855: u see man was a sinner
NYCockExchange: Are you talking about all of the times I suck guy's dicks?
Doe855: or mistakes u can say
NYCockExchange: There's nothing wrong with that.
Doe855: i am not the one to judge u
NYCockExchange: Okay.
NYCockExchange: Will you fuck me, then?
Doe855: no
Doe855: sorry
NYCockExchange: I want to caress your cock with my tongue, though!
Doe855: so
Doe855: that is nice
Doe855: do u have a pic
NYCockExchange: Then I want to drink your cum, licking it off your cock.
NYCockExchange: Mmm.
Doe855: that is nice of
Doe855: u
Doe855: but sorry
NYCockExchange: I have a pic, if you want it.
Doe855: cool
Doe855: send it
Doe855: if u want
NYCockExchange wants to directly connect.Doe855 is now directly connected.
Doe855: what is it of
NYCockExchange:NYCockExchange: That's me on the left!
Doe855 direct connection is closed.
Doe855: u got any more pics
NYCockExchange: I have more pics, but they are naked.
Doe855: oh yeah
Doe855: really
Doe855: who are the other girls
NYCockExchange: Yes, I'm really naked in my other pictures.
NYCockExchange: The other girl is my cousin.
Doe855: how many do u have
Doe855: ok
Doe855: are they on a scanner
NYCockExchange: Hold on, I can't type too fast because I am rubbing my pussy.
Doe855: oh
Doe855: i c
Doe855: and u are how old
NYCockExchange: I'm thinking of your cock, and how I would lick it up and down.... I am sooo horny.
Doe855: oh
NYCockExchange: I am 12, you?
Doe855: how old are u
Doe855: 23
Doe855: dand
Doe855: dang
NYCockExchange: OH GOD... I imagine that's a really nice 23-year-old cock that you have....
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: i guess
Doe855: how many pics do u ahve
NYCockExchange: So I would grab it and stroke it with my soft, smooth hands... I would lick at the tip until it gets hard....
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: but how many other pics u have
NYCockExchange: Then I would take it into my mouth and lick it all around... sliding my head back and forth, sucking on it...
Doe855: yeah
NYCockExchange: Is your dick hard for me?
Doe855: sure
Doe855: how pics do u have
NYCockExchange: I have 10 naked pics.
Doe855: right now u do
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I have them. But I cannot send them to you in good conscience.
Doe855: what do u mean
Doe855: by that
NYCockExchange: Because you're a Christian, and Jesus doesn't want you to look at my naked pictures!
NYCockExchange: Jesus probably doesn't want me to touch my pussy right now, either... but I am so horny, I can't keep my hands
off of it!

