Loved by fat suicidal goth chicks!
COPS - Logged on Location
by: Baiting Rocks
Posted: 07/30/00         Score: 3.6         Votes: 500
With the Real Men and Little Girls of Law Enforcement. These Little Girls risk their lives every day to make the information superhighways and back-alleyways safer for the private citizen from powerlifting, gun-smuggling, acid-dropping gangsters of Los Angeles, CA.
hott rabbit 34: hi
Baiting Rocks: S'up?
hott rabbit 34 signed on at 8:06:23 PM.
hott rabbit 34: just looking for some hott chat
Baiting Rocks: Sign me up for some of that, too, eh?
hott rabbit 34: so ur 12?
Baiting Rocks: Yup. How old are you?
hott rabbit 34: 15
Baiting Rocks: Too young for me, bud.
Baiting Rocks: I only like older men, like my profile says.
hott rabbit 34: ur profile says u fish
hott rabbit 34: and u r missing out soo fucking big on me
Baiting Rocks: I sincerely doubt it, given that you cannot spell the word hot correctly.
Baiting Rocks: And my profile says no boys.
hott rabbit 34: cause u just fucking changed it
hott rabbit 34: im not stupid
Baiting Rocks: I can't be missing that much from a 15yr old boy with forearms like Popeye.
Baiting Rocks: Move on, chief.
hott rabbit 34: no a state power lifter w/ a dick 10 1/2 inches long
hott rabbit 34: a 12 year old wanting men?
hott rabbit 34: BITCH
Baiting Rocks: *laugh*
Baiting Rocks: You don't have that big a dick and you don't lift weights. The biggest weight you've lifted in your life was your forearm up to your penis. Don't give me that crap.
hott rabbit 34: ull laugh when i fucking shove it down ur throat and u choke to death on it
Baiting Rocks: Sweet! Now you're talking my language.
hott rabbit 34: what state do u live in
hott rabbit 34: ?
hott rabbit 34: cali?
Baiting Rocks: Denial. Or California.
Baiting Rocks: Wanna come find me and rape me to death?
Baiting Rocks: That would be SO hot.
Baiting Rocks: Er, 'hott'. Sorry.
hott rabbit 34: well maybe i will
hott rabbit 34: fuck you in gheto ill tlak how the fuck i want
Baiting Rocks: Great, but you won't be fucking me, little boy.
Baiting Rocks: Bye-bye. *pats you on your head*
hott rabbit 34: ok hang on
hott rabbit 34: let me say a few things b 4 im on my way
hott rabbit 34: ur 12
hott rabbit 34: im 15
hott rabbit 34: im not some one to fuck w/
hott rabbit 34: ive been arrested 4 times for one
Baiting Rocks: Right - no little boys. MEN ONLY. That means at least 18.
hott rabbit 34: and 2 i gotta dick the sick of ur body
Baiting Rocks: *roflmao* You're a real winner, aren't you?
Baiting Rocks: Your dick is the sick of my body?
hott rabbit 34: size fuck you im high its hard to type
Baiting Rocks: "I've been arrested FOUR times! Clap for me and tell me how cool I am!"
hott rabbit 34: ull think that when i murder you
Baiting Rocks: That's pretty lame, bud. You get high and look for underage cybersex on the internet. You are an amazing guy. Can I have your phone number? I wanna call you and have hot phonesex with you.
Baiting Rocks: Hehe. I'm so looking forward to that, I'll tell you what.
hott rabbit 34: fuck you bitch
Baiting Rocks: Could you come over tonight, though - I have some shit to do tomorrow and that would so inconvenient for me.
hott rabbit 34: when im on an acid trip u shoulf not b fucking w/me
Baiting Rocks: You're a dumbass motherfucker if you're trying to pick up 12yr olds on the internet while you're on acid.
Baiting Rocks: You know that acid is LSD, right?
hott rabbit 34: i know what the fuck drugs im on
Baiting Rocks: And that LSD stands for "Let's Suck Dick"? So, you've taken a drug that's going to turn you into a homosexual.
Baiting Rocks: Good job. How many times have you been arrested for sucking off some homeless guy in the middle of the street?
hott rabbit 34: none ive been arrested for kill a fag
Baiting Rocks: What's the penal code for "kill a fag"?
Baiting Rocks: How can I be a fag anyway - I'm a 12yr old little girl?
hott rabbit 34: i wasnt talk about you but i dont mind doin time for blowing ur brains out
Baiting Rocks: Sweet! So, you're on acid and you have access to illegal weapons. You're having a good Sunday night, eh?
Baiting Rocks: How long have you been tripping now? Six, seven hours?
hott rabbit 34: i dont know
Baiting Rocks: That's sweet. Are you feeling spiders on your skin yet?
