I think I could record better sounding music [than Deadsy] on an abacus - Syncan
Gospel of a Gay God
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 04/21/01         Score: 3.1         Votes: 68
It's refreshing to know that there are good, gay Christian men among the pedophiles of the world.
mikytsdrummer: yo
NYCockExchange: Hi. What's up?
mikytsdrummer: not much...just searched for people and found you....
NYCockExchange: Oh. That's cool. I guess.
NYCockExchange: But have you found Jesus?
mikytsdrummer: yes mam
mikytsdrummer: in your eyes, have you?
NYCockExchange: Have I found Jesus in my eyes? No. I think my eyes are really gorgeous, but they're no temple for the Lord.
mikytsdrummer: oh......your body is....
mikytsdrummer: do you have a nice body?
NYCockExchange: Yes. I'm taking really good "care" of my temple right now. They say that God is in you, and so I'm kind of jerking God off.
mikytsdrummer: so, your jerking God off? how does that work
NYCockExchange: God is in me, and I'm getting my rocks off.
NYCockExchange: So I am jacking off God.
mikytsdrummer: what does it mean to get your rocks off?
NYCockExchange: Masturbating.
mikytsdrummer: doing that now?
NYCockExchange: Yeah. How old are you?
mikytsdrummer: 18
mikytsdrummer: you?
mikytsdrummer: have a pic?
NYCockExchange. mikytsdrummer is now directly connected.
mikytsdrummer: oooh....are you coming?
mikytsdrummer: oh my GOD.....Your Georgious
NYCockExchange: You think so? That's odd... most people say I'm a fat, ugly bitch.
mikytsdrummer: fuck them.....listen to me!
mikytsdrummer: nice ass too
mikytsdrummer: great tan, and nice breasts
mikytsdrummer: your hair is beautiful, and your eyes look like they have fire in them...and you have the most beautiful lips
NYCockExchange: What do you mean, fuck them? My parents say the same thing. My mom calls me a "goddamned fucking abortion of a mutated cow fetus"
mikytsdrummer: she's wrong, and I mean forget them and what they say.....
NYCockExchange: But they are my PARENTS!!
mikytsdrummer: your beautiful
mikytsdrummer: they're wrong when they say that.
mikytsdrummer: so, what are you doin?
NYCockExchange: Yeah? What else are they wrong about? Next thing you know, you'll start saying that it's wrong for me to have sex with my dad, or something.
NYCockExchange: I just *told* you that I was masturbating.
mikytsdrummer: I'am sorry. please forgive me......
NYCockExchange: I'll forgive you, but it is the Lord's forgiving that truly matters.
mikytsdrummer: what your mom said about you that you just told me is not true, uless she is a cow, and she bore you right?
mikytsdrummer: amen
NYCockExchange: I think she used it as a metaphor about what a horrible and ugly person I am.
mikytsdrummer: but your not a horrible and ugly person
NYCockExchange: Thanks, I feel better now. Let's cyber, I'm horny as fuck.
mikytsdrummer: start!
mikytsdrummer: tech me your methods
mikytsdrummer: what are you wearin?
NYCockExchange: I'm only wearing a t-shirt, Levi's, and a jean jacket. Socks and shoes, too, I guess.
mikytsdrummer: are you hot?
mikytsdrummer: so, why don't you take off your jacket?
mikytsdrummer: sitback and relax....take your shoes off and your socks.
NYCockExchange: Alright, I'll take my jacket off. Fuck, I'll take it all off. Please wait.
mikytsdrummer: ok....precious
mikytsdrummer: take off your clothes then......
NYCockExchange: They're off now.
mikytsdrummer: touch your face and go down to your pussy......
mikytsdrummer: and lightly tease your self, and tickle your thighs
NYCockExchange: Whoa... Aren't you forgetting something?
mikytsdrummer: what's that?
mikytsdrummer: your breasts?
mikytsdrummer: why don't you lightly tickle your nipples and breasts
mikytsdrummer: just sit back and relax......
mikytsdrummer: do you have any porn movies?
mikytsdrummer: are you still masterbating, who said you could do fuckin piece of shit.....stop....or I'll leave you to your self!
mikytsdrummer: I'am not happy with you!!!!!!
mikytsdrummer: Do what your told and nothing else!
mikytsdrummer: now answer me!
mikytsdrummer: fuck
NYCockExchange: Sorry.