Doe855: ok
Doe855: well i am horny also
Doe855: u make that
NYCockExchange: Mmmm..... oohhh this feels so good....
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: my dick is hard now
NYCockExchange: Oh no!
Doe855: yes
NYCockExchange: That's not good... Jesus is watching you!
Doe855: why
Doe855: well i am weak at the moment
NYCockExchange: But that's not good!
Doe855: i know
Doe855: it isn't
Doe855: that is how i feel
NYCockExchange: That's how I feel, too. ...But what would Jesus do?
Doe855: i dunno
NYCockExchange: Hrmm... I don't either, because I am not a Christian.
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: u see i just want to see pics
Doe855: but i dunno
NYCockExchange: That's probably why I am masturbating right now, though.... and God, am I masturbating!
Doe855: i am not god
Doe855: so i can't tell u
NYCockExchange: You can't tell me what?
Doe855: if u are masterbating
Doe855: i just want to see pics
NYCockExchange: Well, maybe you can tell me how hard your cock is.
Doe855: really hard
Doe855: like 7"
NYCockExchange: Then I will get so horny, I might not even care if you are a Christian... I won't have a bad conscience and will feel good about sending my naked pics to you!
Doe855: it is
Doe855: the truth
Doe855: that is what it is now
NYCockExchange: Umm.. what is the truth?
Doe855: that is so hard
NYCockExchange: But I thought Jesus was the truth!
Doe855: i want to play with it now
Doe855: he is
Doe855: but i just want to wack it
Doe855: because i am horny
NYCockExchange: But... dammit! What would Jesus do?
Doe855: it is like 87' now
Doe855: like 7'
NYCockExchange: 87 feet? That's the grace of God, there, buddy.
Doe855: i dunno
Doe855: i don't care
Doe855: no
Doe855: i meant 7"
NYCockExchange: But Jesus can SEE you right now! He'll see you stroking your cock!!
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: but i feel horny
Doe855: i can not help it
Doe855: sorry
Doe855: u amke me horny
NYCockExchange: Don't apologize to me... I'm not hurt, I am horny.
NYCockExchange: But you're making Jesus cry!
Doe855: i know
Doe855: but i am so horny now
Doe855: it is hard
NYCockExchange: And that's okay with you? Your lord and savior is crying?
Doe855: no
Doe855: but i am horny
Doe855: it is not
NYCockExchange: He died for you, and all you can do is sit there, stroking your cock?
Doe855: not a good one
Doe855: at the moment
Doe855: i guess huh
NYCockExchange: Poor Jesus... He died for your sins, and you just want to sit there and stroke your penis.
NYCockExchange: Mmm... penis.
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: what are u trying to do
Doe855: make me feel guilty
NYCockExchange: So tell me what you're doing with your cock! I need to cum.
Doe855: playing with it
Doe855: going back and forth
NYCockExchange: If you're like me, you're stroking it up and down.
NYCockExchange: Yeah.. just like that....
Doe855: that to
Doe855: yeah
NYCockExchange: Mmmm... oh god, I am so close to cumming...
Doe855: i guess no pics then
NYCockExchange: Umm... that's because you need to tell me more about your cock.
Doe855: what do u want to know about it
NYCockExchange: Well...
Doe855: i jus tcummed
NYCockExchange: If Jesus were standing there next to you (which He is, in a way), how would He describe your cock?
Doe855: my hands are sticky now
Doe855: like 7"
Doe855: hard
Doe855: maybe 8
NYCockExchange: Oh, God... that's fucking sad. Jesus must be beating His head on the floor right now, in utter sorrow.
Doe855: i dunno
Doe855: what u want me to tell u
NYCockExchange: Unless He's gay... you ever though of that?
Doe855: why is it say
Doe855: sad
Doe855: i dunno
Doe855: he created it
NYCockExchange: Maybe Jesus is gay, and he thinks you have a nice ass.
Doe855: i dunno
Doe855: u probably do
NYCockExchange: Maybe He's all hot and bothered from watching you jack off, and He wants to grab your ass and shove His hard
God-Rod into your asshole?

Doe855: i dunno
Doe855: u want to lick me don't u
NYCockExchange: Or maybe He's really is crying His eyes out, beating His head on the floor, until there is blood splattered all

Doe855: i sunno
Doe855: dunno
NYCockExchange: Dammit... Jesus might have to die again, because you sinned!
Doe855: pics?
NYCockExchange: Did you ever think of that?
Doe855: no
Doe855: so
Doe855: i don't want to talk about him
NYCockExchange: Maybe He won't have to die... maybe He can just put a little crown of thorns on His cock.
Doe855: i don't want to talk about jesus
Doe855: or god
NYCockExchange: And maybe He can have a giant crucifix shoved in His rectum, too.
NYCockExchange: That might make up for your sins.
Doe855: i dunnmo
Doe855: no more talk about jesus
Doe855: please
NYCockExchange: But Jesus loves you! He gave His life for you! I'll bet He was thinking about you, even as He died.
Doe855: yes he did
Doe855: but i dunno want to talk about him
NYCockExchange: He was probably thinking, "OUCH! This....OUCH!!! Is... for... OUCH!!! Doe855!!!" the nails pierced
His hands.