Baiting Rocks: Or seeing things dart in and out of your peripheral vision yet?
hott rabbit 34: yes as a matter of fact i am
Baiting Rocks: Has your neck and jaw relaxed yet, or are you still trying to massage it out every few minutes?
hott rabbit 34: shut up
Baiting Rocks: I know a lot more about drugs than you'd think.
Baiting Rocks: Well, for a 12yr old girl, anyway.
hott rabbit 34: me 2
hott rabbit 34: being as i am on them
Baiting Rocks: What kind of drugs do you typically do then?
Baiting Rocks: And what's your favorite?
hott rabbit 34: favorite?
hott rabbit 34: dont have one
Baiting Rocks: Well, which ones do you typically do?
hott rabbit 34: LSD cocain heroin mary jane i do lots
Baiting Rocks: You do coke and heroin?
Baiting Rocks: Well, I suddenly completely understand why you're so violent and you get arrested all the time. You roll the fags you kill for money to support your habit.
hott rabbit 34: why?
Baiting Rocks: Am I right?
hott rabbit 34: maybe
Baiting Rocks: No, I am right.
Baiting Rocks: Oh, hey - since you've admitted being on acid to me, I suppose it's about time I pricked your heightened paranoia with the following:
hott rabbit 34: i also do meth amphetamines
Baiting Rocks: We know where you are. We know who you are. The police are on the way. Stay where you are.
hott rabbit 34: thats not funny
Baiting Rocks: Yeah, it's really not.
Baiting Rocks: Acid's pretty cool like that, though, with the paranoia, isn't it?
hott rabbit 34: i wouldnt call it cool
Baiting Rocks: Then why do you drop acid?
hott rabbit 34: its kinda hard
Baiting Rocks: Kinda hard to explain why you do acid?
hott rabbit 34: no its cause i am addicted
Baiting Rocks: Then go find a methadone clinic so you can wake up in the ditch in front of the police station, covered in orange vomit with some homeless guy using you as a toilet.
hott rabbit 34: fuck u im trying to get in a program
Baiting Rocks: So, you're addicted to acid, coke, and heroin. How do you afford internet access? Or do you sell drugs to support your habit?
hott rabbit 34: ur a smart one
hott rabbit 34: but im tired of talking
hott rabbit 34: bye
Baiting Rocks: Later, LSD-whore.
Baiting Rocks: I bet you sell your ass on the street for it, don't you?
Baiting Rocks: Are you a homosexual prostitute? Do you have AIDS?
hott rabbit 34: are you familiar w/ the LA blood gangs?
Baiting Rocks: Of course, the AIDS could be from the sex or the needle sharing you do with your gay lover when you're shooting up your heroin.
hott rabbit 34: i am in a brother gang
Baiting Rocks: Which means exactly nothing to me.
hott rabbit 34: and i dont wanna have to kill you for being an ass hole
hott rabbit 34: but i will
Baiting Rocks: *roflmao*
Baiting Rocks: Hey, I'm looking forward to you coming over.
Baiting Rocks: Come on - I'm in S. Cali - you could find me easy enough.
hott rabbit 34: i dont even have to all i goota to is pick op the phone and make a call
Baiting Rocks: Kick -ass-.
Baiting Rocks: Call me?
hott rabbit 34: no
hott rabbit 34: call a friend
hott rabbit 34: in LA
Baiting Rocks: No, I'm asking you to call me.
hott rabbit 34: i dont want to call you
hott rabbit 34: why would i call you?
Baiting Rocks: So you could tell me what a dirty slut I am before you kill me?
hott rabbit 34: not worth the phone bill
hott rabbit 34: now bye
Baiting Rocks: But I'm worth the 29-cent bullet you want to put in my head
Baiting Rocks: ?
hott rabbit 34: yes
Baiting Rocks: Weird.
hott rabbit 34: bye
Baiting Rocks: What kind of gun do you have? Which one will you shoot me with?
hott rabbit 34: i have an uzi an AK 47 and 45 a .9 an SKS and several german assualt rifels
hott rabbit 34: now BYE
Baiting Rocks: Man! You must be really rich to have all those weapons AND support a three-tiered addictive drug habit.
Baiting Rocks: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Baiting Rocks: Treehorn treats objects like women, man!
hott rabbit 34: i know cheaper whores
Baiting Rocks: I'm sure you do.
Baiting Rocks: Like yourself, I'm sure.
Baiting Rocks: How much does a trick from your ass cost? Like $10?
hott rabbit 34: you are very smart
Baiting Rocks: Sweet!
Baiting Rocks: Yeah - I figured out that you've been lying about everything from the beginning, including being 15.
hott rabbit 34: and how is that?