NYCockExchange: I got really offended by something.
mikytsdrummer: what was that?
NYCockExchange: You didn't ask God to bless our cybersex.
mikytsdrummer: I'am sorry....Lets pray....Dear god i pray that you would
mikytsdrummer: help this young lady to experience excellent orgasms,, and that they would be many and plentiful....
mikytsdrummer: I pray they would satisfy her needs and that she would satisfy mine. Amen
mikytsdrummer: I'am sorry....I forgot....
mikytsdrummer: I'am just too excited.
mikytsdrummer: are you ok?
NYCockExchange: ....In Jesus' name?
mikytsdrummer: In Jesus name amen
NYCockExchange: Okay! Now it is my turn to pray for you!
mikytsdrummer: ok
mikytsdrummer: are you praying?
NYCockExchange: Our Father who art in Heaven, I come to you right now that you may bless Mikytsdrummer. I pray that during our cyber, you will fill his heart and empty his nutsack. I pray that you will give him guidance, direction, and a sense of peace as he shoots his hot, sticky semen across the room.
NYCockExchange: In Jesus' name, amen.
mikytsdrummer: Amen
mikytsdrummer: do you want to start?
NYCockExchange: Well, of course I do!
mikytsdrummer: why don't you start with me, so I can learn how you like it...All that matters is that I satisfy you
NYCockExchange: ...But God made man to be the dominant sex, and I wouldn't want to go fuck up His will, or anything.
mikytsdrummer: I don't know how to do it, and he wants us to spread the word to others .
mikytsdrummer: he is a kind and merciful God and he understands
mikytsdrummer: don't you want to satisfy him?
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay. So what you're saying is: God is love, sex is the fruit of love, God wants us to spread the word of love?
mikytsdrummer: no not exactly.
NYCockExchange: By cybering? And you want me to start, because I have more experience?
mikytsdrummer: Why don't you calm down, and sit back and relax
NYCockExchange: That's more like it, you dominant Christian man.
mikytsdrummer: now forget what I've said, and well get down to the work of God
mikytsdrummer: he has blessed us, and we shall accept his blessing
mikytsdrummer: so, your now relaxed completely right?
NYCockExchange: Yes, I've been repeating the 23rd Psalm out loud.
NYCockExchange: "The Lord is my Savior, I shall not want...." But that seems wrong, because I *do* want. I want a huge, fat cock. Is that so wrong?
mikytsdrummer: no... He makes you to lie down in green pastures
mikytsdrummer: he will lead you besides quiet waters and he shall restore your soul....
mikytsdrummer: v4 says that Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you should not fear evil, for he is with you
NYCockExchange: Right. I will let Jesus control my typing during the cyber.
mikytsdrummer: His rod and his staff comfort you
mikytsdrummer: that's right! let him guide you, and he shall guide me!
mikytsdrummer: are you relaxed now?
NYCockExchange: Okay. How about getting into my "valley of the shadow of death"?
mikytsdrummer: naked of the world
mikytsdrummer: put your hands on your clit and lightly touch yourself, but not too much
mikytsdrummer: lick up your juices
mikytsdrummer: smell your annointed oils
mikytsdrummer: now rub yourself lightly and feel the wormth of the spirit within you
mikytsdrummer: do you feel him?
NYCockExchange: Clit? Are we roleplaying? I like roleplaying. Can you be Jesus for me?
mikytsdrummer: all right!
mikytsdrummer: clit is your valley
NYCockExchange: Great! Let's say you're Jesus, and you've healed my brother, who was a leper. And then, I've wandered into your tent later, looking for guidance.
mikytsdrummer: The Father comands you to do what is right, and run your hands down your valley of death
NYCockExchange: I thought ass was my valley, but anyway...
mikytsdrummer: your ass is beautiful......
mikytsdrummer: lets start ......
mikytsdrummer: start
NYCockExchange: Okay - I've wandered into your tent... your disciples are all outside, so we are alone. I am wearing a dirty peasant's robe and shabby sandals.
mikytsdrummer: my child, why have you come?
NYCockExchange: Well, I haven't "come", yet... I was hoping I could "come", with your gentle guidance, my Lord.
mikytsdrummer: My child, what do you require of me? Do you need a warm place to sleep?
mikytsdrummer: Do you need someone to feed you?
