Posted: 06/28/01 Score: 4.0 Votes: 500
Name: wertpoo9
I ain't had time to bait lately so I grabbed an old basic one because I need to be able to check daily to see what my own personal worth is on a -5 to 5 level.
Posted: 05/31/01 Score: 4.0 Votes: 500
Name: evrclr83
The pressure to put up my first bait as an official staffer got to me so a threw this peice of shit up just to get the ball rolling.
Posted: 02/01/03 Score: 2.9 Votes: 137
Name: Buldwgz
Bastard Messiah and I did this one together here in Colorado Springs. He did the funny parts.
Posted: 05/03/02 Score: 3.2 Votes: 103
Name: guysunday
Here's a sad, half-hearted comeback attempt. My imagination left with the beer.
Posted: 07/16/01 Score: 3.8 Votes: 500
Name: wv4x4redneck1
Rednecks don't have time for romance.
Posted: 07/13/01 Score: 3.7 Votes: 500
Name: Mrluva757
His profile says they call him "White Chocolate". I just call him "Mary".
Posted: 12/14/02 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: timmygunz572
Like a great boxer, I should have never come out of retirement.
Posted: 06/02/01 Score: 2.0 Votes: 170
Name: lover4u73
I couldn't decide if this was a religious bait or a pedophile bait. All I know is that it was time to get used to getting lower scores.