Baiting Rocks: You don't have any assault rifles, you're probably not on drugs, and you don't belong to a gang.
Baiting Rocks: Because a person on acid wouldn't broadcast it to a stranger because of the heightened paranoia. You'd be afraid I was a cop, which I am.
hott rabbit 34: what u dont realize is when u have been 8 balling your brain basically goes dead and i just now realized u could b a cop
Baiting Rocks: So, you're too dumb to even think that I'm a cop, but I'm supposed to believe that you know how to find me in S. Cali?
hott rabbit 34: i may b high but i have a friend in LA on speeddial and i can call him and tell him to take care of you and i dont even have to egt up
Baiting Rocks: I'll tell you right now - LAPD, sub-station 16 - just ask for Lieutenant Chavez. Bring your assault rifles.
Baiting Rocks: I'm telling you where to find me.
hott rabbit 34: ur a police officer and ur only 12?
Baiting Rocks: So, you call and say, "Dude - this bitch made a complete ass of me on the internet, and now I'm mad because she scared and insulted me, so I want you to go kill her because I'm too much of a pussy."?
Baiting Rocks: Obviously not twelve there, stud.
hott rabbit 34: no
Baiting Rocks: I'm part of an operation called the Internet Crimes Division - we troll the internet looking for pedophiles who try to pick up little girls and entice them into cybersex and into meeting for sex.
hott rabbit 34: i would say i have this bitch on the net who needs to die but she aint worth me getting off my ass...go bust a cap in her ass
Baiting Rocks: And he's going to say, "Um, ok, vato but I don't know where she is."
hott rabbit 34: we have ways of finding people
Baiting Rocks: Sweet! Well, when you find me, it's going be fun.
hott rabbit 34: bye
Baiting Rocks: See you soon, I hope!
Baiting Rocks: Of course, I'll be looking at you from the other end of my tritium-sighted semi-automatic shotgun with a dozen other heavily-armed cops around me, but still - looking forward to your visit.
Baiting Rocks: We know where you are. We know who you are. The police are on the way. Stay where you are.
hott rabbit 34: do u remeber that bank robbery where the guys had body armer and just two of them help cops off for HOURS AND HOURS
hott rabbit 34: fuck you
Baiting Rocks: Secondly, what kind of faggy gangsta-wannabe has a gay-ass screen name like 'hott rabbit'?
Baiting Rocks: Are you a cute, little bunny? Do you bring candy to all the little children?
hott rabbit 34: its my g/f
Baiting Rocks: Of course it is.
Baiting Rocks: Someone with a habitual lying disorder like this needs to find help. Get yourself into my substation so we can get state-funded rehabilitation for you.
Baiting Rocks: Yeah, I remember that bank robbery - I'm the guy that ended it. Sniped their bitch-asses from over a mile away.
hott rabbit 34: lol
Baiting Rocks: Were they friends of yours?
hott rabbit 34: thats funny
Baiting Rocks: Cuz after I shot them, I fucked their dead bodies with my shotgun.
hott rabbit 34: they were shot point blank in the face
hott rabbit 34: frm 3 feet
Baiting Rocks: That's what they want you to believe.
hott rabbit 34: no thats whats true
Baiting Rocks: The truth, my druggie friend, is that they died at my hands.
hott rabbit 34: they r..were friends of mine
hott rabbit 34: well then u will die at mine
Baiting Rocks: Sweet! Well, I violated their colons with several pieces of heavy weaponry.
Baiting Rocks: ...before and after they were dead.
Baiting Rocks: Their moaning and screams of ecstasy were starting to piss me off so I capped them at point blank range.
hott rabbit 34: what did u kill them w.?
hott rabbit 34: what caliber and make of gun?
Baiting Rocks: I can't believe anyone would like being sodomized by a MPK-5 so much.
Baiting Rocks: The gun I shot them with or the gun I sodomized them with?
hott rabbit 34: you shot them w/
hott rabbit 34: its not MPK
hott rabbit 34: its MP
Baiting Rocks: Do you remember them by pouring some alcohol on the ground and saying, "This is for my homies."?
Baiting Rocks: I meant MP-5K.
Baiting Rocks: The anti-terrorist version of it.
hott rabbit 34: its not 5k
hott rabbit 34: it just 5
Baiting Rocks: *sigh* Yes, it is, when it's configured for anti-terrorist operations.
hott rabbit 34: no its ALWAYS an MP-5
hott rabbit 34: ALWAYS
Baiting Rocks: No, it's really not. When you work with the CIA Anti-Terrorism unit for six years, then you can talk about weapon specifications, alright?
