Posted: 09/06/00 Score: 3.7 Votes: 500
Name: Communist Pimp
Dirk seriously has this shirt and wore it to E3. Imagine the looks he got from all the pedophiles there, all undoubtedly thinking, "Man - that guy has guts. I got nailed and I'd never advertise it like that. That guy's got huge balls." Ironic thing is: Dirk's got huge balls. Really.
Posted: 07/30/00 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: hott rabbit 34
With the Real Men and Little Girls of Law Enforcement. These Little Girls risk their lives every day to make the information superhighways and back-alleyways safer for the private citizen from powerlifting, gun-smuggling, acid-dropping gangsters of Los Angeles, CA.
Posted: 03/24/00 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: Jacksonn918
I X'd out the credit card number, er most of it, but he actually gave it to me. Now that's fucking stupid. And if you go to this school, and know who this is, please print this log out and post it around your campus. Also, give it to his boss, since he sounded like faculty or something. Thanks.
Posted: 03/24/00 Score: 3.1 Votes: 500
Name: MrFireman174
This was the second firefighter in two days. Something about this name makes men who like hoses come running. And there's a sperm whale in this one.