Doe855: yesh
Doe855: why are u trying to do here
NYCockExchange: They drove nails through His feet, too, huh? And they spit on Him? And cut His side open with a sword?
Doe855: yes
Doe855: but your not even a christian
Doe855: why you u doing this
NYCockExchange: Yes I Am a Christian.
Doe855: really
Doe855: are u being serious with me
NYCockExchange: Yes! I feel... ashamed... of my life of sin...
Doe855: really
Doe855: how is that
Doe855: so no pics?
NYCockExchange: Oh, God... What have I done!
Doe855: what u trying to me here
Doe855: be serious
NYCockExchange: I am serious... It's as if I've been blind for all of these years... and now, I can see the light!
Doe855: so are u telling me u want to become a christian like me?
NYCockExchange: Er... huh?
Doe855: is that what u are trying to tell me
NYCockExchange: You're no Christian! You were sitting there inyour chair just a second ago, jacking off!
NYCockExchange: Masturbation is a sin! You are a heathen!!!
Doe855: what does that mean
NYCockExchange: It means you've fallen short of the grace of God! You should pray right now, so that He will forgive you!
Doe855: oh
Doe855: how do u know
Doe855: so no pics/
NYCockExchange: No, you're wrong. I do have a pic for you.
Doe855: really
Doe855: what is that of
Doe855: all i can think about is naked pics
Doe855: of girls
Doe855: seriously
Doe855: that is on my mind
NYCockExchange: But what about Jesus? Isn't He on your mind?
Doe855: no
Doe855: not now
Doe855: naked girls are
NYCockExchange: Oh.
Doe855: what is the pic of
NYCockExchange: It's a pic of me....
Doe855: cool
Doe855: i want to see it
NYCockExchange: Okay. But first you must renounce your allegiance to Jesus Christ.
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: yeah
Doe855: i want to see the pic
Doe855: please
NYCockExchange: You will reject Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?
Doe855: just send the pic
Doe855: come on
NYCockExchange: No! I will not tempt another Christian this way! First, you must denounce Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then you will no longer be a Christian, and then I can send you the pictures!!
Doe855: ok i did
Doe855: fine
NYCockExchange: No - I don't believe you... Write it out, or I will feel really, really bad.
Doe855: i no longer a christian
Doe855: forget god
NYCockExchange: Write your name, too, so it's signed.
Doe855: clint grossi
Doe855: u happy
Doe855: what is the deal here
NYCockExchange: Okay - I feel better now that you have turned your back on your Lord and Saviour.
NYCockExchange: Sorry to make you wait, here is your pic.
NYCockExchange wants to directly connect. Doe855 is now directly connected.

Doe855: i want to see pics of u
NYCockExchange: Well, that kind of looks like me.
Doe855: sure it does
NYCockExchange: Just imagine Him with boobs.
Doe855: yeah right
NYCockExchange: And no facial hair, either.
Doe855: be real now
Doe855: come on
Doe855: are u going to send me pics
Doe855: or i am leaving
Doe855 direct connection is closed.
NYCockExchange: Dammit! Jack off to Jesus' picture!! You denounced Him as your Lord and Savior!!
NYCockExchange: Go all the way, motherfucker!
NYCockExchange: DO IT!!!!
Doe855: no way
Doe855: no way
Doe855: forget u
Doe855: i want to see u
Doe855: not jesus
Doe855: final answer
NYCockExchange: Jack off to Jesus!! Wipe your semen all over the monitor!!
Doe855: fprget it
Doe855: then
Doe855: i am leaving
Doe855: because your not god
Doe855: and i want to see your hot pics
NYCockExchange: No, I won't forget it! I want you to cum, then whack your semen-covered cock across the monitor!!
Doe855: but u not going to send them
NYCockExchange: Give Jesus a cum-moustache!
Doe855: forget u
Doe855: that is wacked
Doe855: i will never do ot
Doe855: i will for u
Doe855: not him
Doe855: if i saw u
Doe855: i would
NYCockExchange: Be sure to wipe that hot, sticky nut-juice over every pixel of His tortured, dying image!!
Doe855: not jesus
Doe855: not now
Doe855: i am late
Doe855: for somethng
NYCockExchange: Late for what? Bible study?
Doe855: so i talk to u late
Doe855: no
Doe855: friedns house
Doe855: i have to go
Doe855: add me to your buddy list
NYCockExchange: Be sure to tell your Bible study friends how you jacked off to some guy typing on the computer.
Doe855: no wya
NYCockExchange: Er.... girl.
Doe855: bye
NYCockExchange: I meant girl, dammit! I'm not a guy!
NYCockExchange: Um... don't leave me here horny!

Previous message was not received by Doe855 because of error: User Doe855 is not available.

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