Baiting Rocks: Until then, I suggest you keep dropping your acid so you're that much easier to catch by the LAPD.
hott rabbit 34: when i smuggle them(like i do) i cant alk
Baiting Rocks: *roflmao* So, you do expensive, highly-addictive drugs, you have tons of weapons, and now I'm supposed to believe that you have the necessary funds to smuggle illegal weapons into the country.
hott rabbit 34: i sell expinsive drugs
Baiting Rocks: You do realize that with every ridiculous claim you make, you just make yourself look that much more idiotic?
hott rabbit 34: i make GOOD money
Baiting Rocks: But a few minutes ago you said you didn't sell any drugs.
Baiting Rocks: Are you black or mexican?
Baiting Rocks: I need to radio the sniper which of you to kill.
hott rabbit 34: i am white i hate niggers and mexicans
Baiting Rocks: Whites aren't that fucking stupid, idiot. Stop lying.
Baiting Rocks: Do you kill niggers?
Baiting Rocks: How many people have you killed in your life/
hott rabbit 34: 3 or 4
Baiting Rocks: Oh, yeah - how do you have time to be a state power-lifter AND run all these illegal operations?
Baiting Rocks: I mean, between your acid, coke, and heroin come-down times, and smuggling guns and shit, you really can't have that much time to lift weights.
Baiting Rocks: Unless you're in the penn right now.
hott rabbit 34: no im in my living room well our living room
Baiting Rocks: Are all your homies sitting around the computer, loading their guns and getting pissed off about how badly you're getting dissed by a 12yr old girl/veteran cop on the internet?
hott rabbit 34: no they are smokin it up
Baiting Rocks: Are you loading your gun and getting pissed about how badly you're getting dissed by a 12yr old girl/veteran cop on the internet?
hott rabbit 34: not at this second
Baiting Rocks: So, you regularly pick up 12yr old girls on the internet with all your other gang-members around?
Baiting Rocks: Do they like little boys? Ya know, in that "special" way?
hott rabbit 34: they are not around and who cares pussy is pussy
Baiting Rocks: I suppose. Is he-pussy still pussy?
hott rabbit 34: no
Baiting Rocks: Long response time. Did you have to ask your homies what 'he-pussy' meant?
hott rabbit 34: no i had to find the n
Baiting Rocks: Being "15" and all, I'd think you wouldn't know all the terminology your John's give your asshole.
Baiting Rocks: Find the 'n'? *roflmao* Man - typing one-handed sucks, huh?
hott rabbit 34: no typing high sucks
hott rabbit 34: forget you your a bitch and im leaving
Baiting Rocks: If you have a girlfriend, why do you need to find cybersex on the internet?
Baiting Rocks: Especially from 12yr old girls?
Baiting Rocks: See - all these holes in your story make me completely not believe anything you're saying.
hott rabbit 34: im horny and i like to fuck
Baiting Rocks: Lying coke addict gun smuggling gangster. Your life REALLY must suck.
Baiting Rocks: Well, all this abusing you has made me completely horny. Want to fuck some tight 12yr old ass? Namely, mine?
hott rabbit 34: hell yeah
Baiting Rocks: Sweet - well, let's have hot sex then, OK?
hott rabbit 34: ok
Baiting Rocks: How do you want to do it?
hott rabbit 34: u decide
Baiting Rocks: How about on the phone?
hott rabbit 34: not worth the phone bill
Baiting Rocks: But you make all that money from smuggling guns and selling drugs and stuff.
hott rabbit 34: i can find real pussy for what i would pay for the call
Baiting Rocks: I thought you had a girlfriend. Does she make you pay for it?
hott rabbit 34: no shes out of town
Baiting Rocks: Where is she right now?
hott rabbit 34: new york
Baiting Rocks: What's she doing there?
hott rabbit 34: visiting grand parents for her b/day
Baiting Rocks: Well, that's cool.
Baiting Rocks: I wish I had grandparents, but mine were killed in a driveby shooting in LA by a blood gang.
hott rabbit 34: yeah my boys are good
Baiting Rocks: No, these were a couple black people and a mexican. Are those your boys?
hott rabbit 34: hell no id kill them
Baiting Rocks: And what 15yr old refers to other gang-members, more than likely higher ranked in the gang than him, as 'boys'?
Baiting Rocks: So, they can't be your boys.
hott rabbit 34: waht?
Baiting Rocks: Point here is, I've been stalling you on the computer now for this long to allow the SWAT team to move into position. They'll be kicking in your door any second now. Thanks for staying on-line so long and letting the boys in CompSys get a trace on your line. Have a nice night.
Baiting Rocks: This log can and will be used against you in a court of law.
hott rabbit 34: what?
Baiting Rocks: All statements made herein are considered admissions of guilt and will be treated as such by a federally-jurisdicted judge on the date of your trial.
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