Posted: 06/08/01 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: genieofalltrades
Nikki was just being a conduit for the Lords word. I guess it lost something in the translation.
Posted: 06/04/01 Score: 4.0 Votes: 500
Name: TetraDragoon
The other fun part of this was towards the end when I was posting pro-abortion testimonials on Christian Singles Chat. He was going apeshit trying to keep up discounting them. If you end up getting an abortion, make sure to mention his name.
Posted: 06/03/01 Score: 3.4 Votes: 500
Name: pologurlcm
She may Dominican but she ain't stoopid.
Posted: 05/14/00 Score: 3.2 Votes: 500
Name: kckn4Christ
This is what happens when you bring your gay baiting persona into the Christian Chat Room. This part is where she tries to convert me or something while I argue that Jesus was gay. In Part 2, you will read how she tries an intervention in a private chat room with one of her friends. Is it funny? Who the fuck knows?
Posted: 09/06/00 Score: 3.7 Votes: 500
Name: Communist Pimp
Dirk seriously has this shirt and wore it to E3. Imagine the looks he got from all the pedophiles there, all undoubtedly thinking, "Man - that guy has guts. I got nailed and I'd never advertise it like that. That guy's got huge balls." Ironic thing is: Dirk's got huge balls. Really.
Posted: 07/30/00 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: hott rabbit 34
With the Real Men and Little Girls of Law Enforcement. These Little Girls risk their lives every day to make the information superhighways and back-alleyways safer for the private citizen from powerlifting, gun-smuggling, acid-dropping gangsters of Los Angeles, CA.
Posted: 03/24/00 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: Jacksonn918
I X'd out the credit card number, er most of it, but he actually gave it to me. Now that's fucking stupid. And if you go to this school, and know who this is, please print this log out and post it around your campus. Also, give it to his boss, since he sounded like faculty or something. Thanks.
Posted: 03/24/00 Score: 3.1 Votes: 500
Name: MrFireman174
This was the second firefighter in two days. Something about this name makes men who like hoses come running. And there's a sperm whale in this one.
Posted: 06/26/01 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: bigcyberman69
The second episode of Who Wants To Be A Dirty, Dirty Whore. Yet again, the pedo gets the honors.
Posted: 06/10/01 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: cpballer71
If game shows were this fun, you wouldn't have to give out prizes!
Posted: 03/12/01 Score: 3.4 Votes: 500
Name: chex8
Remember - when visiting an online friend, make sure that they understand that you're a straight male and not some horny little girl. People...*sighs*
Posted: 03/12/01 Score: 3.4 Votes: 500
Name: snazzywolverine
I'm really honest with this guy, but he still wasn't into the sodomy. Go figure.
Posted: 07/07/01 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: choochewjas72
Getting a phone number always weighs heavily in whether or not I think it's postable.
Posted: 05/31/01 Score: 4.0 Votes: 500
Name: SullyZ2K
I wish I knew how to put the picture up that this guy sent. But it wasn't his cock.
Posted: 12/14/02 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: timmygunz572
Like a great boxer, I should have never come out of retirement.
Posted: 07/16/01 Score: 3.8 Votes: 500
Name: wv4x4redneck1
Rednecks don't have time for romance.
Posted: 07/13/01 Score: 3.7 Votes: 500
Name: Mrluva757
His profile says they call him "White Chocolate". I just call him "Mary".
Posted: 08/14/01 Score: 3.2 Votes: 500
Name: mrkymrk2
Getting fucked with by your dad isn't fun. Getting fucked by your dad is pretty bad, too. By dirtyKuntlove
Posted: 04/30/00 Score: 3.3 Votes: 500
Name: Jenny9956
Fear is the path of the dark side, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to some really hot action-figure sex. That and a really bad movie, a waste of $7.50 and I WANT MY MONEY BACK LUCAS!!! DO YOU HEAR ME? -Sven
Submitted by tc
Submitted by tc
Posted: 04/03/00 Score: 3.3 Votes: 500
Name: KRArun01
Since no one liked the KMSculls log (see? I have no taste in baiting logs anymore), I guess it's time to post something else. Enjoy the mutilation of Devo lyrics. By BugDozer.
Posted: 03/06/00 Score: 3.7 Votes: 500
Name: bengaliplayer
He didn't want to learn about quantum physics as it applied to his dick, so I decided to play the role of a novelist. He didn't like that either.
Posted: 02/05/01 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: ALbabe621
I'm glad I'm not Jesus. Dealing with millions of fucking moron followers every day must get old.
Posted: 10/04/00 Score: 3.7 Votes: 500
Name: Satans Executive
As if the divorce with Satan - My former bitch -wasn't enough, now I have to endure legal action from his homosexual subordinate. *sigh*
Posted: 08/01/00 Score: 3.4 Votes: 500
Name: BeLLa Me 4u 2c
JiggaMan's girlfriend apparently isn't jiggy wit' Jesus either.
Posted: 08/12/00 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: Angelico9
I know I am doing a good job when I scare a pedophile away without even having to whip out my girlish cock.
Posted: 07/29/00 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: Chick3Magnet
Nothing like some good old fashioned crime and violence. Cyber sex is so much fun!
Posted: 05/28/00 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: ScoBu
I'm pretty sure that I'll still be laughing about this log even months from now. Everyone who is a fan of baiting owes me oral sex for this one. Enjoy the pictures in all of their full color glory.....
Posted: 05/02/00 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: bigfatmeal
What 14 year old girl doesn't have a hot fantasy about her driver's ed. teacher? Car crashes, decapitations, Freddy Kreugar....this log has it all....
Posted: 02/14/00 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: n0b0dy88
Darwin didn't suck dick, but he did believe ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. This guy does suck cock and only sort of believed the outdated, disbelieved-by-evolutionists-everywhere theory. I wonder if he knows he a non-Darwinist homosexual...
Posted: 02/05/00 Score: 3.5 Votes: 1112
Name: bigsexy2323
I don't know. I just don't know. Someone shoot me now and stop me from baiting anymore. I'm a danger to myself and others.
Posted: 02/04/00 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: yudhavai
It's pretty long, but funny. Well, I think so anyway.
Posted: 06/06/01 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: Ben Spliffman
Incest is the best, put your sister to the test, then let your dad do the rest.
Posted: 05/22/01 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: Gators sixty
*jacks off, with fond memories in his eyes*
Posted: 04/29/01 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: disyoshi
The moron from Choose Your Own Adventure comes back to me a year later.
Posted: 03/25/01 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: CrAsHoUt5
Here's another sequel. You know you like 'em.
Posted: 04/17/00 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: YourSexyThang69
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing multiple times and expecting different results each time.
Posted: 02/27/00 Score: 3.6 Votes: 500
Name: NMPloyd
This probably isn't funny, but what is funny is that this guy was SO pissed at me for not telling him my actual identity. If you don't laugh, I don't care. I laughed long and loud while making this log. Report_log_length( log->length) :: LENGTH_LONG
Posted: 02/11/00 Score: 3.3 Votes: 638
Name: bigchuck100
I've gotta get that processor water-cooled or cool it with liquid nitrogen or something.
Posted: 02/09/00 Score: 2.6 Votes: 746
Name: RobbyG069
I think he played along, but I'm sure he was stroking on the other end of my modem.
Posted: 02/03/00 Score: 3.3 Votes: 896
Name: PetAtik8
English-inept pedophiles piss me off, but this guy tops my list of Complete Fucking Morons.
Posted: 02/14/00 Score: 3.5 Votes: 500
Name: jimmey1212
A long one. Apperently beating someone's penis into a bloody mess is not offensive in India.