NYCockExchange: I am here, seeking your Divine Dick, my righteous and holy Lord... I know that you bear the Cock of the Covenant, and I want you to bring it into my "valley of the shadow of death."
mikytsdrummer: I do the work of the father, and you are my sheep....I shall do this for you.....
NYCockExchange: *baaaa*
mikytsdrummer: ...."you need not worry, the fathr shall protect us...." first we must shed your wool....take off your cloak and robe
mikytsdrummer: let me clean you dirty feet
mikytsdrummer: now i take your feet and wash them gently with a corner of my cloak.....
NYCockExchange: What about your disciples? Don't they play a large part in your sex life, too? Can any of them come in, so you can suck your Peter, lick Luke, or manhandle Mark?
mikytsdrummer: your feet are clean, and you have shed your cloaks and you are naked before God......
mikytsdrummer: they are out tonight and shall be here later, but I think they shall be here soon....patience my child
mikytsdrummer: you can now recieve the holy body of jesus
NYCockExchange: Okay... It is only Your divine will that I desire.
mikytsdrummer: lie down here on this bed of sheepskin
NYCockExchange: *I lay down on your bed of sheepskin*
mikytsdrummer: lie back and relax
NYCockExchange: *trying to ignore the fleas*
mikytsdrummer: *the fleas are only a distraction to the main commision*
mikytsdrummer: now close your eyes and think of happiness
NYCockExchange: Mmm... sweet Jesus, take communion from my asshole...
mikytsdrummer: *I remove my cloak and lie down next to you and my devine cock brushes against you*
mikytsdrummer: *you quiver with anticipation*
mikytsdrummer: you say the lords prayer as you wait
NYCockExchange: I quiver as your Christ-Cock rubs against my own, inferior member, and I place my hands on your Almighty Ass, pulling you closer.
mikytsdrummer: you feel a cool breeze over your body, and can sense the warm spirit of God
mikytsdrummer: I suck your nipples as you hold my ass as tight as can be
mikytsdrummer: my ass begins to bleed as your nail gouge me
NYCockExchange: I think about the Semen of the Savior, and how I want you to cum onto me with your gift of tongues...
NYCockExchange: I ask you if you will give me a Redeemer Rimjob.
mikytsdrummer: "be patient my child"
mikytsdrummer: Take you hands and touch your christs cock
NYCockExchange: "Yes, my Lord," I say, trying to ignore the bustling of foot-traffic outside the tent.
mikytsdrummer: feel it'swarmth
mikytsdrummer: "Spread open my child and prepare to accept the holy spirit's presence"
mikytsdrummer: you spread your legs wide
NYCockExchange: I reach down and feel the Rod of God... I can perceive a small halo around it's head, illuminating your pubes and Nazareth-Nutsack...
mikytsdrummer: i lay in between your legs
mikytsdrummer: I ask you" guide the spirit to your heart"
NYCockExchange: I lift my legs, wrapping them around your Yah-waist tightly.
mikytsdrummer: I shove my cock into your body ever so carefully and slowly, as you scream in anticipation.
NYCockExchange: *SCREAMS*
mikytsdrummer: he enters only a small fraction of your capacity
mikytsdrummer: his cock is so large it spreads you open slowly
mikytsdrummer: "I give you mercy my child"
NYCockExchange: My scream causes quite a stir outside of the tent, and you hear excited, hurried footsteps rush toward the tent.
mikytsdrummer: i pull out slightly and then all of a sudden"My father, who is this mule whom you are fuking?"
mikytsdrummer: "my son come and watch as the holy father does the work of his father
NYCockExchange: Peter, Luke, and Mark enter the tent, asking you this question.
mikytsdrummer: "
mikytsdrummer: "Peter come here and remove y0ur cloak"
NYCockExchange: Peter pulls his own peter out, removing his cloak, and it falls to the floor.
mikytsdrummer: I reenter my cock into your small valley and you quiver
mikytsdrummer: "peter come" and he instantly orgasms accross the room and squirts you in the eye
NYCockExchange: Peter begins stroking his hardening cock, and guides it toward your awaiting lips. "Does this please you, My Lord?"
mikytsdrummer: "Oh my father, please, Help this poor child"
mikytsdrummer: This is a great thing my son. Now who do you my lady wish next to take you?
NYCockExchange: Luke and Mark are turned on instantly, they begin pitching a tent within their own robes.
NYCockExchange: I lay on the bed, looking at the three disciples, as your Heavenly body warms mine.
mikytsdrummer: you instantly ask the father"why are these men allowed to witness this holy act with there cloaks and dirty feet are preasant"
mikytsdrummer: they sit and suck on each other's cocks and the Father slowly slips his cock into your valley once again
NYCockExchange: "STEP ASIDE!" shouts a voice, from outside of the tent. Judas and a handful of Roman soldiers invade our tent.
mikytsdrummer: "NO" he says"you shall wait .Do not do suck a thing in my presence"
NYCockExchange: "THERE HE IS!! THERE IS JESUS, THE FAGGOT!" cries Judas.
mikytsdrummer: Judas comes in......
mikytsdrummer: "AAAAAHHHHHH"
mikytsdrummer: Fuck me harder Father!
NYCockExchange: I stare in astonishment... surely the Romans were plotting against you, and now they have our homosexual lovemaking to use as evidence against you?
NYCockExchange: Startled, I roll quickly to the side, my cock rubbing against your Savior skin. I stumble off the sheepskin bed, and stand.
mikytsdrummer: Judas . Is it not true that you yourself have had this very action just minutes ago with that roma soldior
mikytsdrummer: stop!"
mikytsdrummer: Jesus cried
mikytsdrummer: the roman soldiors began to try to take jesus
NYCockExchange: "No," he states, looking you right in the eyes. "The thirty silver pieces were given to me as a reward for leading them to your gay ass!!"
NYCockExchange: "Not as compensation for some vile, homosexual act."
mikytsdrummer: they too were arroused by seing jesus and the man
mikytsdrummer: their tents were obvious
mikytsdrummer: judas grabbed a sword and chopped of the penis of the roman guard
mikytsdrummer: everyone ran in horror.
mikytsdrummer: only the penislessman remained
NYCockExchange: My own cock begins to go limp, as the terror takes over my body. I fear that your death, as prophecized, is near. "My Lord!"
mikytsdrummer: jesus picked up the penis and stuck it in your mouth
mikytsdrummer: eat this.....taste the flesch
NYCockExchange: Backup Roman soldiers reenter the tent, and take up captive, binding your Body in ropes, and you are led before Pilate.
NYCockExchange: "Pilate!" they soldiers say. "We accuse this man of calling himself the Son of God, and being a flaming homosexual! We caught him fucking another man in the ass, in his tent!"
NYCockExchange: Pilate turns to you. "What do you say, Jesus?"
mikytsdrummer: "Fuck you"
mikytsdrummer: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit, Fuck You.
NYCockExchange: Barabbas looks nervous, hoping that you will be crucified, and not him. He smiles, though, as he hears your defiant words.
NYCockExchange: Pilate frowns. "God fucks those who fuck themselves... CRUCIFY HIM!!"
mikytsdrummer: throw him in the cell with barabbus
mikytsdrummer: barabbus instantly is aroued by this
NYCockExchange: The soldiers lead you from Pilate, and to a cross on the hill. You are nailed through your hands and feet, facing the cross, so all the people of Rome can take their turns buttfucking your Alpha and Omega ass.
NYCockExchange: I watch with silent tears, seeing my Lord and gay Lover on the cross, bleeding from his hands, feet, and ass.
mikytsdrummer: " My Lord Why Have you forsaken me"
NYCockExchange: "My Lord! My Lord! Why have you forsaken Me?" you cry, as Pilate himself shoots a hot, sticky load of jizz into your ass.
NYCockExchange: Suddenly, the sky turns dark, and your soul is removed from your body. Your head, like your penis, falls to the side, limp. The prophecy has been fulfilled.
mikytsdrummer: AMEN'
NYCockExchange: In Your name, my Lord. *cries*
NYCockExchange: That was my first time cybering with another man, praise God.
mikytsdrummer: cool
mikytsdrummer: did you orgasm?
NYCockExchange: Yeah. Would you like to meet sometime? Here is my pic:
mikytsdrummer: where do you live?
NYCockExchange: I live in Utah.
NYCockExchange: Were you being honest about your age? I like younger men.
mikytsdrummer: nol......I'am 45
NYCockExchange: I've been in trouble for my dealings with younger, underaged men... Just as long as you're over 18, it's okay.
mikytsdrummer: um....ok....your weird
NYCockExchange: Why? Because I'm gay???
mikytsdrummer direct connection is closed.
NYCockExchange: Coming from a fellow gay Christian, I find your comment quite offensive.
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